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Howdy howdy! It's yet another Friday and that means more content is now available to view. This week we have A Bothersome Brat and Witchy Business (CYOA - 3). A Bothersome Brat is actually our first free to view story since the changes were made to the Patreon tiers. I'll eventually be posting it to my DeviantArt along with maybe a couple other stories you'll see later this month. In the meantime:

You can view the most recent Witchy Business here.

You've been caught by security. You're not quite sure what they have planned, but you're strapped to a chair in front of an old TV. A number of VHS tapes sit underneath the TV and Clara, the head of security means for you to watch one of them. Thankfully (or perhaps not), she's left the choice of what you watch up to you. What will you watch...?


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