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"You putting your bag there is kind of rude, you know? Like, there are other people on the train. What if someone wanted to sit there?"

Jenara looked up from her book to the subway train around her. A preppy looking young blonde stared at her with a sneer. At the other end of the train car, her friends could be seen egging her on. Jenara sighed. It wasn't the first time she'd been accosted for her dark attire and strange appearance, especially on the subway; but for it to be over something so inane was new. The subway was almost entirely empty on Jenara's end. There were plenty of seats. It was clear that the blonde wanted nothing more than to cause trouble.

"Who would want to sit there of all places? You?" Jenara asked.

The blonde scoffed. "Yeah. Me. So are you going to move your dumb bag or are you really so rude."

Jenara laughed. She couldn't help but admire the woman's audacity. "You should really put this energy of yours to something more constructive. But if it's a seat next to me you want, then I have the perfect thing for a petulant brat like yourself."

"A brat?! How dare y--"


In a cloud of magical energy, a stroller suddenly appeared next to Jenara. The massive wheeled seat was more than large enough to fit an adult like the rude blonde before her. It came with a fully packed diaper bag behind the seat and several toys and stuffed animals lined the sides of the large chair. "Alright then. Take a seat. I assure you it's far comfier than this one."

The blonde couldn't believe her eyes. She looked back toward her friends to find them buried in their phones. Their interest had long since gone. "W-Where did this come from? It's huge. I'm not sitting in it! A-And you're fucking weird!"

Jenara sighed. She had hoped to spend the day without having to use her powers too much, but regular mortals like the blonde before Jenara had a tendency to make that difficult. "What's your name?" Jenara asked as she pulled her spellbook from her bag.

"V-Victoria…" the blonde replied, the venom in her voice gone.

"What a pretty name. It'll look just perfect stitched on that diaper bag there," said Jenara.

Victoria was confused. She had yet to fully grasp the situation she had put herself in. "Quit being so damn weird!" she warned Jenara.

Jenara rolled her eyes. "You're the weird one here. I mean really, what girl your age still carries her paci around?"

"Wha…" Victoria began. She looked down at her top to see a pink pacifier with the words 'Princess Victoria' on the shield pinned to her top via a pink lace strap.

"And are onesies really in fashion for adults right now? Makes you look like a baby to be honest. But I won't judge." With each statement, Jenara changed Victoria's appearance. The vapid blonde's fashionable top and skirt were gone. Replaced by a onesie decorated in rattles, teddy bears, and diapers. "Though it does look good with the extra thick diaper, I will say. You certainly know how to match." Jenara smirked to herself while the blonde desperately tried to hide behind the stroller from her friends as her panties ballooned outward into a pair of poofy pink diapers.

"C-Cut it out!" cried Victoria. "I'll leave you alone! Just quit being a psycho bitch and change me back!"

Jenara wagged her finger. "Ah ah ah. You have a lesson to learn. Besides, you look so precious! I'm sure your friends will love to see your makeover. Especially with your cute new bangs and pigtails. It's such a babyish look!"

Victoria cried out in horror as her expensive haircut was magically altered to look like something a mother would give her toddler. "Okay fu--mmmmf oou!" Victoria yelled, her words cut short by the sudden intrusion of a pacifier in her mouth. Jenara held it in place and whispered an enchantment into the plastic.

"You're officially cursed, Victoria. Until you get home, you'll look just like this. No matter how hard you try, the clothing won't come off and your hair won't change back. Any big girl panties you try to put on will poof into big bulky pampers. Oh...and that pacifier in your mouth? You love it so much you won't even spit it out. You'll just talk around it and sound like the little childish brat you really are." Jenara then sat back down and waved a hand at Victoria. The blonde felt her knees go weak. At Victoria's command her legs buckled and she fell backward into the stroller which magically worked to strap her in.

"Nah faiw! Nah a baybie!" Victoria yelled around the pacifier, sounding every bit like the overgrown toddler Jenara made her out to be.

"Oh?" said Jenara, her head poking up to see inside the stroller. "Well let's see what your friends think then, shall we?" With another wave of her hand, the stroller wiggled away from the side of the subway car and out into the center. It quickly rolled backward away from Jenara toward Victoria's friends. The blonde's expression turned into one of sheer terror as she realized what happened. Jenara couldn't help but laugh as she heard the squealing and name calling as Victoria's friends caught sight of her.

"O...M...G...look at Victoria! She's sucking on a pacifier!"

"Is that a diaper? And a teddy bear?"

"You look like such a baby! Is that what you are?"

Victoria, unable to control her emotions, started to cry. They were angry tears directed solely at Jenara, who she stared daggers at.

"Baby Vicky is crying. Someone get her rattle!"

"Does she need some num nums? Did baby use her diapie?"

"Ake eee ome!" Victoria pleaded with her friends, desperate to end the curse.

"I'm sorry, little Vicky. You're gonna need to use your big girl words."

"Spit your paci out if you wanna be treated like a big girl."

Victoria balled her fists in rage and did everything she could to spit the pacifier out, but her mouth wouldn't listen. With every push outward, it would pull the pacifier back in. To everyone watching, Victoria just sucked on her pacifier aggressively as if she refused to let it go.

"Girls! Let's take her to the mall. Bridget and her guy friends are there. I bet they'd get a kick outta this."

"Good thing the baby brought her own diaper bag!"

The subway cars glided to a stop as they approached the station. Victoria's home was yet another stop away, but her friends had other plans. Helpless to their whims, Victoria could only cry and kick in the stroller. When she neared the doors, she threw her teddy bear at Jenara and managed to hit her square in the chest. "Uck oou!" Victoria cried out.

Jenara picked up the teddy bear from her lap and cast one more spell. With that, the bear disappeared and reappeared back in Victoria's stroller twice as big. Victoria found herself suddenly compelled to hug the bear. She did so and then felt an overwhelming desire to push. Unable to resist the magic that washed over her, Victoria helplessly messed her diapers then and there on the train station floor. Her friends noticed immediately.

"Like, she really is just a big baby!"

"Peeyew! Did little Vicky make boom boom? Did she make a big stinky in her pampers?"

The teasing continued as the group disappeared behind the closed subway doors. Once again, Jenara was left in peace. The witch sighed happily; content to know that, even though she used her powers when she didn't want to, someone deserving of it had learned a lesson. Granted, she probably didn't have to make her mess herself; but Jenara just couldn't help herself. Maybe some time in a messy diaper will set Victoria straight. Jenara wasn't too concerned. There were plenty of naughty people in the world. It wouldn't be long before another crossed her path.



I'd love to see strollers make a more prominent role in ABDL literature, whether the little wants to be strapped into a stroller or not (ideally the latter...).