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She's so soft...and warm...and pretty...and nice…

Jenna laid unmoving, curled up in another woman's lap. The taller, older woman held Jenna close to her chest. She stared deep into Jenna's eyes. A soft smile crossed her face as she stroked the younger woman's cheek. "That's it, little one. Forget all your big girl thoughts…"

I'm small...and sleepy...and good...and obedient…

The older woman, Talia, took special care not to jostle Jenna. It was of utmost importance that Jenna's eyes did not stray nor her lips move from Talia's nipple. The younger woman was locked in a powerful hypnosis. She was reduced to a drooling, breastmilk-addicted plaything so long as she continued to stare into Talia's eyes. Before long, Jenna would succumb to the older woman's power. She would grow permanently weak and docile and live only to please her new mommy.

"Go on. Fall in love with mommy...show her how much you love her…" whispered Talia.

Jenna laid half-naked and fully erect in Talia's lap. Unable to resist the command of her captor, Jenna's cock strained against the already slick fabric of her panties. Soft moans escaped her lips and the head of her cock twitched again and again. It would have been a shock to the straight woman had she any sense left in her head; instead, Jenna welcomed it. She spread her legs for the other woman and waited in rapt anticipation for the moment her cock would be gripped tightly through her panties. When the moment came, Jenna's mind finally broke. She orgasmed again and again. Breast milk dribbled down her chin as she gleefully declared her love for Talia.

"Fank oou, mama! I wuv you! I wuv bein' a baby!"

Talia smirked. Her job was done and the act over. Jenna was just another mark for her. Just another person that needed to be put on a short leash for one reason or another.

"Of course you do, baby Jenna. But from now on, you'll be obeying your new mommy, Miss Raquel. Understand? She paid a lot of money to make sure you were made into a silly little mommy's girl."

The old Jenna would have recognized the name. It was none other than her colleague from the university. The very one that had always hated Jenna and the success of her research. The new Jenna understood nothing other than she would be utterly obedient to whoever her new mommy, Miss Raquel, was. Even when the woman entered her field of view, Jenna was unfazed. She even smiled.

"Glad to see it's done," said Raquel.

Talia nodded. "She's completely broken in. Dumb as a doorknob too. She probably couldn't even figure a ring puzzle out anymore."

Raquel laughed. "And to think I could've done this years ago. No matter. She's all mine now. Right?"

"Of course," said Talia. "I never disappoint. We'll just get her in a diaper and back in her clothes and she's all yours to take and do with as you please."

"Leave the old clothes. Jenna will be wearing this darling little outfit when she hands in her resignation today." Raquel held up a pink and white mockery of a school girl uniform. The pleated skirt was incredibly short and would do nothing to hide the bulky diaper Talia so skillfully put her in.

Jenna clapped her hands and giggled. Her simple brain loved how pretty the outfit looked and even more so loved that her new mommy bought it just for her. She gleefully helped Raquel dress her in the embarrassing outfit and was thrilled at the additions of a harness, leash, and pacifier.

Jenna had entered the compound an esteemed, yet confused researcher and left little more than a drooling, diaper soaking trophy for her most hated rival. There was nothing she could do to reverse the damage she'd do to her career that day. Not that she cared. It was fun for her to sign her own resignation letter in crayon and even more fun to soak her pampers at her mommy's command in front of the rest of her colleagues. The soggy padding between her thighs left her so desperately horny and distracted that she hardly even noticed the pointing and laughter in her direction. Unable to cum without her mommy's permission, she waddled away from the university whimpering and whining. It was only when she was home, her diplomas wadded up in the seat of her diaper, her mommy's firm hand spanking her mushy bottom, that Jenna was finally allowed to cum.

"Fank oou, mommy!" She babbled. "Fank oou for makin' me youw big baby guwl!"

Raquel cackled with delight. Her every desire had been granted in one swipe of her credit card. It was definitely a service she'd tell her friends about. Well, the like-minded ones at least...


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