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With Hazel's attention momentarily drawn to you, you decide to make the best of the situation and give Jane some much needed time. You look around you for something, anything that might help. Besides some random changing supplies, toys, and stuffed animals; there's little that can be used. Thankfully, you have an idea. As quick as you can, you grab a box of wipes from a nearby table and throw it at Hazel. She manages to knock the box out of the air with her hands, but doing so causes the powder to tumble free of her grip. The bottle hits the ground and an explosion of powder erupts from it. Hazel is caught dead center in the blast and is soon coughing as the calming powder fills her lungs.

Jane, meanwhile, stumbles backward and manages to avoid the majority of the powder. The two of you watch as Hazel slowly starts to lose her edge. No longer is the older woman attempting to wrestle Jane and yourself into submission. No, she's far too busy processing what's going on. The once menacing Hazel can barely move, as she looks to you and Jane; the only two people standing; for guidance.

"She's docile now. Harmless. We're pretty much free to go now," says Jane. She then stifles a cough before steadying herself on a nearby counter. "I definitely inhaled some of the powder, but it shouldn't be a problem. I can feel the urge to give in like Hazel here, but I can fight it. And speaking of…" Jane turns to Hazel and gently pats her head. "Why don't you go lay down on a cot like little Kevin here. Be sure to watch the stickers!" She says to the woman in a singsong voice.

Hazel immediately obeys and tries to crawl over to the cots. The powder has left her weak, so she can barely move far. The two of you gently help the docile woman onto the cot. It isn't long before she's snoozing alongside Kevin. The two of you wait, just to be certain that Hazel won't wake and tattle. The both of you breathe a deep sigh of relief as Hazel sleepily stuffs her thumb in her mouth while she soaks her clothes in warm urine.

"Serves her right," says Jane. "Anyone that follows that psycho deserves nothing less. Shame about Kevin though. Who knows if any of this stuff will wear off." Jane then looks at you, then down to your diaper. "Do you still have your potty-training? If so there might be some underwear around…"

You blush, then explain to Jane what happened earlier. This story runs on for a while until you've shared everything that's happened thus far. Jane nods along as she listens. Every so often, she looks back at Hazel just to be certain that she still sleeps.

"Well," says Jane, "It looks like we're on our own. Everyone else is either drooling on themselves or too afraid to fight back. Granted, all of this is kinda over the top weird. Right? I mean, I thought I was having a nightmare when my supervisor started asking me where my diaper was. Now I'm here...with you...in the employee daycare, diapered...with my hair in pigtails...Jesus…sorry, no time to get embarrassed or over think. We've gotta get out of here and fast before anyone finds us with a regressed Hazel and does the same to us. The only issue is that the exits are sealed and guarded. I guarantee you we'll both be bent over a knee if we just try to waddle our way out. So we need to be clever…"

As Jane ponders the situation, you notice a faint hissing noise coming from her diaper. Jane absentmindedly fondles the front of her diaper as she does so. When she notices you staring, she blushes profusely and removes her hand. "Uh...I uh...had to go and the powder...and well, let's just say that we've both been through a lot today." Jane then clears her throat and adopts a more confident posture. "What we need now is a battle plan. We can't just force our way out so...we need to get to Kat. Maybe we can use the powder on her and get her to lift the spell! It's worth a shot. Finding her, however, is another issue. Her office is on the third floor, but she could be anywhere. What do you think?"

Try the first floor

Go to the second floor

Explore the third floor


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