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The words repeat in your mind as the strange dream fades from memory. Your eyes flutter open. A strange brightness threatens to blind you. You blink once, then again. Your eyes adjust. Two swirling purple ovals dazzle your eyes with a bright pink light. Something grips both of your arms. You’re pinned to the mattress. Judging by the chill, you’re not nearly as clothed as you were when you fell asleep.

Crinkle crinkle crinkle…

Strange. The sound evokes something within you. It’s calming. So are the lights. 

“Are you a baby?” A soft, feminine voice asks you.

You feel compelled to nod. You do so before you can think twice about it. The stranger chuckles and, for a second, the lights dim. 

“Are you little and helpless?” Another familiar question.

That compulsion again. You nod. 

Crinkle crinkle crinkle…

You’re squirming. Not much. Whatever this is, you’re not fighting it. It’s more like you’re pretending. You wonder if the stranger notices. A second later, the weight on your left leg is gone. You wonder briefly if you should use the opportunity to attempt to free yourself. Before you can act, a sudden pressure is applied to your groin. 


You don’t hear the third question, but nod nonetheless. You’re too busy whimpering and squirming underneath the stranger. You’ve never felt so good in your life. The lights, the noises, the intense feeling of comfort. Your moans grow louder and louder until something is stuffed in your mouth. Whatever it is, it’s exactly what you needed. Soon your chin is as wet as the thick padding forcing your legs apart. You want to beg for release, but you can’t bring yourself to stop sucking on your new favorite toy. 

You’re still happily sucking on it when the lights are turned on. Not one but several strangers stand in your room. One holds a frilly pink dress in her hands; two are busy setting up a large pink stroller; while the fourth lays on top of you, her glowing eyes still the center of your attention. 

No matter how hard you try, you can’t get worked up enough to care that something is clearly about to happen to you. You just keep sucking on your pacifier and rubbing your diapered crotch against the stranger’s knee. Even when the light dissipates and the stranger gets up, you still just squirm on the bed. You’re mocked as you hump the air fruitlessly. 

You make a ridiculous sight as you’re posed in front of your mirror. The strangers give you a makeover in little time. Between the frilly clothes and over-the-top makeup, you look more like a doll than a man. After that, you’re stuffed in the stroller, restrained, and taken from your bedroom. The strangers laugh and joke about all the humiliating things they’re going to do to you. All you can do is drool on yourself as your freshly soaked diapers swaddle your aching groin. More laughter erupts from the group as they notice the small bulge at the front of your diaper. 

After you’re loaded into their van, you’re strapped into a car seat across from the stranger from before. More lights. More crinkling. More drooling. By the time the van stops again, your personality is completely changed. Just as they wanted, you’ve become nothing more than their obedient baby. 



Another small bit of content as I work on bigger things. Enjoy!

John Riendeau

Oh a fun time. Hypnosis fun for all!


This is great! The line "you're mocked as you hump the air fruitlessly" really encapsulates the diaper cuck experience.