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Thank you all so much for your patience! As promised, here is a short story to welcome everyone back to my Patreon. Let me know what you think down on the comments, and thank you all for the warm welcome back (:


By: Cowkites

Don’t play dumb…we both know why you summoned me, mortal. Break the circle and free me. I’ll show you what a succubus is capable of…

You can’t help but think back on that moment. The exact moment you knew you were fucked. You’d been warned against summoning a sex demon. Many times, in fact. Nonetheless, you did it. Why? To prove something maybe; at least, that’s what you told yourself before you opened the ancient tome. It wasn’t until Morrigan was in front of you that you realized your mistake.

“Good boy…it’s always such a pain being summoned by someone actually competent. They always seem to know exactly what to do to piss me off. Takes a whole battle of wills to free me of their power…then there’s you…the simple idiot with a spell tome. I could smell your desperation through the containment spell. And I bet you could smell me too, huh? Is that why you were so easily coerced? Or maybe it’s because you know I know, hmm? Your secret? The very thing you were hoping would come up…”

You would be lying if you said you didn’t know what she was talking about. So, in that moment, pinned against the wall by a succubus and tenting the front of your pants; you blurt out the secret you’ve kept from everyone for years: you’re a diaper dork.

Morrigan laughs loudly when you finish. She then looks you up and down before speaking further. “Yeah…that tracks. I mean look at you…squirming against the wall like that. Do you like it when girls are mean to you? Would you like it if I teased you? Made you embarrassed? Of course you would. You’re a total loser. No match for a demon at all. The perfect little plaything. So let’s get something out of the way…when you summoned me, your goal was to bind me to your will. Turn me into your companion that you could order around. Right? That’s the goal of most summoners that trifle with me. Well…we both know that’s not happening now; so let’s make things more agreeable to our situation, hmm?”

Normally, demons cannot alter the world around them when summoned. Morrigan, however, was free of the containment spell. She could use her demonic magic to do as she pleased; at least, for a time. The problem that would soon arise would be that Morrigan would quickly lose her connection to the underworld and thus her magic. She would need to maintain a constant link to Hell if she wanted to stay as powerful as she was. She had a simple solution for that.

“You will serve as my conduit. I shall mark you with my magic and make you my connection to Hell. So long as I’m near you, I’ll be as strong here as I am down there. Understand? That means that you’ll be under constant supervision. My perfect little pet. My precious little diaper dork. That will be our agreement. You shall be my plaything…and in turn, I will grant you the very thing you so desperately crave: a mommy domme.”

Allowing a demon to roam the mortal world is a definite no-no. You were told this time and time again. Nonetheless, you find yourself not caring nearly as much as you thought you would. When was the last time you truly felt good in diapers? Personal depravity only got you so far. You’re sure the demon can detect your loneliness, your strong desire. She’s clearly taking advantage of you. You can’t seem to find the energy to argue against the fantasies playing in your mind. Soon you’re nodding in agreement, your eyes fixated squarely on the demon’s breasts.

“Good boy. Very good boy.” Morrigan says with a level of seduction in her voice she’d not used previously. “Mommy likes it when you behave. So, to make things as easy for you as possible, I’m going to use my limited magic to create something. Something you’ll love as much as you’ll love me. Watch…” Morrigan removes her right hand from your shoulder and raises it above you. You watch with wide eyes as dark plumes of smoke begin to spill from her fingers. A burst of flame shoots from her palm. You blink. The intense heat from the spell threatens to overwhelm you; but, in a moment, it’s gone. “This will serve as the center of our new bond. Excited?”

You nod again, your gaze set upon the poofy diaper in Morrigan’s hand.

The demon unfolds the garment in front of you. Every inch of your body feels as if it is on fire as you watch. Not only is the diaper incredibly thick, but the words Demon’s Diaper Dork are written on the butt in bold lettering. “Once you’re taped securely in this, you won’t ever be able to resist me and my magic again…not that you currently can…but this will amplify things by an incredible degree. You’ll lose every bit of dignity you have left as you happily drool all over yourself and crawl around like a silly little baby. Most importantly, you’ll be compelled to obey me and my commands. No more being naughty…unless mommy wants it. Think you can handle that?”

Morrigan doesn’t wait for you to answer; instead, she points to your bed with a smirk. You find yourself obeying without too much hesitation. You know that your life will be completely changed forever should you allow yourself to be diapered by her. Some part of you wants to resist, but the urge just isn’t strong enough. Your legs begin to move on their own and, before you know it, you’re naked on your back.

“Already so well behaved…you’d do anything to be diapered by a cute girl, huh? Well…once I’ve got you pampered, you literally will do anything. You’ll be the first of my conquests. Diapered, dolled up, and restrained. The perfect little plaything. I don’t think I’ll ever tire of toying with you. Not that you’ll mind…” She continues talking as she slips the diaper under your raised rear. Your cock points directly upward as she powders your crotch. Every movement and random touch threatens to drive you wild, but you resist the urge to lose control. “...once this is on you, things will be very different. You’ll love being my diaper dork, but we’ll see how you feel about being my connection to Hell. The very nature of the connection will slowly corrupt you. I’m not just taking your adulthood, loser…your very humanity will be going with it.”

When the last tape is secured in place, it feels as if your entire body is being wracked with pleasure. No amount of squirming or vocalizing can get the sensation to ease up. Morrigan watches you with devilish delight, occasionally squeezing your diapered crotch as you writhe on the bed.

“Good little loser…enjoy yourself as you give in to my power. You’ll learn to love this sensation. Nothing will ever come as close or as good as obeying me will feel. Feel free to whimper mommy as you cum. It’ll strengthen our bond as well as get you ready for your new life…of course, your orgasms will be few and far between. They’re the very thing I’ll be needing to grow in power so the more pent up you’ll be, the better. That itty bitty cock of yours will grow so used to straining against the soggy material of your soaked diapers. It’s honestly hilarious that you’re still a virgin at this age. I’ll make sure your pathetic loads only ever get spent in thick padding. You’ll be so painfully horny all the time. Mommy’s body will drive you insane and all you’ll be able to do is fruitlessly hump the stuffies in the playpen I’ll keep you in. Doesn’t that sound wonderful, baby?”

You’re too horny to focus on the words being said. Even if you could process them, the intense pleasure you’re going through is simply too much to be able to do anything but squirm in front of Morrigan on the bed. She continues to mock and tease you as the intense pleasure builds, only adding to your elation. By the time your cock begins to twitch, drool coats your chin. You can barely form a coherent word as you orgasm. Nonetheless, you attempt to say mommy just as commanded. You start to cry as you experience the most powerful and longest orgasm you’ve ever felt.

“That’s it…I can feel our bond now…and my connection to Hell is stronger than ever. Pitiful human…you’ve all but doomed your race just to be my little diaper dork. Remember to smile when mommy has you on a leash in front of the world leaders. I’m sure everyone will want to know the loser who traded in their freedom for a lifetime of pampered pleasure…”



Great stuff! Excited to hear about what daily life becomes for our hero!

Midnight Blues

Omg, this was good! Welcome back!