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“Oh, fuck me.” Sabrina groaned. She kicked at the dead grass of the lawn in frustration. “I bail on, like, the biggest fucking halloween party for what? A gross ass house and some cheap vodka.” The tall blonde looked to her friends, exasperated. “There better be some, like, snacks in there or something.”

Her friends, Sarah and Katy, looked at one another and shrugged. 

“Don’t look at us, Sabrina.” Sarah, the petite brunette, replied. “Chad’s the one who suggested this place.” She motioned to the tall, muscular jock that stood on the porch. Chad peered into the dusty windows, checking to see if the place was indeed abandoned. 

Katy turned to her boyfriend, Jack, and snuggled up against him. “I couldn’t care less about that party anyway. All I need is Jack!”

Jack grinned and returned the affection. “And all I need is you!”

Sarah’s boyfriend, Matthew, pretended to barf. The handsome young man had never been one to be overly affectionate; and that was perfectly fine with Sarah. Everyone knew they were both in it for the sex. “I’d say get a room, but we’re about to be in an empty house and I’d rather not hear you two going at it.”

“Would you guys just shut up!” Chad said, annoyed. “Let’s just go in, already. And I don’t know why you’re complaining, Sabrina. You’re the one who invited what’s-her-name so that you can fuck with her. You’ll have your entertainment.”

Sabrina's eyes lit up. “Jessa? I, like, almost forgot! Alright let’s get in. I don’t want her suspecting anything!”

One-by-one the group filed inside the pitch-black entrance of the old home. Sabrina was the last to enter. Not thinking, she closed the door behind them. They were all left nearly blind in the dark.

“What the fuck, Sabrina?” Chad asked. He fumbled in the dark for a lightswitch. “What would you do if cheerleading wasn’t a thing?”

“Oh shut up, mister football.”

“Good one, Sabrina.” Matthew teased.

“Aww, thank you!”

“Can you at least open the door again? I can’t see shit.” Chad asked.

“I-It, like...won’t turn!” 

Already tired of Sabrina, Chad pushed his way to the door and tried the knob. A second later, everyone heard a loud slam as Chad tried to open the door by force.

“Great! The door is stuck.”

Chad took a step back and readied himself for another charge into the door. Suddenly, the entire house lit up at once. What seemed like an abandoned house from the outside, was revealed to be a lived in and well decorated home. The most startling find, was that the living room was decorated as if for a Halloween party. Fake skeletons and spider webs were hung from the ceiling. There was even a table covered in bowls of candy and punch.

“Snacks!” Sabrina ran forward into the living room. Everyone, save Chad, followed her. 

“This is weird...right?” Sarah asked. 

Matthew shrugged. He poured himself some punch and took a sip. “Bring the vodka in here, man.” He yelled to Chad. “This punch could use it.”

Chad reentered the room and tossed the large plastic bottle to Matthew. “The back door won’t budge either. Not even the windows move! Why am I the only one who gives a shit?”

“Like, I care,” Sabrina replied, “but this is a nice neighborhood and I’m rich so the police are like, five minutes away.”

“The place is just old.” Jack added. “Lighten up. You’ve knocked down guys heavier than these doors. We can get it later.”

Chad looked as if he might scream in frustration. Before he could do so, a woman’s voice called to them from upstairs, “Yes! Please. Relax. You’ll be able to leave soon enough.” 

Everyone turned to see a gorgeous woman step down the stairs. She was scantily clad in black and blood red robes with a slit in the fabric that left her legs exposed up to her mid-thigh; in her hands, she held a wooden wand; and atop her head was a wide-brimmed pointed hat. 

“I-Is that Jessa?” Katy asked.

Sabrina laughed aloud. “She wishes.”

The mysterious woman stood in the entrance of the living room and smiled. She looked each one of them up and down.

“Who the fuck are you?” Chad asked. 

The woman pouted. “You don’t know?” She sighed and flicked her wand. The lights flickered in response. “I am Kendra; Grand Witch, Celebrant, and Protector of Halloween.”

“Oh, so you’re crazy.” Sarah replied.

The witch sighed. “That’s not very nice of you, Sarah; especially after all I’ve provided for you and your friends.”

“H-How do you know my name…”

“Alright.” Matthew interjected. “Well I think we can all agree that Chad was right and that we should leave.”

“Leave?” Kendra asked. “But you’ve only just arrived. And, well, I’m afraid you can’t just leave. The house won’t let you, as Chad has discovered.”

Sabrina laughed and pulled her phone out of her purse. “You are so funny, Kendrick. I am gonna, like, call the police though.” Sabrina then looked at her phone for a moment, confused. “What the hell? Sarah, your phone work?”

Sarah and everyone else looked at their phones. Each one had no service and were incapable of making emergency calls. 

“You know,” Kendra chimed in, “it took me a few years to get used to phones, but now it’s pretty easy to render them usel-”

Ding dong!

Everyone turned to see a couple of young children outside on the porch. A girl, dressed as Wonder Woman, and her little sister, dressed as a princess. 

Kendra’s face lit up in excitement. “Wait here! This is my favorite part.” Casually, as if she didn’t just tell a room full of people she held them hostage, the witch grabbed a bowl of candy off the table and made her way to the front door.

“The window!” Katy yelled. She grabbed Jack by the arm and the two rushed over to bang on the glass. “Help! Call the police!” They both shouted. Unknown to them, the children could not see them, nor hear them properly; instead, they looked and sounded to the children like angry ghosts. They ran off terrified before Kendra could give them their candy. 

The witch looked pissed. “I told you the house wouldn’t let you leave! Now you’ve scared off some adorable little trick-or-treaters…” She glared at Jack and Katy and held her wand aloft. “I’ll just have to make some more!” With a flick of Kendra’s wrist, the couple was surrounded in pink and purple smoke. Their friends looked on, terrified of what might appear from the strange mist. 

Katy was the first to reappear. Her old clothes were now gone, replaced with a Wonder Woman costume. Katy and her friends collectively breathed a sigh of relief at the sight. “T-This isn’t so bad. The costume is kind of tight though. Y-You guys can’t see my panties can you?”

“No...not at all…” Matthew lied, his eyes fixed on Katy’s backside. 

Jack appeared next. Much like Katy, his clothes had disappeared. He now wore an elaborate and girly princess gown with pink heels and fancy circlet. His face burned a bright-red as he realized what the witch had done to him; even more so when his friends began to laugh at him. 

“Holy shit! The witch turned Jack into a sissy princess!” Chad said with a laugh.

“Do you think the costume changed everything?” Sabrina asked. “Like, is Jack wearing panties right now?”

Though he would never tell, Jack could feel that his underwear had changed. “O-Okay!” He shouted at the witch. “T-That’s enough!”

Kendra looked at the two of them, a curious look on her face. “No...no I’m sorry, but this just isn’t right. Here, let Auntie Kendra fix some things.”

Jack and Katy yelped in unison as tendrils of pink and purple smoke wrapped around them. 

“These outfits are way too nice looking. You aren’t actually those characters. You’re just pretending, aren’t you darlings?” A wave of her wand and their outfits cheapened. Jack’s tiara and his shoes were suddenly made of cheap plastic. His dress became itchy and ill-fitting. Katy’s Wonder Woman costume became awkward and uncomfortable. She could feel the outfit tighten and wedge her panties up her backside.

“And Jack, sweetheart, you aren’t looking very princess-y.” Jack flailed his arms as more of the witch’s magic consumed him. His short hair grew rapidly until it was well past his shoulders, his features grew softer, and his body became hairless and more feminine. 

“Wha-!” His once deep voice sounded more like a squeak. 

“That’s much better!” Kendra said with glee. “Oh! You two are a bit old to be trick-or-treating, aren’t you? Well...you guessed it...I can fix that!”

Suddenly, Jack and Katy felt themselves grow giddy with excitement. Their eyes glazed over as all of their adult thoughts were replaced with childish wants and desires. Alcohol, sex, school; none of it mattered. All they wanted now was candy. 

Katy lifted her skirt and stared in wonder as her panties transformed into a pair of superhero pull-ups. She felt self-conscious at first, but quickly grew too distracted by her surroundings to care.

Jack was in a similar situation. He giggled as his underwear began to expand and bunch up around his crotch. His dress shrunk just as his panties turned into a thick pair of pink princess diapers. Eventually, the diapers were so thick and his dress so short that he didn’t even need to lift his skirt to see them. 

As a finishing touch, the witch gave them each a candy bucket. “There! Two precious little trick-or-treaters all ready for candy!”

Jack and Katy both giggled at the mention of candy. They were completely oblivious to their friends as Kendra escorted them to the entrance of the house. “Now, be sure to fill up your buckets before you come back!”

“Okay!” The couple agreed. 


“I-Is Jack…” Sarah pointed to Jack’s exposed diaper. The crotch of which had begun to discolor and sag. 

Jack sighed, clearly unfazed that he just wet his diapers in front of all his friends. 

The witch cackled with delight. “Well, you can fill up your diapers too, if you like. Now run along! Remember, you can’t return or get a diaper change until you bring those buckets back full!”

“Yes, Auntie Kendra!” Katy and Jack said in unison. 

The door magically opened as the two approached, then slammed shut behind them as they left. 

“There!” the witch exclaimed, “Now to deal with the rest of you!”

Everyone looked at one another in shock. Jack and Katy’s transformation had been funny to them initially; but now, as they watched the couple waddle down the steps of the house blissfully ignorant of their exposed padding, no one laughed. 

“W-Wait!” Sarah exclaimed. “Please, we’ll do anything you want! Just...just don’t do that to us!”

Kendra sighed and shook her head. “Those two looked so happy! Why would you pass that up?” She tapped her chin and looked at each of them. “I know! You’re missing costumes! Can’t let Jack and Katy be the only ones to play dress-up! But what t-”

knock knock!

On the porch, a young woman with auburn hair  and glasses was dressed as a witch. She peered into the windows, clearly unsure if she had gone to the wrong address. 

“Jessa!” Sabrina shouted. “S-She actually came! She can, like, help us!”

Chad groaned. “You invited her here to make fun of her. Why would she help us, Sabrina?”

“She doesn’t, like, fucking know that Chad!”

The witch’s lips turned upward into a devilish grin. “Would you like me to open the door?”

“M-Maybe we shouldn’t…” Matthew said, “...she could be tricking us.”

“Yes! Let her in!” Sabrina exclaimed.


Jessa looked at her phone and sighed. 

They were pulling a prank on me...I just know it…

She turned and made her way down the steps. Behind her, the door suddenly opened. A tall, beautiful woman stood in the doorway. She was dressed as a witch. Her smile made Jessa blush. “Just in time! And what a lovely outfit. I’m glad someone knows how to celebrate.”

Out of habit, the shy girl looked around to see if the woman spoke to someone else. 

“Come on in, Jessa. Your friends are waiting for you.”

“Oh! Uh...thank you!”

Jessa stepped inside and marveled and how well-decorated the seemingly abandoned house was. She was almost surprised to see Sabrina and her friends in the living room. “Hey, guys. Sorry. I texted you but...um...also...I could’ve sworn I just saw Jack and Katy down the street, but that can’t be right ‘cause Jack was weari-”

Sabrina scoffed, her arms crossed. “Diapers? Yeah we know.”

“Don’t let her close the door!” Sarah nearly screamed. 

Jessa looked behind her and saw the mysterious woman leaned on the open door. She looked Jessa up and down, a hungry look on her face.

“Fuck it!” Chad yelled. “Cast a spell on me. I don’t give a shit!” He pushed past Jessa and ran for the door, only to slam face-first into an invisible barrier. 

“Tsk, tsk, tsk.” The witch looked to Jessa. “What do you think of this one?” She pointed to Chad, who clutched at his nose at her feet. 

“Um...well...he’s okay I guess…”

“No, no, no! You and I both know that’s wrong.” Kendra left the door and it slowly closed shut behind her. She stepped behind Jessa and placed her hands on the plastic wand she held. “They invited you here to make fun of you, you know?”

“T-They did?”

Jessa’s wand twisted in her hand. The cheap plastic transformed into gnarled wood. “That’s why you’re the only one in costume, sweetheart.”

Jessa glared at Sabrina. “T-That’s really shitty.”

The witch cackled. “That’s the spirit! Now...how would you like to help me teach them a lesson?”

A grin suddenly appeared on Jessa’s face. “Okay!”

“They need costumes. Something fitting for each of them.”

“Chad…” Jessa began. “An overly masculine asshole who’s only in college ‘cause he can throw a ball…” She could feel her emotions flow down her arm and into the wand. With a twitch of her finger, the wand fired off a burst of energy and wrapped Chad in Jessa’s magic. 

“He’d make such a cute little ballerina!”


Chad seemed to shrink before their eyes. The once tall and muscular football player lost a foot in height and nearly all of his muscle mass. The hair on his face and body disappeared as Jessa’s magic feminized him. His short hair grew to his shoulders and then magically wrapped itself up into a tight bun atop his head. Her magic then seeped into his clothing. The baggy t-shirt and jeans shifted color and shape, until Chad wore a pink leotard and tights, his sneakers changed into a matching pair of pink ballerina slippers, and a bright pink tutu appeared around his waist. 

Still on the floor in pain from his failed escape, Chad’s panty-lines and tiny bulge were on display for everyone underneath the tight outfit. “N-No!” He cried in his feminized voice. 

“Now he needs to act the part!” Kendra said as she added her magic to Jessa’s.

Chad’s eyes glazed over and he grinned from ear to ear as his mind was emptied of all save for his newfound love of ballet. “I-I mean...I’m a pretty little sissy ballerina! Would you like to see me dance?” Chad quickly stood and pranced back to his friends. He twirled on his feet and danced to a tune only he could hear. 

“Chad, like, snap out of it!” Sabrina grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him, but Chad slipped free and continued to twirl around them. “I love dancing! Look at me! Aren’t I such a pretty little sissy ballerina? I love my tutu, Miss Jessa!”

Sabrina turned to Jessa, enraged. She grabbed Jessa by the robe and pressed her up against a wall. “Change him back right now, you little bitch!”

Normally, Jessa would’ve done anything the angry cheer captain told her to do; instead, Jessa pushed Sabrina back and pointed her wand at her. “Sabrina...a rich little queen bee with no brains! How’d you like to be...well...the opposite of that?”

Jessa’s magic enveloped Sabrina. The tall blonde watched in horror as Jessa reduced her cup-size with each passing second. She lost her curvy, womanly figure and became more scrawny. The expensive, designer dress she wore changed into a cheap cotton t-shirt and denim skirt. The fancy four-inch heels on her feet changed into a pair of pink light-up sneakers. Her long, perfectly straight hair became frizzy and tied itself up into a pigtails. Braces materialized in her mouth. Acne formed on her face. Sabrina gasped as her vision suddenly became terrible and a pair of square-framed glasses appeared on her face. 

“Wha-What did you do to my pwetty clotheth! AH! M-My voith! I, like, have a wisp?!” Sabrina screeched. She bolted to a full-length mirror in the hallway and began to panic as her changes sunk in. “No! I-I look like such a dweeb!”

A bolt of magic surged from Kendra’s fingertips and into Sabrina. “And now you think and talk like one too!” Sabrina immediately became more calm. Her mannerisms and posture changed noticeably as her old confidence disappeared from her completely. 

Jessa cackled with delight. She stood behind Sabrina and lifted the back of the nerdy girl’s skirt. Jessa had expected some fancy lace panties, but it appeared that her magic changed even what she could not see. Sabrina yelped as Jessa exposed her cotton pastel yellow horse panties.

“You would be a horse girl, you little nerd!” She teased.

“I-I just wike them ith all!”

“Sure...well, why don’t we show them off if you love them so much?” Jessa slipped her hands down the elastic waistband of Sabrina’s skirt and yanked her childish panties upward. Sabrina yelped as the cheap cotton wedged itself between her butt cheeks. “Noooooooo! Everyone will thee my pantieth!”

“That’s the idea!”

Another yank from Jessa and Sabrina was forced to stand on her tippy-toes. She began to cry as her panties stretched far more than she ever thought they could. Then, just when the once popular cheerleader thought things couldn’t get any worse, Sabrina felt the crotch of her panties grow warm. 


“Oh my god…” Sarah said in shock. “S-Sabrina’s peeing herself.”

“Noooooooo!” Sabrina could only watch in horror as pee trickled down her thighs. 

“I should have pegged you for a girl that wets herself. Well don’t worry! I can fix that!” Jessa waved her wand and Sabrina’s panties began to recede back down to her waist. The nerdy girl’s skirt pushed out slightly as a massive diaper poofed out underneath. Sabrina blubbered like a baby as the massive diaper pushed out past the skirt and gave everyone a clear view of the pink ponies that decorated the babyish padding. 

Utterly defeated, Sabrina slumped to the ground. Her diapers were so thick that she wouldn’t be able to properly stand when she finally decided to. The nerdy girl whimpered as her legs were forced apart from the padding. She was helpless but to display her diapers to the world. 

Jessa then turned to Matthew and Sarah, a crazed look on her face

“Alright, Jessa.” Matthew said. “You got your revenge. Chad and Sabrina probably deserved it.”

“Y-Yeah!” Sarah added. “We didn’t do anything. We should just go!”

“Didn’t do anything?!” Jessa asked with a sneer. “Hmmm...maybe...nothing directly. But I’m having too much fun!”

“Good little witch!” Kendra praised her.

“Matthew and Sarah...both of you are a bit slutty, aren’t you? Matthew’s always been the dominant one though. Let’s switch things up! A couples costume would be perfect! Mommy Sarah and sissy baby Matthew!”

“N-No! Wait!” Matthew cried as Jessa pointed her wand at him. 

With a burst of light from Jessa’s wand, Matthew became dazed and fell backward onto his butt. 



The plastic of a disposable diaper poked out the waist of his jeans. The thick padding continued to expand around his waist until it felt like his pants might burst. Just before the pressure would become too much, his pants disappeared and his thick pink diapers were exposed. His favorite shirt, a tight t-shirt with an obscure band on the front, changed color until it was a bright pink. The band logo shifted and transformed into sparkly pink bubble letters that spelled out ‘Sissy Baby’. The shirt then stretched down his diaper. Snaps appeared at the front and back and secured themselves underneath his diaper as it turned into a onesie. His chin-length brown hair was pulled up into small pigtails with a pair of baby block hair-ties. The shoes on his feet turned into a pair of pink baby booties. Lastly, a massive pink pacifier appeared in his mouth. 

“Nuh! Nah a baby! Tawor, hewp!”

Kendra stood beside Jessa and pointed her wand at his pacifier. “Don’t deny what you are, Matthew!”

He looked shocked as he began to suck on the pacifier against his will. His expression softened with each suck, until he giggled around the large nipple in his mouth. Content with his new life as Sarah’s baby, he fell forward into a crawling position and eagerly began to grunt. 

“Matthew! W-What are you doing?” Sarah asked.


They all watched as Matthew’s diaper sagged in the back. A look of pure bliss appeared on his face as he finished and looked to Jessa for approval.

“Good sissy baby!” Jessa praised him. “You’re so much happier now, aren’t you? No more chasing girls anymore. Not that they would want to change your diapers and dress you in pretty pink clothes.”

“Good thing, Sarah does.” Kendra said, then looked to Sarah and shot a burst of magical energy in her direction. 

“N-No! I-I don’t wanna...I can’t…” Sarah began, her mind foggy from Kendra’s magic. “I-I love it! I-I love what you’ve done to Matthew.” Sarah grinned from ear to ear as she realized that this was how she wanted Matthew all along; helpless, vulnerable, and all hers. 

Jessa then added her magic to Kendra’s and Sarah grin nearly a foot in height. Her breasts nearly doubled in size and they almost began to spill out of her top. Her clothing shifted and changed from her usual slutty mini-skirt and crop-top into a dress and apron. A pair of small stains appeared at the front of her dress, a clear sign that she had begun to lactate. 

“Oh and seeing how you’re the dominant one now, why don’t we give you a little bit more?” Jessa flicked her wand again and a noticeable bulge appeared just below her waist. “I’m sure Matthew will appreciate all that his new mommy can offer!”

Sarah looked delighted. “Yes. Yes! Mommy has everything her little sissy baby needs!” In an amazing show of strength, Sarah lifted Matthew off the floor and into her arms. She bounced him gently on her waist and Matthew giggled behind his pacifier as the mess in his diaper squished against his backside. 

“There!” Jessa said with a grin. “Now it’s a costume party!”

“And just in time, too.” Kendra said. 

knock knock

The witch opened the door to reveal Jack and Katy, their buckets full to the brim with candy. Jessa burst into laughter as the two trick-or-treaters waddled into the living room. Their padding sagged heavily from all the wetting and messing they were forced to do as they walked from house to house.

“This night ended up being perfect! I can’t wait to see all these losers at school. Not that some of them could even attend in their condition!”

“Unfortunately, sweetheart, the spells will dissipate come sunrise.” Kendra informed her.

“W-What?! But this is too perfect! Sabrina, that bitch, deserves this! And so do the rest of them.”

Kendra shook her head in disappointment. “This was just a bit of halloween fun, Jessa. I’m sorry, but those are my rules.”

Jessa stomped her foot in frustration. “This isn’t fair!” She raised her wand to Kendra. “Maybe I should make you a little bit more willing then, hmm?” A small puff of smoke appeared at the tip of the wand. Nothing else happened.

Kendra raised an eyebrow. “Oh you simple little girl. And here I thought you’d make a good witch. Looks like I’ll need to train you after all.” Kendra flicked her wand and Jessa her body tingle with magic. 

“Wha-What’s happening?! I-I’m sorry! I-I take it back!”

“Too late, little Jessa. You’ve shown me that you need to be properly trained. Let’s start with making you look more appropriate!”

Jessa clutched at her robes as they suddenly became so short that her pink-and-white striped panties were exposed. “Eep! No more! I promise I’ll be good!” Jessa pleaded.

“Oh you’ll be more than good! You’re going to praise me everyday as my apprentice! You’ll become quite the kiss-ass...oh that’s perfect!”

Another flick of her wand and the words ‘Apprentice Butt-Kisser’ were written in bright pink letters. Jessa felt her mind empty of everything save for her newfound love and devotion for Kendra. She fell to her hands and knees and looked up to the witch in wonder. “P-Please teach me to be better miss Kendra!”

The witch cackled with delight. She lifted her robes around her waist and revealed her black lace panties and her plump butt underneath. “Prove your devotion apprentice!”

Completely devoid of any shame, Jessa crawled forward and pressed her face into the witch’s butt. She kissed Kendra’s butt several times and almost made out with it before the witch gently pushed her back. 

“So eager, aren’t you? Well...don’t worry, you’ll have all year ‘round to learn your place.”

“I’m your obedient little butt-kisser, miss Kendra! I’m so glad you taught me a lesson!”

“Oh, I’m not done teaching you!” 

Jessa suddenly felt compelled to give herself a wedgie. She reached back and grabbed her butt-kisser panties by the waist. With a mighty tug she wedgied the panties far up her crack. She whimpered in a mixture of pleasure and pain as she stretched her panties with all her might. Then, when it seemed like she could do no more, her arms fell to her side and Kendra’s magic took over. A pair of magical white gloved hands wedgied her panties even further, so far that they touched Jessa’s bra strap. Jessa gasped as she felt the hands tie the waistband of her panties around the strap, leaving her wedgied beyond belief. Much like Sarah, Jessa’s bladder could hardly take the pressure. She soaked the crotch of her overly stretched panties and giggled with delight as she sat in a pool of her own pee.

Kendra grinned from ear to ear. “Cute, but not cute enough!”

Kendra flicked her wand again and a massive diaper appeared underneath Jessa’s panties. The underwear was nearly stretched to its limit as the thick padding expanded further. The pressure was so great that her panties snapped free of her bra. 

“What better way to learn my transformation magic than to experience it? Let’s give you a taste of your own medicine!”

A large pink pacifier appeared in Jessa’s mouth. A matching pink strap secured it in place and Jessa was forced to suck on the nipple in her mouth. Within seconds her chin was covered in drool. Next, freckles and a pair of glasses appeared on her face. Pink horses appeared on her diaper as she was given the same nerdy traits as Sabrina. Like Chad, the sissy ballerina, a pink tutu appeared around her waist. She felt her mind become further altered until she was as docile and helpless as all the other diapered college students around her. Finally, Jessa’s potty-training was taken from her. Almost immediately she soaked the crotch of her diaper. A few grunts later and her diaper sagged with the massive mess she pushed out. She giggled as she bounced up and down in it.

To complete Jessa’s humiliation, the clock struck midnight and the rest of the college kids were returned to normal; for the most part.

“W-What happened…” Sabrina began, confused, “Jessa that bi-bi-meanie! Where is sh-” Sabrina burst into laughter as she watched Jessa bounce up and down in her messy diapers. “You desewve it!” Sabrina remained completely oblivious to the thick, used pony diapers around her waist; her braces; and her inability to curse. The cheerleader was back to her naturally beautiful self otherwise.

“Serves her right!” Chad said. The muscular jock looked completely normal, but Kendra decided to keep him in panties. In fact, Chad no longer owned a single pair of men’s underwear and that seemed perfectly normal to him. And, though he would never tell a soul, Chad was obsessed with ballet and dreamed of being a pretty ballerina.

“Thank goodness that’s over.” Sarah said. She hugged Matthew, and absentmindedly checked his diaper. The cock-cage and diaper around his waist would’ve kept him from ever being a stud again, but Kendra decided to leave Sarah tall, dominant, and packing as well. She’d never let the little sissy leave her side.

“Yeah…” Jack and Katy said in unison. Katy and Jack both squirmed a little, both adjusting the padding around their waists. Jack was left with an obsession with princesses and Disney movies. He even had a few princess panties he liked to wear over his diapers. Katy was left with a love of Wonder Woman and a diaper fetish. The two were still perfect for one another. 

“Let’th get out of hewe befowe miss Kendwa changeth hew mind!” Sabrina exclaimed. The friends left in a hurry, never to return to that house for fear of what else might happen. 

Jessa stayed where she was, perfectly content to sit in her messy diapers. Kendra grinned down at her. She snapped her fingers and Jessa’s pacifier disappeared. 

“Now where were we, my little butt-kissing apprentice? Oh, that’s right!” Kendra wiggled her butt in front of Jessa and delighted in how eagerly the diapered girl pressed her face back into her panties. “And to think we only have 364 more days of this! You better appreciate every second!”

“MMMMMPH!” Jessa exclaimed, her words muffled entirely by Kendra’s plump butt.

“Now, why don’t you smile and say what all good little witches should!”

Jessa pulled her face free for a moment, a monumental task given how much she craved to kiss Kendra’s butt. “Happy Halloween everyone!”


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