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  • GshepGulpGirlAnim.mp4



A big dog decides to swallow up a girl in public. Giving shocked onlookers quite the unexpected show. One onlooker in particular gets a closer look at the show than anyone else (You.)

So this has been a VERY long time coming, and I'm sorry it took so long. I've been saying 'big things coming' for a while because this thing has been taking me AGES to finish. This is the big thing. It was pretty ambitious to start, and it didn't turn out exactly as I'd hoped, but I think it's about time I released it for people.

It has internals, it has mawshots, it's got breath, it has everything really. I hope you guys like it.

I didn't want to 'spoil' any of it by posting WiP stuff, I wanted to wait til it was done to show everyone. And so, here it is.




I love it!

furry trash

someone cooked here