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  • RexGulpRatFull.mp4



It's after hours, and the shows are mostly over, barely any guests have stayed this late, and the only dancer still there is the Rat. And it seems the Rex is in the mood to give you your own personal little aftershow. Unfortunately for the Rat, she's the main after-dinner snack. She's clearly drunk a little too much vodka, as it takes a bit of time for her to fully realize her situation. But she soon realizes the Rex isn't playing around, and intends to send her on a one-way trip. But it's too late, and all she can do is panic. Meanwhile you look on as the horny Rex hungrily scarfs down the unlucky Rat. Just for you~


Wooooo, long animation, holy shit. It's early in the morning, and I need to sleep. Pretty pleased with how this came out, I hope you guys enjoy it. This animation is mainly business as usual, didn't really do anything super new, ASIDE FROM THE INTERNAL SHOT, Which a lot of you guys have been asking for, and I have finally created an internal shot. Hope I did alright on that, I might upload a version without the internal, and maybe the internal on its own as well, we'll see. Let me know in the comments if you want them seperate. 

I'm gonna go to sleep now, goodnight guys. 



Lyra Paw

Best one yet! That internal view was a lovely surprise. Glad you made the stomach nice and cramped.


Fucking beutiful haha, that long pause before the T. rex decided the fun was over, omg and that internal shot, he back pressed up against a past prey’s skull, amazing!


Omg the internal is such a nice touch I love it!!!!! Maybe have one where we see them expire in the internal view hehehe, I love your cruel stuff. Keep up the amazing work ❣️🤭


Suprised the skull wasn't a horse one.

Xytal Riz

Oh my that was really hot~ Specially loved her erect jizzy cock in the internal view~

Sunlight Swift

The best advertisement for vodka I've seen

Gabriel Cannizzo

this is very good, even if i know its your longest animation so far, i wish it was longer still cuz this kind need to last nicely long~ IF its possible in future, multiple character being swallowed by pred one after another or such could be very nice


Thank you, lol. I’ll probably do internal stuff more often now, it came out alright. I just sorta experimented, I think I found a good way to do it.


Glad you noticed that, it was kind of a last minute addition, I figured why not? She was horny enough to lick your face.


That's awesome and id love to see some gore, but I think the easiest way would just to have them sink in the acid heh 🤭


Would have been nice to see one of those skulls as a horse skull... a nice little "remember that time I ate the horse?" momento