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I don't usually post serious stuff on my pages like this, and I try to keep current events out of my content and posting as much as possible, for obvious reasons. But I'm gonna go a bit serious with this one here. I'll keep it short and to the point.

We live in uncertain times currently. Weather you're American, European, Russian, Australian, black, white, hispanic, male, female, you can agree that things aren't necessarily going great in the world currently. And so I'd just like to talk a little bit about emergency preparedness today. Emergencies can happen at any time, anywhere in the world. Whether it's a pandemic, a natural disaster, an active shooter, a terrorist attack, or even just a bad storm or a power outage. And while emergency services do their best to keep up with whatever emergency exists, sometimes you can't call 911, or get water, or food. There are plenty of recent examples of such emergencies in the US and elsewhere.

You don't have to be a prepper, but I think everyone should have some level of preparation for emergency situations. Look at your situation right now. Do you have an emergency food supply for your family? Do you have a water source other than the tap? Do you have a first aid kit? What about extra medication if you're taking any? Do you have a way to contact people besides your cell phone? These are all simple things, but you never know when you might have a bad thunder storm that knocks out the power. It happened to me recently, a bad thunderstorm, and no power or running water for over a week. And I live in a pretty populated area.

If you live in a city, or in an area prone to severe weather events like earthquakes, tornadoes etc, you should be thinking about this even more. And if you live in an area where you think you might need to defend yourself and your family (People tend to get desperate in these situations, and they'll do anything to take what you have) You should probably start thinking about home and self defense.

My point is, everyone should be thinking about this stuff if you haven't already. You might never use it, but if you ever find yourself in an emergency situation, you'll be very glad you have it. It's like having a fire extinguisher in your house. Have you ever used it? Probably not. But what if you needed to use it?

Lastly, I feel like I need to mention the fact that I'm being 100% apolitical with this post. In today's society we tend to politicize everything, even common sense stuff like this. Being prepared is not a political issue, and no matter what side of the political spectrum you fall on, you need to be thinking about this stuff. And if you think I'm some sort of radical right-wing extremist for discussing preparedness, then you probably need to take a good hard look at yourself.

Anyway, that's all I wanted to say. This will be my last serious, non-porn-related post. (Unless things really get bad.) If you're interested in this stuff, I encourage you to look into it more. I barely scratched the surface with this post, and there are WAY more knowledgeable people than me out there. Anyway, back to our regularly scheduled vore.


Jackson's projects

That's why I'm glad I was born and raised poor and in the country plenty of wild animals ,ammo, and seeds, for garden ... Know how to can left overs so they last year's unrefrigerated....

riggs avom

put together a 300$ bug out-bag over last 3 yrs i could grab and run and a other my brother gave me it larger heavier not easy to hide but wow its packed!!!!!!!!!!!!!! emergence food survival rations 2 weeks water filter hand-pump given the chance i would grab both being solar battery re-charger and rechargeable battery an as a American also have firearms thank big brother and 2 solar panels and power banks he inform me to if system are down i could barter the clean water thru the water filter trading clean drinking water and power to trade for thing i need guest that how he is he grow up waiting for ww3 and road warrior to happen yes his like 20 yrs older than me but still my brother looks out for me!

Rasiku Campbell

You're right on the mark about being prepared and there's nothing wrong with a litte reminder here and there. I'm glad you took the time to say this and I hope others have the foresight to be ready, even if they don't think they need to be.


On that note I hope you've been squirreling away supplies, gear and money if there is ever a disaster, be safe!