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Jessa Salem was a mysterious woman. She claimed to be an accomplished researcher, but her resume had a three year long blank spot. Jessa told people a number of reasons as to what she had done during those few years. Each one was different and nearly all of them clashed with one another. The truth was that she had been the lead researcher for TF Labs. A small company with large goals. They tackled projects and research that other companies shied away from. Chief among them being mind and body modification. Jessa had always been weary of the projects she was assigned to. That was why she made her A.I. duplicate, Alice. Alice took on a large portion of her work. She even liked it when Jessa didn’t. In hindsight, Jessa realized she should have taken Alice offline the moment the A.I. had developed a liking to the work. Maybe if she had, her coworkers would have left the company on their own, their potty-training intact. Jessa was fortunate to have left before things got really bad. She couldn’t imagine how far the A.I. went with the few ‘test subjects’ she had left. 

When Jessa left, she immediately went out and looked for work. Obviously, she needed to get paid to make ends meet; but she also needed to find a lab that would also allow her to work on her own projects. Projects designed to combat the transformative effects of Alice’s work. Just in case the world, or herself, ever needed them. Unfortunately, with her huge gap in work history, Jessa barely managed to find a position at a nearby pharmaceutical company. It helped her make ends meet, but she didn’t get the time she needed to work on her side projects. It annoyed her to no end, but it was all she had. Which is why she was so unprepared when a woman named Candace waltzed right into her lab. 

“Um...excuse me? Are you Dr. Salem?”

Jessa looked the woman up and down. She was a textbook bimbo: platinum blonde hair, exaggerated features, breathy voice. Her clothes were surprisingly conservative. Just a simple white blouse, black skirt, black heels, and a plain white bag slung over her shoulder. Even her jewelry was toned down. Not nearly enough pink, restrictive clothing to be fresh out of one of Alice’s transformations. Granted, her body was curvaceous enough to cause the clothing to be tight and restrictive regardless. As such, the thick diaper she wore beneath her skirt was plain as day. 

“Can I help you?” asked Jessa. She inched away from the woman and toward her phone on the counter next to her. 

“I-I’m sorry to barge in like this. It’s just...I need help.”


“My name is Candace. A woman named Alice changed me in ways I’m sure you can tell. I barely managed to escape, but not before she mentioned your name.”

Jessa groaned. She had hoped that the A.I. had forgotten about her, or at least decided she wasn’t worth it. “You want me to fix you, yeah?”

Candace nodded. “I-I look so different hardly anyone recognizes me. Those that do treat me terribly. Like I’m just a piece of meat. Then there’s...um...then there’s the diapers.” She lifted the hem of her skirt and exposed the front of her diaper. “I have to go in them. For some reason my brain just won’t let me use the potty...erm...b-bathroom.”

“Geez…” Jessa felt bad for the woman. Alice had stepped up her game since they had last spoke. “Alice does seem to have a fondness for diapers. I never thought I’d say this, but I think the A.I. I created has a diaper kink.”

“So you have a fix...f-for all this?”

“Uhhhh...not really. I haven’t had the time to work on something. I’ve got a few ideas for prototypes floating around but nothing I could actually use.”

Candace hung her head low. She had yet to lower her skirt. 


A soft whimper escaped Candace’s lips as she flooded her diapers. Jessa looked away, out of embarrassment for the woman. “I’m sorry. I have to raise my skirt when I go.”

“It’s alright...this is kind of all my fault…” Jessa looked at Candace. She squeezed the crotch of her diaper a couple times before she lowered her skirt. Candace then reached into her bag and pulled out a large, white diaper identical to the one she wore. 

“Y-You don’t have to, but I have to ask...can you change my diapies?” Candace asked. Her lip trembled. Jessa’s heart ached. The woman clearly couldn’t help or stop herself. 

“Sure,” said Jessa. She did her best not to sound reluctant. It was the least she could do, given the situation. “Lie down on the couch over there. Everyone else has gone to lunch so we have time.” She took the diaper from Candace and unfolded it. Jessa would never tell anyone, but she had changed her fair share of diapers at TF Labs. Just another ‘perk’ she acquired from her work with Alice. With an expert’s touch, she creased the diaper along its center line and waited patiently for Candance to remove her skirt. 

Candace slipped off her skirt, unbuttoned her blouse, removed her bra, and kicked off her heels. She then sucked her thumb and spread her legs provocatively. Jessa assumed it to be a part of her transformation. A strange side effect that made her act slutty during a diaper change. She ignored it, along with every other oddity and got to work. “Do you have any powder or wipes?”

Candace nodded. “Thew’we in my bag…” She slurred around her thumb. 

Jessa fetched the items and quickly returned. Meanwhile, Candace had entered a heightened state of arousal. She fondled herself through her diapers and noisily suckled on her thumb. Light pink breast milk dribbled down her breasts from her erect nipples. A sweet scent hung in the air. “Move your hands, Candace.”

The woman giggled. She played with herself a moment longer before she did as Jessa asked. Jessa did her best to ignore the woman’s overt sexuality, but it was difficult. She was a lesbian and Candace was incredible attractive. It took all her willpower not to let her hands explore the woman’s body as she wiped her clean. She powdered and taped Candace into her diaper as quick as she could. Jessa couldn’t risk any unnecessary exposure to one of Alice’s victims. No telling what might happen.

“Fank oou…” said Candace, a silly grin on her lustful face. 

“Y-You’re wel...welcome…” Jessa could barely speak. Candace fondled her breasts in front of her. Milk spurted out of her nipples and down her stomach. The sweet scent that surrounded her grew stronger until it was all Jessa could smell or think about. It pulled her in. Jessa couldn’t think straight. She couldn’t remember when she had started to suckle at Candace’s breasts, but she hoped it would never end. “Hmmmf...unnnf…” Jessa had crawled on top of the woman at some point. She bucked her hips against Candace’s thick thighs. The head of her dick rubbed against the lace fabric of her panties. 

Candace took her thumb out of her mouth and held Jessa close. Her trap had worked. There was no need to keep up the charade any longer. “Awww! You’re so totally cute! Alice didn’t tell me you had, like, a cock and stuff.”

“Mmmph!” Jessa mumbled around Candace’s nipple. Pink milk dribbled down her chin and onto her blouse. The sweet liquid, combined with Candace’s pheromones, had left the researcher completely helpless.

“Alice said you might, like, be hard to trick or something. But this was so totally easy! My name’s not even Candace. That name sucks TBH. My name’s Candy!” Candy giggled. She wrapped her legs around Jessa and forced her close. “I’m gonna be, like, in charge of you and stuff. I guess until I bring you home to Alice. But whatever! We’re gonna have so much fun!”

Jessa’s mind was completely fogged over. She couldn’t think up a single simple sentence, let alone a coherent thought. All she could do was suck on Candy’s nipple and hump. She was powerless to stop the transformation. The pheromones turned her horny and stupid, while the breast milk weakened her body. Jessa, normally a difficult to please lover, squirted in her panties in less than a minute. She gasped and moaned around Candy’s nipple. Her back arched and her eyes crossed.

“OMG did you just cum in your panties?” Candy teased her. She slapped Jessa’s ass and the researcher whimpered. Another hot load dribbled out of her cock and into her underwear. “You’re, like, a dumb little slut like me now!” Candy continued to fondle Jessa. Jessa orgasmed again and again until her panties were soaked with cum. “Looks like you’re gonna totally need diapers too! You’re gonna love how they feel!”

Jessa had never felt so good. She hardly understood what happened around her. All that made sense to her was the incredible pleasure that emanated from her crotch. She sucked on her thumb and stroked herself off until her hand was pushed away by Candy. Jessa whined until Candy taped her into a thick, pink princess diaper. It felt so incredible. The thick padding swaddled her dick and even the slightest movement was enough to make her squirt. In a matter of minutes, the padding was thick and squishy with her sticky fluids. “Guh...mmmbuh…” Trapped in constant pleasure, Jessa babbled around her thumb incoherently as Candy stripped her naked.

“Alice says you’re not allowed to be a big girl anymore,” said Candy, “So I’m gonna like, babysit you and stuff while we get you fired!”

“Hmmmph…” Jessa’s thumb had been replaced by a pacifier. Candy sat her up and dressed her in a sheer babydoll dress that did nothing to hide her breasts underneath. Her breasts had grown a cup-size or two and her erect nipples poked outward. The fabric gently brushed against her chest and only heightened her arousal. Candy left her diaper exposed, but wrote the words ‘Diaper Slut’ on the butt. Jessa’s hair was then tied up in pigtails and a pair of locking pink mittens were placed on her hands. A spreader bar forced her legs apart. She was given a pair of white thigh high socks and a pair of locking pink patent leather shoes. Lastly, Candy put a pink harness and leash on across Jessa’s chest. The researcher had been rendered so dumb and horny she could barely walk with her legs forced apart by her diaper and spreader bar. Jessa giggled and humped her mittens through the diaper. With each load her once small cock grew in size until her erection was plainly obvious through the thick padding. 

“OMG you’re, like, so much hotter than you ever were before, diaper slut!” said Candy. Candy let Jessa play with herself as she got dressed in a revealing a revealing crop top and tight pair of short shorts. She donned a pair of four inch heels and replaced her studs with a pair of oversized hoops. Once dressed in an outfit more appropriate for a bimbo, Candy pulled on Jessa’s leash and the girl waddled forward after her. “You’re gonna show everyone what a big baby you are now! Your boss is totally gonna love your new look!” Candy pulled out her phone and hit record. She’d want to make sure Jessa saw every bit of her humiliation again later. 

Jessa giggled. Her entire body felt warm. Her breasts and crotch especially so. She fondled them vigorously as she waddled after Candy out into the hallway. If she had any senses left to her, she might have known that lunch had ended and that her coworkers would soon return. When Candy turned a corner, Jessa followed behind and bumped into Michelle, one of her lab assistants. The commotion was enough to cause Jessa to cum in her diapers again. She moaned loudly around her pacifier. Drool dribbled down her chin and dampened her dress. Jessa giggled. Some part of her recognized Michelle, but it wasn’t the part that had any dignity. Jessa, eager to humiliate herself, released her full bladder into her diaper. 


Jessa moaned softly. She rubbed the front of her diaper with her hands as the crotch sagged.

“D-Doctor Salem? I-Is that you?”

Candy answered for her. “Yup yup! Only, she’s, like, not a doctor anymore. She’s way too dumb to be a doctor. Isn’t that right, diaper slut?”

Jessa nodded enthusiastically.  

Michelle recoiled in disgust. “Y-You two need to leave before I call security! It’s disgusting bringing your twisted fetishes in here.”

Candy rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah. Whatever. I’m just taking baby Jessa here to see her boss so she can, like, resign or something.”

“Shame on both of you! Especially you, doctor.” Michelle hurried down the hall without another word. 

“Ugh... lame. I’ll see if Alice will, like, let me come back for her. She could use a diaper and a pacifier, don’t ya think?”

Jessa didn’t really understand but nodded happily. She continued to be completely unaware of everything around her as Candy marched her down the halls and offices of Jessa’s company. People leaned out into the hall to watch. Jessa felt their eyes on her. She loved the attention. So much so that she happily masterbated in her wet diapers in front of them all. Candy told her whenever she saw a camera so that Jessa would stop and pose for it. The walk to her boss’s office was long even without distractions. By the time they arrived, Jessa’s diaper was soaked with piss and semen. Each step caused her diaper to squish and crinkle loudly. The sensation combined with the noise was enough to drive Jessa mad with pleasure. She looked as if she might pass out by the time she waddled in the office. 

“What is the meaning of this?!” Jessa’s boss, Mr. Garrett, shouted. 

Candy, as bubbly as ever, calmly replied. “Jessa decided she doesn’t want to be an adult anymore. Isn’t that right?”

“Hmmmph…” Jessa mumbled. She nodded her head and patted her diapers. Her answer was clear.

“So...we figured you could, like, fire her and tell everyone you know that she’s, like, totally a dumb baby that can’t be trusted with anything!”

Mr. Garrett was speechless. He wasn’t even sure who stood in front of him at first, but it was clear to him then. She looked a bit different, but it was definitely Jessa. He cringed at the sight of her. She looked absolutely ridiculous.

When Jessa’s boss didn’t respond, Candy groaned. “Okay, Jessa, show him what a big baby you are so we can, like, leave already.”

Jessa knew exactly what Candy wanted. She turned around so that her butt faced Mr. Garrett and bent at the waist. With her hands on the wall, she grunted and pushed. An excited gasp escaped her lips and her pacifier fell to the floor. She let loose a long, loud fart and proceeded to fill her diapers. The already heavy diaper sagged from the weight. The massive, discolored bulge between her legs was clear evidence of the deed. Jessa squirted into her diapers again. A good bit of it spurted out the waistband of her diaper onto her stomach. Jessa bent down to pick up the pacifier, only to lose her balance and fall onto her messy diaper. The stimulation caused her to cum again and more of her semen spurted out. She stuffed the pacifier back in her mouth. Jessa managed to stand at Candy’s direction and waited patiently at her side.

Mr. Garrett had seen enough. “Get the hell out of my office! Now! Before I call the cops!”

Candy clapped her hands excitedly. “Can do!” Candy exited the office with Jessa in tow. 

Jessa waddled after her bimbo babysitter. The cum on her stomach and her messy diaper plain for everyone to see. All of her coworkers watched her and Jessa decided that everything she had gone through hadn’t been enough. She dropped to all fours and proceeded to crawl after Candy. It made her feel babyish and pathetic. Candy praised her for the act. Jessa smiled around her pacifier as another warm load soaked the front of her padding. 

“Just wait ‘till Alice sees you. She said you were, like, the smartest girl she knows! I mean...maybe not now...you’re totally just a dumb, slutty diaper humper now.” Candy giggled. She led Jessa out into the parking toward the parked minivan Alice had given her. She opened the back door to reveal a large, pink carseat perfect for a big baby like Jessa. “Uppsie daisy!” Candy lifted Jessa inside and secured her into the seat. The restraints pressed into Jessa’s messy diaper and spread the warm mush around. Jessa whimpered with delight. Candy replaced her pacifier with a bottle of some of her breast milk. Jessa happily held it between her mittens and gulped down the sweet liquid. The dangling toys above her head would keep her distracted the entire ride back to her old lab. Jessa felt some small bit of anxiety deep within her when they started to drive. It was nothing a bump in the road couldn’t fix. One speed bump and Jessa had filled her diapers again. Milk spilled down her chin and she babbled to herself in infantile bliss as she daydreamed of her new life.


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