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“Gah! First the diaper and now this. Just how many cursed items are in this place? The stat boosts aren’t worth it…”

Lilith tugged at the thick pink collar around her neck. The bell jingled loudly at the motion. She winced at the sound. It was too loud for her comfort. The crinkling of her diaper had already been too much noise. 

“Shit...I thought about it!” Lilith groaned aloud at her own stupidity. Thanks to the curse, Lilith’s urge to use her diaper would rise each time she thought about it. Stuck in the diaper thanks to her cursed tights, she was forced to endure the displeasure until she could find a way out of the diapers or out of the dungeon. 

“No…” Lilith whimpered. She pressed her hand to her crotch and squeezed her thighs together but nothing would reduce the ever growing pressure on her bladder. She needed to escape soon.

“Was that a little girl I heard?” A soothing voice called out from further down the dungeon hall. “I can hear the collar. You’re such a good girl to wear it and make things easy.”

Lilith stifled a gasp and pressed herself back into a small opening between the padded walls of the dungeon. In her panic, Lilith’s bladder released. She was forced to remain perfectly still and quiet as she soaked her diapers. The warmth and weight of her humiliation grew and grew until the diaper sagged heavily. Already forced to waddle slightly from the thick padding, Lilith could barely move with the weight of her shame pressed snugly against her crotch by her tights. 

“I smell baby powder...and...don’t tell me...did our little hero have an accident?” The Mommy teased Lilith as she neared her hiding spot. 

Lilith did her best to remain quiet, but the shame of her infantile act was too much to bare. Her face was a bright shade of red and her lip trembled. What kind of hero would look and act as she did then? Lilith didn’t feel much like a hero anymore. She felt like a big baby. 

The footsteps stopped. “Come on out and show Mommy what you did.”

The collar grew hot around Lilith’s neck as soon as the command was uttered. She snapped out of her pity party and fought the urge to obey. “I’m not a big baby yet…” She assured herself. “Not if I make it away from her.” Lilith wiped away her tears and readied her paddle blade. Confident and bold as ever, she strode forth from the shadows and raised her weapon. “I’d be more than happy to show you what I’m about to do...to you, that is!”

The Mommy smirked down at Lilith. She stood several feet taller than our hero and was built like an amazon. Far bigger than any dungeon enemy she had faced before. “Aren’t you just precious!” She bent over and tousled Lilith’s hair. 

“Shut up!” Lilith pulled her paddle back, ready to deliver a heavy blow to her foe.

As calm as ever, the Mommy replied, “Drop it.”

The collar grew hot around Lilith’s neck. She yelped in pain and dropped the blade to try and yank the cursed item off. Then, as the paddle clattered to the ground, a wonderful sensation coursed through Lilith’s body. She couldn’t help but shiver in response. “Wha--?”

“Does that feel good, little girl?”

“Y-Yeah…” Lilith replied. The pleasure began to dissipate but continued to linger as the conversation continued.

“It’s nice being obedient, isn’t it? Why don’t you keep it up and show Mommy what you did in your diapers?”

Lilith’s hands were on her skirt before she realized what she did. “W-Wait!” Lilith suddenly turned and looked for her paddle blade. She grimaced as the pain from her collar came back even stronger.

“I’m losing my patience, young lady. Turn around and raise your skirt this instant!”

Lilith sought to ignore the command, but it was no use. Her willpower grew weaker with each command. The collar had grown so painful that tears came to her eyes at the mere thought of being naughty. Helpless but to obey, Lilith did just as her Mommy commanded. “Y-Yes, mommy!” She turned and lifted her skirt for inspection. 

The Mommy knelt down and gently squeezed the soaked padding. “Oh my...you really are just a big baby, aren’t you?”

Pleasure emanated through Lilith’s diaper and up her spine. “Yes, m-mommy…” Lilith responded. Her lip quivered as she fought to maintain any dignity she had left.

“Show mommy how big a baby you are. Poop yourself.”

“N-No...please! Don’t make m--”

The taller woman leaned into Lilith and whispered in her ear. “You’re going to poop in your diapers like the big baby you are. When your diapers are all nice and full, you’re going to sit on the floor and mush it all around. Understood?”

The collar had already begun to cause Lilith pain at her hesitation. At the Mommy’s second command, Lilith no longer had the will to resist. “Yes mommy.” She nodded meekly then squatted and let her urges take over. 

Lilith grunted and a loud wet fart escaped her backside. Her expression went from pained and embarrassed to absolute bliss as the collar rewarded her for her obedience. She leaned forward and sighed with relief as she lost all control. A large bulge appeared at the seat of her diaper as she continued to poop. The Mommy smiled and gently stroked Lilith’s chin as the girl finished. Then, as commanded, Lilith plopped down on the floor and let the poopy mush spread all around in her diaper. Sharp gasps and breathy giggles spilled forth from Lilith’s lips as she bounced up and down on the floor.

“Tell me, little one. Are you a big baby or a hero?”

Drool dribbled from Lilith’s lips as she thought on the question. “I’m a big baby?”

“That’s right! And babies aren’t allowed to leave the nursery, are they?”

Lilith giggled and shook her head ‘no.’

“So what does that mean for you?”

“I’m never gonna leave the nursery!” 

The Mommy smiled. “Very good, baby girl.” She pulled a thick pink diaper and oversized pacifier out of the diaper bag she kept slung over her shoulder. She stuffed the pacifier in Lilith’s mouth and gently pressed her backward onto the floor. Lilith laid perfectly still and noisily sucked on her pacifier as her tights were pulled down. “You’re going to stay here and help Mommy make more big babies forever.” 

Lilith nodded eagerly. An intense wave of pleasure washed over her. She stared blankly off into space as her diaper was changed. All memories of her past life had slowly begun to fade away. Lilith’s class and level were reset. Lilith the Hero had been defeated. Lily the Big Baby was now a nursery enemy just like her Mommy. She couldn’t wait to find new heroes to play with. 


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