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Heroes...adventurers...they're all the same; glory-seeking, treasure-hoarding, troublemakers. They enter a dungeon, defile it, then leave just as quickly as they came. I've learned much from watching them. They appear strong, but they have weaknesses like any dungeon monster might. They can be defeated. They can be humiliated. And Dungeon Infantile is the place to do it…

Maija was little more than your average low-level succubus. She was scantily-clad in an armored bikini top and skirt. The actual armor itself didn't do much. Succubi were typically more reliant on their wiles than any physical defense. Unfortunately for Maija, as low level as she was, there was very little she could do in that department. Her pheromones weren't particularly strong, her aura was weak, and her draining ability had an incredibly short range. Any actual combat would end with her being the loser. Maija knew that much. Which was why she had made her way to Dungeon Infantile. Rumors led her to believe that it would be the perfect place to hone her skills. A place where even the dungeon itself worked against the heroes that plundered it. Perhaps, for once, Maija might experience victory.

The young succubus spent just a day in Dungeon Infantile before she came across her first potential victim. Much like the dungeon itself, the adventurer looked powerful. A young knight in full plate. His eyes shone brightly through the thin slit in his helm. A group of three other adventurers followed shortly behind him in the shadows. They all looked capable enough. A mage, a rogue, and a cleric. Together, they formed a full and strong party. Maija felt disheartened at first, but remembered that the dungeon was infamous for a reason. No matter how strong they looked, they would be defeated in the end. All that mattered was that Maija was there to witness it. Perhaps she'd even grow in power if she played her cards right. With that in mind, Maija kept to the shadows and stalked the party. She waited patiently as they made their way down into the depths of the dungeon. Time and again the denizens of the dungeon were thwarted. Maija almost lost hope. Then things started to get strange…

Rough stone walls gave way to something more smooth and cutely decorated. The floor squished down ever so slightly beneath Maija's feet. Even the creatures looked and acted differently. Maija hadn't bothered to venture so deep when she had arrived. She had no idea that the dungeon would change so drastically. Since when did gorgons turn adventurers into sleepy playthings? Why were the traps non-lethal? It made no sense to her. Nonetheless, she continued to follow the party. Maija kept one eye on the dungeon around her, eager to see what other surprises it had in store. She didn't have to wait long…


Kayden stood with his back to his fellow party members, his sword drawn. A number of shadowy figures circled the party. They giggled to themselves as they danced and sang. Their pink glowing eyes bounced up and down in the dark.

"Shades!" declared Aizina, the party mage.

"Correct," said Jasper, their devout cleric. "Although these are acting differently than the rest I've seen. They aren't normally so...playful."

The rogue, Vraysr, groaned aloud. "Are they really singing nursery rhymes right now? This is so weird…"

The valiant knight Kayden stood his ground, unafraid of the shades and their strange behavior. He swung his sword in a wide horizontal arc. Two of the shades were hit, though they did not react. The blade merely cut through their shadowy forms as if they were made of smoke. Kayden cursed under his breath and swung again much to the same affect. "Not even my enchanted blade can harm them," Kayden announced. "Mage! Tell me you have something for this."

Aizina smirked, her spellbook already open in her hand. "Trust me, I'm already on it. But we need to move, these shades are closing in. Whatever they have planned, it's going to happen soon."

Vrasyr motioned to Kayden, a small gesture to be ready. With a flick of their wrist, the rogue unleashed a barrage of smoke bombs upon the soft floor beneath them. A few bounced away harmlessly, but a few managed to go off and conceal the party in a dark fog. After that, there was silence. The shades had stopped their singing. They searched for the party in the large chamber, unaware of the retreating footsteps down several of the hallways that connected to the room.

The party had, momentarily and unknowingly, split in the smoke-filled room. Kayden, the lone-wolf hero of renown, cared not. He had only joined up with the band of three after they had stumbled across each other near the dungeon entrance. They had proven useful, but were nothing when compared to his own experience and prowess. So, when Kayden spotted a slim figure at the end of the hall, he raised his sword arm without fear. "Reveal yourself," commanded Kayden. "Are you friend or foe?"

From the shadows a succubus appeared. Low-level and seemingly unarmed, she looked even weaker than the goblins that had plagued them early on. Kayden scoffed, then said "And they claim this dungeon is dangerous. Time and again all it presents are weaklings and tricks. I suggest you leave, creature...before you meet your end."

The succubus laughed. It was long and light. A giggle really. "Is that so?" said the succubus. "You would challenge the great Maija?" She tried to sound confident, but there was a tinge of fear in her voice. She knew all too well the staggering difference in their stats. Kayden was strong and covered head to toe in magical equipment. Maija couldn't hope to defeat the hero in combat. Kayden knew this.

The knight approached without fear. Maija retreated as he moved forward. Kayden laughed heartily, then charged. "You will regret your boasts, demon!"


A pressure plate beneath Kayden's foot had been triggered. Suddenly, the floor disappeared beneath him and the darkness below threatened to swallow the hero whole. In an act of desperation, Kayden dropped his sword and reached out for anything that might save him. Unfortunately, everything was out of reach. The hero tumbled down into the abyss below and to what Kayden thought would be his death. A terrible end for a great hero; but instead, Kayden found himself falling rear first into the soft-cushioned seat of a chair that he could not see. Whatever it was, it hugged his crotch and buttocks tightly. It felt odd, as if he slowly bounced up and down. The darkness made it difficult to see for sure, but that darkness slowly dissipated as Kayden was lifted from the pit below and back into the light.

"There's the brave hero," said the succubus. She stood at the edge of the pit with her hands on her hips. "And here I was worried I wouldn't get my meal."

Without his sword, Kayden would have to make do. He reached back into his pack to retrieve his dagger only to find that the pack was nearly impossible to reach into. Every time he tried to grab hold of the knot that kept his bag closed, Kayden bounced up and down and lost track of it. Kayden looked up, confused, only to discover that he was trapped in what appeared to be an oversized baby bouncer. With every motion he made the bouncer moved in turn, jostling Kayden up and down like an over eager toddler.

"You look so cute in that by the way," said Maija. "I mean, a knight like you getting bouncies? So adorable!" She then raised her hand in Kayden's direction. Her eyes glowed a deep shade of pink and magical tendrils materialized from her fingers. They wrapped themselves around the hero and wiggled their way past his armor to his vulnerable body beneath.

"Wha-What are you doing to me?" Kayden asked. He kicked and squirmed in the seat, but his armor was incredibly heavy. No matter how hard he struggled, Kayden couldn't push himself out of the bouncer. He was vulnerable to attack and the succubus took full advantage of that. Her magical tendrils touched his skin. Warmth spread across Kayden's body and an overwhelming desire to obey the succubus came over him. "N-No! I won't be your plaything, fiend!"

Maija pretended to yawn as if bored. All the while, she drained Kayden's stats and added them to her own. Once a mere level two succubus, Maija quickly rose in experience to her twenty-fifth level. Her armor morphed and transformed as she did so, becoming stronger, less revealing, and even enchanted. In turn, Kayden's lost levels and stats until a number of his magical artifacts were forced from his inventory. No longer able to equip then, the powerful wards and protection spells fell from his pockets and into the abyss below. Kayden the Grand Knight was reduced to a mere regular knight. His abilities and remaining equipment then changed to reflect that fact.

"Kayden!" yelled a familiar voice from down the hall. Vrasyr the rogue dashed toward them with the rest of the party shortly behind. "We're coming!"

Maija, satisfied with her handiwork, quickly removed her magical influence and retreated back down the hall. She quickly turned the corner and disappeared with a blown kiss in Kayden's direction. "Have fun, little knight! See you again soon!"

Between Vrasyr and the rest of the party, they barely managed to reset the trap and free Kayden. The hero looked different than they remembered but close enough that the party was certain it was the knight. Still, the party was taken aback by the sudden change. What was once the strongest hero in their party had become slightly above average at best. His armor and weapons were middling and his stats were greatly reduced. Despite this, Jasper offered a hand to Kayden.

"You ready to keep going, valiant knight?" asked Jasper. "Perhaps if we find and defeat her, we can return you to your previous glory."

"I'm perfectly fine on my own," Kayden replied, his voice a higher pitch than before. Kayden cleared his throat and spoke as deeply as he could. "But...perhaps we could continue traveling together for now...this place is more tricky than I realized." The party wasn't buying it, but they pretended not to notice.

"Sure," said Aizina. "We've got to stick together. This entire dungeon is against us."

With that, the party moved forward and continued deeper into the depths of Dungeon Infantile. All the while, a familiar succubus watched them from a distance…


Kayden kept his thoughts to himself. It seemed as if more than just his equipment and stats had changed. His body had been altered as well. The muscle definition he had worked so long on had been greatly reduced along with how much body hair he had. As discreetly as he could manage, Kayden snuck a peak beneath his trousers. He scowled plainly as he realized what all the succubus had done.

"Everything alright, Kayden?" Aizina asked.

Kayden shook his head. He had no interest in discussing his humiliation at the hands of such a low level enemy. So he changed the subject. "It's this blasted dungeon," said Kayden. "Just what kind of place has baby bouncers and giggling shades?"

Jasper shrugged. "A dangerous one. Which is why we can't let our guard down. Even now I sense the presence of something…"

The party drew their weapons. They just exited a hallway and entered what appeared to be a massive playroom. The floor was covered in multicolored pastel mats. Toys and stuffed animals littered the chamber and a single large playpen inhabited the center of the room.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say we just walked into the den of a monster," said Vrasyr.

"Monsters," corrected Jasper. "Look! In the piles of toys over there...something's moving…"

"Over there as well! All around us…" Aizina pointed out.

Kayden felt his old self return as he reached into his pack and pulled out his mace. What had happened before was a mere stroke of luck on the demon's part. No amount of failure would keep Kayden off his righteous path. So he entered a defensive stance and waited for the enemy to reveal themselves.

From the playpen, a single figure arose. Judging by the magical aura surrounding her, she was a powerful witch. Oddly enough, she didn't look the part at all. Instead of robes and a wide-brimmed hat, this witch sported a diaper and a cropped t-shirt that read: My other broom is a horsie. In her hands she held a rattle that exuded intense magical energy. She waved it about from left to right, giggling all the while. All over the room, toys shifted and fell to the ground as massive stuffed animals awoke from their magical slumbers.

"Kayden," yelled Aizina. "You take the witch. We'll handle these stuffed fiends."

Kayden nodded, then charged forward. His thinner frame proved useful and allowed him to dodge out of the way as several of the stuffed animals attempted to tackle him to the ground. With a primal yell, Kayden vaulted the wall of the playpen and landed only a few feet away from the house witch. "Have at thee!" Kayden roared. He then swung his mace over his head and brought it down on the witch with a mighty blow...that harmlessly bounced off her pigtails. Kayden stared, dumbfounded, as the witch giggled with delight. To his shock, the mace in his hands had been transformed in the last second to an oversized rattle.

"You're silly!" said the witch. "But you'd make such a fun toy! Let's play!"

Kayden pulled his fist back in an attempt to knock out the witch, but she was quicker. In the blink of an eye, a giant teddy bear appeared from a pile of toys in the playpen. It grabbed both of Kayden's arms and pinned him with his back to the floor. Kayden kicked and squirmed, but the enchanted bear was far too strong. Especially with the witch working her magic on Kayden. He could do nothing but protest as a large pacifier was stuffed in his mouth and his trousers were yanked down.

The witch raised her rattle and pointed it straight at Kayden. In a poof of magical smoke, Kayden's undergarments were transformed into an embarrassingly thick diaper. The witch then straddled Kayden and eagerly humped away at his diapered crotch. Kayden, left helpless to the witch's whims, became embarrassed as a small bulge appeared at the front of his diaper. He told himself that it was just because the witch was attractive. There was no way he'd be into something so humiliating. Nonetheless, he continued to remain aroused as the witch had her way. Drool covered her chin as she giggled and bounced on Kayden. Kayden could only hope that the rest of the party was victorious. With the stuffed bear keeping him looking up and behind the witch, Kayden could only hear the sounds of battle in-between the crinkly humps of the witch's diapered crotch.

"Once I'm done playing, you're gonna become one of my stuffed animals just like Betty here!" said the witch. "Doesn't that sound nice? Diapered and stuck in a suit, unable to do anything but obey my every whim? Maybe I'll hump you some more if you behave like a good stuffie!"

Kayden couldn't help but imagine that future. It gave him shivers and caused him to close his eyes in prayer. He could only hope that one of his gods might protect him. When the humping suddenly stopped, Kayden thought his prayers had been answered; instead, he opened his eyes to find Maija standing above them. The witch remained perfectly still, her pupils dilated and her eyes a bright shade of pink. The succubus had a smirk on her face.

"So this is what happens when you drain a great knight of their strength...they lose to a diaper humping witch," she teased. "You can't see but your little friends are still managing to hold their own. Too bad their ace in the hole is too busy enjoying his pampers to finish the job." The succubus gently tousled the witch's hair as she spoke. "Should I leave you like this, hero? Snap my fingers and free this witch to turn you into her plaything. If I remember correctly, you don't like being a plaything...then again, you're actually enjoying yourself...aren't you?"

Kayden spat out the pacifier and glared at the succubus. "Leave me if you must, but know that you'd be missing out on an incredible final battle. A battle you would lose!"

Maija laughed. "Oh? Even in your current state, little knight? Would that be before or after you soak your diapers?"

Despite the overwhelming embarrassment he felt, Kayden still managed to put on a brave face. "Oh so now you're afraid of me! Even in my current state? Afraid someone like me might put an end to your villainy?"

The succubus placed a finger on her chin and thought for a moment. She then snapped her fingers and the witch gleefully returned to humping away. "Fine," said Maija. "If you're so certain...willingly give me some of your power. I'm going to drain you either way. So put some thought behind what you say next."

Kayden squirmed underneath the witch. Already the bear was working in stuffing the pacifier back in his mouth. Kayden groaned behind gritted teeth. "Fine!" he said. "Drain me if you want! Just don't let me…"

Maija extended her arms and her magical tendrils appeared yet again. They enveloped Kayden and drained him of his power once more. Down and down his levels and stats dropped until he was stripped of his knighthood and given the title of squire. Again his body transformed under Maija's will. Becoming even more feminine and dainty as Kayden's strength was sapped from him. His hair grew down to his shoulders and what little facial hair he had left completely fell away. The shiny armor he wore was dulled and reduced to low-tier equipment. It even took on an appearance similar to the succubus's old armor. Even the diaper around his waist was transformed. It took on an even more infantile appearance with a unicorn and rainbow design. Lastly, as a finishing touch, Maija flicked her wrist and caused Kayden to orgasm while the witch continued to hump away.

"Nooooo!" Kayden whined. "What did you do to me?! I-I look like a girl!" His voice was even higher pitched and sounded incredibly feminine. "I-I even sound like one! An...and my equipment? A-An armored bikini top!?"

"And some tights to cover up that adorable, sticky diaper you're now stuck in."

"Wha-What?" uttered Kayden.

"Uh duh silly!" the witch chimed in. "Those are cursed diapers I put you in. They're even more cursed now, thanks to Ms. Succubus here!"

Maija cackled with delight. "That's right. No more pretending you're a big scary knight when you crinkle with every step you take. Hmm?" Maija then absorbed the power she had stolen from Kayden. The once flat-chested demon grew a massive pair of breasts and became quite curvy to boot. Her aura and pheromones were ever heightened in power as Maija ascended to a full-fledged succubus. "And now I'm decidedly too strong for you. The perfect conditions for your grand final battle!" She snapped her fingers and the witch atop Kayden fell into a deep sleep. With that, the stuffed animals fell inanimate and toppled over. "You're welcome, little hero. Remember who allowed you to get this far when you find me next, hmm?"

The succubus then disappeared in a cloud of pink smoke. Kayden was left pinned beneath a giant teddy bear and an unconscious witch, unable to move. That was how the rest of the party found him. And they almost didn't recognize him.

"Are you one of the witch's victims?" Aizina asked.

"Did you see a knight named Kayden by chance?" added Jasper.

Kayden huffed, his eyes downcast as he desperately tried to pull the tights that gathered about his ankles up and over the embarrassing diaper. "I um…"

"Kayden?" asked Vrasyr. "Is that you? My gods she did a number on you."

"What?!" Aizina and Jasper shouted in unison.

"You're...you're half our level now. And your equipment! Don't tell me you're going to keep wearing that diaper…" said Vrasyr.

"It's cursed, okay. I can't take it off…"

"Great," said Aizina. Now our greatest asset is a liability…one that probably will need a diaper change before long."

Jasper punched her friend on the arm. "Shush, Aizina." She then turned her attention to Kayden and placed a reassuring hand on his arm. "Don't you worry. We'll find a way to set things right. And...well...if you need a diaper change, I don't mind helping."

"I don't need a diaper change! I'm a knight for crying out loud. I should be protecting you three!" cried Kayden.

"And yet it looks like you can barely wield a decent weapon, squire." said Vrasyr.

Kayden scoffed. He then climbed out of the playpen, a difficult task given the massive bulk between his legs, and made his way further into the dungeon. "I'll find a weapon on the way," he called back to them. "Let's just keep moving." His confidence was a lie. A strenuous one at that. Maija had been right. He couldn't hardly feel like a powerful foe when he had to waddle and crinkle with every step. Nonetheless, Kayden pressed on.

Room after room, floor after floor, the party pressed onward. The dungeon monsters grew in difficulty as they went. The traps became tougher to detect. They nearly lost Jasper at the hands of a particularly perverted hook trap. Still they managed to continue onward until they found what could only be the boss’s chamber: a huge maze made up of massive pastel wooden blocks.

“Looks like this is the only way further down,” remarked Vrasyr. “All paths lead to here…”

“Where there’s a maze, there’s a minotaur,” said Aizina.

“So let’s keep on our toes. I’ll take the lead,” declared Kayden.

The rest of the party looked at one another. “No offense, Kayden, but you’re not exactly the party tank right now. You’re wearing worse armor than Jasper and you’re wielding a piece of wood you broke off a rocking horse,” said Aizina.

“Yes, just keep behind us until we can get your powers back,” Jasper said, her voice soft.

Kayden grimaced. He knew they were right, but he would never admit it. Despite the changes to his body and equipment, he was still as stubborn as ever. The glory of battle was his and his alone. “I’m not some burden to be looked after. You lot find your own way through, I’m going alone.” With that, Kayden took off down the right-hand path. He kept his head held high and his knees as close together as he could to further hide the embarrassment the diaper caused him. In the distance, the rest of the party could be heard. There voices were low, but the acoustics of the large chamber carried their words far down the halls of the labyrinth.

“...believe them. What are they going to do when something attacks? Wet themselves?” said Aizina.

“Ignore them,” said Vraysr. “They have no idea where they’re going anyway. So long as we keep one hand on the wall and follow that all the way, we’ll find our exit…”

Kayden tried his best to ignore their voices. He had made his decision and he would stick with it. Even if he were running a great risk, he’d rather be defeated as a lone warrior than hiding behind others like a coward. The thought brought some confidence back to Kayden. He did his best to let that feeling build within him until the broken wood in his hand felt as mighty as any enchanted blade. It felt light in his hands and he carried it at the ready in case anything lurked in the shadowy halls of the maze.

Surprisingly, Kayden encountered not a single monster the first hour he was in the maze. It was about just as hard to find the exit. Every corridor looked the same with hardly a difference between them to help Kayden keep track. It was only once Kayden found a wide, open chamber that he felt some hope of escape.

The center of the room was inhabited by a large water feature, in front of which a massive cage sat. The cage was left open, its lock long since broken and rusted. Other than that, there was little else of value or interest. Kayden kicked one of the large wooden blocks in frustration. “Where the hells am I?” he shouted into the abyss above.

“You’re almost in mama’s arms, sweetheart," said Maija. She appeared in a poof of pink magical smoke atop the cage. She looked different than before. She sported a set of wide, tall horns and wore a set of enchanted hide armor. Her level was so high Kayden couldn't even see it. As low level as he was, her stats appeared to him as just a skull and crossbones. "Don't worry...I took care of the minotaur. I absorbed his power and took on an even stronger form. True power like this...you could never hope to possess it...nor could you even hope to regain what you lost, little knight. You cannot hope to defeat me."

Kayden balked at the succubus. Her aura was so powerful that it left him nearly quaking in his boots. The air around her was thick with her pheromones. To even get near her would invite the high chance of becoming enthralled to her will. Still, he was a proud warrior of a long line of proud warriors. He would not surrender or run. "Come down and let's see then," said Kayden. "My will against yours. You will find that I'm stronger than I look."

Maija's mighty wings unfurled. With a blast of air she sent herself up and forward, then landed on the ground part way between the cage and Kayden. She snapped her fingers and a bright pink whip appeared in her hands. "Come then, little knight. Show me just how strong you are."

"You asked for it!" Kayden shouted as he charged.

Maija yawned. She unfurled her whip and struck Kayden about the waist. With just the strength in her wrist, Maija yanked backward and pulled the surprised hero off his feet and hurtling toward her. Maija grabbed Kayden about the waist and yanked him over her knee. She then squatted and a chair magically appeared beneath her. "Oh? What's this? The little boy playing hero just got subdued so easily?"

Kayden shouted and kicked. He struck at Maija's side with the broken wood, but was quickly rebuked by her tail. The tail then wrapped itself around the wood and yanked it free of Kayden's grasp. "Let me go!" Kayden yelled.

"I don't think I will. Not when we're so close to your defeat. I wonder if a mere spanking would defeat you. Let's see!" Maija tugged Kayden's tights and diaper down around his knees, then raised her hand high. With an incredible amount of strength, she brought her hand back down and spanked Kayden across the butt.

Kayden gasped from the shock. In just a moment, over half his health was depleted. Tears formed at the corners of his eyes and an overwhelming sense of defeat consumed him. All the while, Maija's pheromones invaded his mind and made him weaker even as Maija slowly started to drain him. "No!" Kayden wailed. "Don't spank me anymore! Y-You win!"


Maija spanked Kayden again. Slightly less hard than the first time. Kayden was nearly knocked out from the blow. His levels were slowly sapped from him as his stats neared their bare minimum. And as Kayden started to cry; his body and armor were transformed yet again, becoming weaker and more overly feminine. By the time Maija was content, Kayden had a tiny soft dick between his legs. Budding nipples had started to develop on his chest and feminine curves had been gifted to his form. All that was left of his armor was a bikini top and an oversized pink diaper. Kayden, having lost nearly a hundred levels in total, was finally reduced to a level one civilian. He couldn't even wield a weapon let alone think about fighting a monster.

"There we are...now you really are a hopeless thing. Unable to even free yourself from my lap. Doomed to be spanked like a naughty child when just yesterday you were such a big strong man. How does it feel to be a helpless little brat? And all because you fell victim to such a humiliating trap. I'd say you deserve these diapers."

Kayden took a deep breath in, only mildly aware of the pheromones he inadvertently drank in. With each second that passed, Kayden's willpower was lowered until it was in the negatives. The succubus had full control over him and he knew it. Kayden had lost completely. There was no hope for him and he didn't deserve to be a knight. Maija was right, he deserved the diapers. He deserved everything that came to him. Kayden even looked forward to it. The succubus had won. If she had been another knight, he might have lost his head. A spanking and intense humiliation should be seen as a gift. Kayden nodded, then thanked the demon, "I...I deserve these diapers! I'm a failure of a knight! I don't deserve to be seen as a grown man…"

Maija cackled. "My, my. Did my spanking actually completely defeat the little hero? Maybe now you see that you weren't cut out to be a knight. Perhaps...my little plaything, you were fated to be brought before me. It's just a shame you're all dried up…" said Maija.

"Wuh...why?" asked Kayden.

Maija pulled Kayden's diaper back up and allowed the defeated hero to stand on his own two feet. "Because if I were to get even just a little stronger, my pheromones would become so powerful that all that got near me would fall completely under my spell. You, for instance, would probably fall to your knees and squirt in your pampers as you finished becoming my sweet, playful, little sissy princess."

Kayden couldn't help but stare at Maija's breasts as she spoke. They heaved with each breath and looked so inviting. Kayden couldn't help but become excited in his diaper as he stared. The hero was long past retaining his dignity, but maybe he could save his own skin for just a little longer. "I...I know where you can find some more powerful heroes. Y-You could drain them! And...and spare me?"

Maija laughed. "You're already done for, sissy. You're not only lost in this maze, you're stuck in the deep depths of Dungeon Infantile. No amount of bravery could get your little prissy self up and out of this dungeon. You'd fall prey to even a pixie if they caught you...which they would considering how much you waddle...and how desperately you want to crawl…"

Kayden swallowed audibly. He hadn't realized it until she said it, but he did desperately want to crawl. More than that, he wanted to suck on his thumb too. The urge was distant yet ever present. It was if all he needed was some encouragement and he'd gladly act like a baby for whoever wanted him to. "Nuh...nuh uh…"

The demon grabbed Kayden about the waist and hoisted him up onto her hip like she might a child. Kayden gasped as his excited member was pressed up against Maija. His face was dangerously close to her armpits and breasts, the places where her pheromones were strongest. It felt as if his head was swimming, he was so intoxicated by it all.

"Mhmm...sure...so let's do that then. I'll spare you...so long as you don't start begging to be my sissy baby. Think you can manage that?"

Kayden nodded, certain that he had enough of senses left to him that he could do something so easy. "They're probably near the exit now. A group of three! They'll be no match for you."

Maija jumped in the air and took flight over the maze. She quickly spotted Aizina and the rest near the exit of the labyrinth. Maija quickly planted herself at the exit and patiently waited with Kayden on her hip. It wasn't long before the party turned the corner and came into view.

"What the hells?" said Vrasyr. "Is that Kayden?"

"I knew he couldn't be trusted," said Aizina. "The little twerp was working for the succubus all along. Probably summoned her to publicly humiliate him or something."

"Please," Jasper shouted. "He's clearly in trouble. We have to save him!"

The three gathered their wits and approached the demon with their weapons and wards held high. Maija swept them all away with a second strike of her whip, then forced them to their knees with a second. "You were right, sissy. Looks like your friends here couldn't stand a chance against me. Maybe if you had warned them...maybe if you hadn't been so stubborn. Now you'll watch as mommy turns your friends into silly little playthings just like you." With the wave of her hand, Maija enveloped the heroes in her magical energy. She drained them of their levels, their stats, and anything else useful she could possibly take. "You, mage! Wave bye bye to your intellect. You won't be needing it anymore."

Aizina gasped as her robes shifted and changed. The once dark and luxurious fabric was cheapened and made tight to fit her frame. The long robe shortened as it changed until it came to her upper thigh. Once there, a snap crotch formed in the center as the robe completed its transformation into a pink onesie. A massive diaper ballooned outward from underneath the onesie and reduced the mage to permanently crawling around on all fours so long as she wore it. Her intelligence was completely stripped from her. All her knowledge of spells and the arcane were transferred to the witch and replaced with infantile desires. Drool coated the Aizina's chin as she sucked on her fingers, too dumb to care how she looked. As a final touch, a stacking ring puzzle materialized before Aizina. "Solve that and I'll let you graduate to pull ups. I might even let you know your ABCs again." said Maija. The mage looked at the puzzle briefly then stuffed one of the smaller rings in her mouth. She giggled, completely enthralled with the warm and wet sensation that spread around her crotch.

"Aizina!" shouted Vrasyr. He sprung into action as quick as he could, ready to throw a smoke bomb to hasten their retreat.

"Ah ah ah! Naughty little rogue. No more antics for you!" Maija warned.

Everyone watched as Vrasyr reached into his pocket and pulled out his hand that was then locked within a pink mitten. "What? N-No...that's not possible!" He reached in with his other hand and quickly found that one locked away as well. As he stared in disbelief, his leather armor was reshaped into a white canvas straitjacket that combined with the mittens and completely rid Vrasyr of his ability to move. Bells appeared on every strap and a locking pacifier gag magically poofed into existence inside the rogue's mouth. His boots turned into matching locking booties as a massive bulky diaper appeared around his waist. He fell forward with a loud crash and could only flail about as his stats and levels were completely drained from him.

"Now for the cleric," said Maija.

The devout Jasper prayed to her deity for protection. Unfortunately for her, the depths of Dungeon Infantile were vast and entirely protected from gods and their interventions. Jasper, unaware as she was, had no idea that her transformation had already begun. As her stats were drained, so too were her senses. She had no idea that, even as a diaper appeared taped to her waist, her mind and its desires were being overwritten. The old gods that Jasper worshipped were cut out of her memories and replaced with a busty demon with a thirst for power. When Jasper opened her eyes, she found herself face to face with her goddess. She fell to her knees and willingly soaked her diaper in worship. "Bless you, Maija my lady. Drain me until I'm a diaper dependent baby. Grow strong and turn your enemies into whimpering fools."

Maija opened her mouth and laughed long and hard. Her strength had grown incredibly and, with it, her powers doubled as she ranked up. The powerful succubus was a force to be reckoned with. And the heroes she defeated were reduced to nothing. They all whimpered and babbled to themselves as they all fell victim to the powerful pheromones that permeated the air. Even stubborn Kayden couldn't help himself. He openly humped Maija's hip and pressed his face into her breasts.

"What's this, little knight? Do you have something to say to me?"

Kayden nodded, his voice weak and effeminate, "Please make me your sissy baby! I'm not a knight and I never was! I'm your silly little diaper loving dork. Make me your plaything!"

Maija laughed. "First, show mommy how bad you want it."

Kayden nodded again, then grunted. He pressed his face back into Maija's breasts and experienced one last tinge of embarrassment as he willingly messed his diapers. Maija cackled as he did so and gently bounced him up and down on her hip as he pooped himself. "Please make me your sissy baby!" Kayden begged. He couldn't imagine a future in which he wasn't Maija's plaything. Her pheromones and powerful aura had reduced him to nothing next to her. Even his one level as a civilian had disappeared, replaced with a level in a class called 'Diaper Sissy'.

Maija nodded her head and a rocking chair appeared behind her. She sat down and brought Kayden forward, then pressed his lips to her exposed breast. "Drink up, little one. Become the sweet sissy baby you were always meant to be."

Kayden didn't need to be told twice. He greedily sucked down the breast milk as fast as he could, only taking breaks to further breathe in more of Maija's pheromones. As he drank, his clothing transformed further until he was dressed in a frilly pink dress with a matching diaper cover. His long hair was then tied up in a pair of pigtails. Kayden looked nothing like his old self. Even his own mother wouldn't recognize him. Not that Kayden cared. The only thing he cared for was his new mommy's love. He'd do anything for her. Well, anything except fight. The diapered sissy was decidedly a coward and would only ever be in a fight so long as his mommy carried him on her hip. The thought greatly aroused Kayden. After all, he loved his mommy Maija dearly. She had shown him just how stupid he had been to think that he'd ever be a famous hero. Not only was it easier to use his diapers and drool on himself, but it was all he ever wanted. He gladly drank more and more of the breast milk, completely uncaring that his new class grew in strength with each second that passed. Soon Kayden was a level ten 'Diaper Sissy' with a specialization in 'Crinkly Humpies'. He had no idea how to wield a sword or to fight a battle.

It was all exactly as Maija wanted. To have heroes worship and cower before her. Dungeon Infantile was far better than she had hoped. She stroked Kayden's hair and teased him gently as she thought up new plans to conquer any fool that might cross her path. Kayden and his little friends were just the start. She would have a whole brood of sissies before long. All of them loyal and all of them eager to use their diapers like the dumb babies they actually were.


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