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Dungeon Infantile

Little is known of the origins of this mysterious dungeon. Those well-versed enough to have heard more than mere rumor would tell you that the dungeon appears to be sentient. Ever changing its appearance and location to keep its contents and intentions secret. All in a ploy to lure unwitting adventurers to their doom. Unlike other dungeons, Dungeon Infantile is not a place where heroes go to experience glorious triumph or agonizing defeat. There are no sharp-toothed ogres or ancient hags guarding incredible treasure. This dungeon seeks only to exert its will over those that enter it. Dungeon Infantile uses its power to fill its upper floors with gold and nearby taverns with rumors. Adventurers will find their way to its doors and down into its depths, never to be seen again. 

The Dungeon consists of three zones which we will refer to as the upper floors, lower floors, and depths. Most of what is known about Dungeon Infantile comes from the accounts of those few that actually managed to escape the Dungeon but even that only details the upper and lower floors. We can only assume that those who actually managed to reach the depths never left them.

Upper Floors - It appears as little more than a standard low-level dungeon with a disproportionate amount of loot. There are few floors and even fewer enemies. It is clearly intended to maintain the illusion that the Dungeon is a cakewalk and nothing more. 

Lower Floors - A vastly longer and more difficult section of the dungeon. Most of the 'stories' written about the Dungeon take place here. The loot becomes sparse and the enemies abundant. One should be suspicious of anything and everything they encounter here.

Depths - It is unknown as to what this section of the dungeon looks like or contains. Rumor has it that even the rooms themselves are corrupted. If there's an end to the Dungeon we do not know. 

Beyond the upper floors, the Dungeon's intentions are clear: humiliate and corrupt all trespassers into complete submission. As its name suggests, Dungeon Infantile has a fondness for infantilizing. The traps, monsters, and items listed below all work to turn each and every adventurer that sets foot in its halls into a drooling, diaper dependent rugrat. 

Traps - Capture

Capture traps serve as the Dungeon's first line of defense. They are designed to tire out and weaken their victims. Many a dungeon monster will hide nearby, eager to take advantage of whatever poor sap falls prey. 

Bouncer - one of the more common capture traps. Typically works in tandem with a pitfall or trap door. Prolonged exposure to the trap causes a weakening of the legs and a strange sense of pleasure to being bounced. Heavily armored adventurers as well as those with low willpower will find the trap more difficult than others. Dungeon monsters tend to hang around bouncers, eager to tease any prey that fall victim to it. Those unfortunate enough to become too weak to leave the trap will find themselves bouncing up and down in the trap with glee. All other desires will fall to the wayside as the bouncing intensifies. Many a fallen hero has wound up wetting or messing themselves in the trap, too enthralled by the bouncing to monitor their own bodily functions. Adventurers such as these are easy prey for mommies and nannies as a simple bounce on their knee will render the adventurer docile.

High Chair - an enchanted capture trap with a penchant for hungry adventures. Never enter a dungeon hungry. This bit of common knowledge is even more important when venturing into Dungeon Infantile. This capture trap is an enchanted, oversized high chair that stalks adventurers with empty bellies. It catches them off guard and extends its tongue-like seat covering to pull them in. Thick leather straps secure the victim about the wrists and stomach while a wooden tray is snapped in place in front of them. Jars of colorful mush appear on the tray one by one. A bib is tied around the victim's neck and spoonful after spoonful of mush is pushed past their lips. They're fed jars of disgusting baby food until the chair deems them full. Each jar contains a different enchantment with which to curse the adventurer. Those with smaller stomachs are often spared the worst the chair has to offer. Once finished, the chair releases its victim and goes on about its way. While the food jars and spoon disappear with the chair, the bib is left as a cruel gift for the hero; a cursed item to further increase their embarrassment. 

Crib - an enchanted capture trap that preys on exhausted adventurers. Much like the high chair, the crib trap is a sentient stalker on the hunt for its victims. One of the more dangerous traps, the crib's goal is to capture the adventurer and put them down for a restorative nap. Any adventurer foolish enough to forgo a short rest will find themselves hearing the faint notes of nursery rhymes the moment their eyes begin to droop. Within seconds of hearing the tune, the adventurer will be attacked by the crib. A thick blanket net will seek to cover them completely. Once bound, the hero will be dragged into the crib where they will then be restrained. The nursery tune will grow in volume until the adventurer finds that they can no longer think straight. Their eyes will be drawn to the spinning mobile above and their muscles will become incredibly relaxed. Within minutes, they will have fallen asleep. They will remain asleep for however long their body needs. During this time, a dungeon monster (typically a nanny or mommy) will find the crib and do whatever they please with the helpless victim. Relieved of its charge, the crib will then roam the dungeon looking for its next victim.

Playpen - a rare variant of mimic that seeks to embarrass as well as capture. Disguised as an item or pile of coins upon a dusty old rug, this trap reveals its true self the moment an adventurer steps foot upon it. The once faded tones and frayed edges of the rug become bright and soft. The bait then reveals itself to be nothing more than a child's toy (typically a stuffed animal or doll). Lastly, plastic bars shoot up from all sides of the rug and complete its transformation into a large playpen with which to capture its victim. So long as the adventurer is in the playpen they lose the ability to walk and are forced to crawl around like a baby. Any weapons that touch the padded carpet are instantly transformed into plastic or foam replicas of the original item. Victims are stuck in the playpen until removed by an outside party (typically a dungeon monster). While stuck in the playpen, victims will experience steadily increasing feelings of docility and boredom. Any attempt to escape will cause these feelings to drastically increase. Monsters often approach the playpen to discover their prey playing with their weapons-turned-toys. 

Wedgie Hook - a magical hook that always has your back. Adventurers that are lightly armored or unarmored should keep a close eye on their backsides. Keep your pants pulled up and definitely don't wear a thong into Dungeon Infantile. Wedgie hooks prey on lightly armored rogues and spellcasters. They wait patiently in the shadows until the waistband of an adventurer's underwear peeks out then strike without hesitation. Once hooked, the victim's underwear changes to something childish and frilly. The fabric retains a soft appearance, but becomes incredibly stretchy; thus allowing the hook to hoist the victim up and out of reach of anything that might help free them. The hook holds the victim there while their struggling does the work of attracting a monster that might assist in defeating the hero. Should the victim manage to escape, the hook will work to further embarrass the hero by stretching the underwear over their head into an atomic wedgie before disappearing. The hook has a similar effect on diapered adventurers though it tends to prefer those wearing underwear. Any affected undergarments will become cursed and retain their stretchiness and humiliating appearance. 

Training Potty - a strange capture device that resides in a teleporting bathroom. This curious trap is often discovered by accident. An adventurer might find themselves in its bathroom upon opening a random dungeon door. It appears to be nothing more than a normal toilet. Most adventurers will disregard this room and move on; however, once they do, they will find themselves with a sudden urge to use the bathroom. Unfortunately for them, this need will continue to grow despite not consuming any food or water. As they continue down into the dungeon's depths, the bathroom will appear again and again until the adventurer eventually succumbs and uses the toilet. Once their bare bottom touches the porcelain, the toilet changes into a pink princess training potty. The victim will not be able to remove themselves until they use the potty. Unfortunately, they will immediately find that despite their incredible need to use the potty, they can't go. The victim will kick their legs and squirm in discomfort until a dungeon monster appears. To the victim's horror, they will find themselves suddenly able to go as the monster encourages them. So great is their need that they will be unable to restrain themselves as they fill the potty to the brim. They will then stand, against their own will, and wait patiently for the monster to wipe them clean as they are praised for using the potty 'like a big kid.' Only once they are clean and the dungeon monster has helped them pull up their pants, will their free will return. Many a hero will subsequently meet their end in the bathroom as vulnerable as they are within arms reach of a denizen of the dungeon. 

Traps - Corruption

Corruption traps are difficult encounters all on their own. They are typically found on the lower floors where they make quick work of any hero foolish enough to trigger them. 

Picture Book - the dungeon's trap of choice for spellcasters. What appears to be a rare spellcasting tome is, in actuality, a well-hidden trap. The pages are written in an enchanted language that is designed to look extremely similar to a language the victim barely knows. They will continue to study the tome, certain that they should be able to make sense of it in time. With each page turned the book will drain their intelligence until there is nothing left. The pages will grow thicker and turn to cardboard. The leather binding will become soft and padded. Complex, lengthy writing will turn short and simplistic. Eventually, the brain-drained victim will be left drooling over a picture book intended for toddlers. The enchanted language now nothing more than the common tongue.

Magic Mirror - an enchanted mirror where humiliation is in the eye of the beholder. One glance into its reflective surface is all that it takes for the mirror to enthrall an adventurer. Once captive, the victim's body is transformed into whatever they would find most humiliating. Warriors soon find themselves too weak to wield their own weapons. Their muscle mass gone, their body soft and supple. Manly men are sissified, wise spellcasters bimbofied. Stats and skills are altered dependent on the changes. No matter the transformation, the damage to one's ego is catastrophic. For many an adventurer their journey ends the moment they look into the mirror. After all, what kind of adventurer are you if you can't even wield a weapon?

Armor Corrupting Talc - a single spray of this sweet smelling powder is all it takes to corrupt even the most powerful armor. It's scent is incredibly similar to talcum powder; fitting, given how most of all of its victims end up in diapers. Harvested from a rare Dungeon Infantile native variant of the Rust Plant, Armor Corruption Talc is typically stored within a container set to open when an adventurer comes in close proximity. The fine powder instantly fills the air and coats everything within a wide radius. Any affected armor or clothing is then corrupted into humiliating, cursed clothing with an infantile twist. Armor is turned cheap and flimsy, undergarments expand outward into thick padding, nothing is spared from the corruption. Stats are changed and curses are added. This incredibly dangerous trap is often the end of the line for most adventurers. No one class has an advantage and all are equally affected. 

Mind Altering Lights - a warm, inviting light that draws in adventurers like a moth to a flame. Beware any inviting lights in the lower levels of Dungeon Infantile. Lanterns, night-lights, even torches could spell doom for any who might stare too long. Spellcasters, with their innate magical ability, might be able to sense the trap; but fair no better should they approach a light unprotected. Those drawn in will find that their intelligent thoughts dissipate as the near the light. Once empty, the dungeon will flood the victim's mind with corrupting magics until all that's left is what the dungeon wishes. Much like the other corruption traps, these lights change the victim dependent on what would humiliate the victim most. Spellcasters are often rendered stupid, rogues clumsy or loud. More often than not, the light's victims develop a desire to be further corrupted by the dungeon. No matter the changes made, there are none who have managed to escape once affected by the lights. Not that any would want to. They all love their new outlooks on life. 

Dungeon Monsters - Fallen Heroes

The dungeon needs more than traps if it is to defeat the most powerful adventurers in the lands. Many a defeated hero is corrupted in such a way that they might better serve the dungeon. These new 'monsters' are eager to serve their new master and do their best to bring more adventurers into their ranks.

Nannies - a stern caretaker with a knack for discipline. Nannies are typically born from strong willed adventurers that desire dominance above all else. These malevolent disciplinarians seek to conquer the spirits of those they capture. They roam the lower halls on the lookout for any adventurer they might deem naughty enough to warrant their intrusion. Oftentimes they choose to forego mind-altering traps and punish their prey into submission. There's nothing a nanny loves more than a strong warrior having been reduced to openly sobbing from a spanking. Nannies tend to avoid other monsters and prey that have already been moderately corrupted, having no desire to share their prey with anyone or anything else. Nannies are best dealt with by being on one's best behavior. Sometimes, a simple apology will be all that's needed to get just enough time to escape.

Mommies - a nurturing monster with a strong desire to corrupt. Mommies are created from adventurers that were defeated attempting to help another party member. They desire a baby to take care of above all else and prefer their prey to have already been corrupted by the dungeon to some degree. Adventurers unfortunate enough to have been put in diapers will find themselves hard pressed to escape this foe. Mommies have a number of corrupting abilities and items at their disposal. Typically wearing little more than an apron, the mommy's favorite weapon is her breasts. Constantly lactating, their breast milk is highly addictive and quickly renders all those who consume it completely docile. Once their victim is helpless, they carry them back to their nursery and regress them into their loving baby. Mommies rarely stray far from their nursery so should you turn a corner and find yourself in one, leave before it's too late!

Maids - a seemingly helpful servant with devious ulterior motives. Maids are a unique type of monster that typically pose as helpful creatures that wish to assist adventurers. A such, clearly naive or hopeful prey is preferred. These monsters are typically born from adventurers with support classes. While their intentions seem pure at first; help disable a trap, warn of upcoming dangers; it eventually becomes apparent that the maid is building up trust only to lead their victim into a position from which they cannot escape. Maids are most often encountered on trap heavy floors. They prefer to lure players into capture traps so that they might tease and fuss over their prey as they try to escape. Caught adventurers will find freeing themselves becomes far more difficult as the maid keeps up their helpful act only to make things worse. Once sure their victim is helpless, maids will then reveal their true intentions and work on turning the adventurer into their spoiled little plaything. Should an adventurer catch on to the maid's plan, the monster will drop the act and desperately try to chase or lure their victim into a nearby trap. Regardless of how the victim winds up captured, it is only a matter of time before they end up diapered and dressed in frilly lace. 

Babies - a trickster with far more intelligence than you might think. Babies are monsters that seek to make adventurers much like themselves. They are formed from greedy or jealous heroes that feel their defeat at the hands of the dungeon was unfair. They typically pose as hapless adventurers in need of assistance. Once their prey lowers their guard, babies will strike. Lacking strength and speed due to their own corruption, babies prefer low-level or already weakened heroes and work as quickly as possible to turn their victims into incontinent rugrats. They come armed with corrupting talc and hypnotizing baby toys that will make quick work of unwitting heroes. With their work complete, the baby will lead their new sibling to a nearby mommy who will eagerly accept the charge. They will then return to their work, eager to make more friends.

Dungeon Monsters - Outside Forces

The allure of a powerful dungeon is irresistible to monsters. Dungeon Infantile, being as notorious as it is, attracts its fair share of nefarious creatures. Normally, these monsters seek to kill their foes; but that won't do here. Any monster that enters Dungeon Infantile is corrupted into a beast more fitting of the dungeon's humiliating nature. 

Succubi - high level demons with an incredible sexual energy. Succubi are well-suited to roaming the Dungeon's halls. They have a strong innate desire to dominate and corrupt their foes. All the Dungeon needs to do is tweak their desires and means. Corrupted succubi are some of the most difficult monsters an adventurer will face. Their mind-altering spells and powerful pheromones and more than enough to stop weaker adventurers with a single look. Succubi seek to corrupt and twist their foes into eager sexual servants. Each succubus is unique. Some prefer to take after other dungeon monsters, choosing to keep nurseries of their own or by spending their days luring lustful heroes to their doom. Few adventurers manage to survive an encounter with a succubus. Those that do often wish they hadn't.

Gorgons - reclusive snake-haired women that are deadly when faced head on. Once corrupted by the dungeon, a gorgon loses its ability to turn people to stone. This power is changed so that anyone that meets her gaze becomes so relaxed that they lose control of their bladder and bowels. Gorgons tend to lean toward a more motherly role and often seek to infantilize the poor adventurers they encounter. Any adventurer unfortunate enough to be taken in by a gorgon will quickly find that their body cannot recover if they are constantly near the gorgon. Knowing this, the gorgon makes sure to keep their prey close and stare lovingly into their eyes as much as they can. Eventually,  the victim will lose their potty training, ability to walk, and even their motor skills. The gorgon will continue to dote on their prey until they've been reduced to little more than an overgrown newborn. Unfortunately for the victim, their mind will remain unaffected. They will spend the rest of their days in the gorgon's den, unable to do anything but cry and fill their diapers.

Faeries - tricky little creatures that take great pleasure in toying with their foes. Faeries hardly need any corruption when they enter the dungeon. They gladly allow their desires to be changed to better fit their environment. Eager to play, faeries accost adventurers on sight. They use light corruption magic to change the color or fabric of armor. They enjoy feminization of either gender and love to use their magic to give adventurers permanent makeup or large breasts. Nothing short of defeating a fairy in battle will get one to leave and they're incredibly difficult to hit. In just a few seconds of combat an adventurer will find themselves with long painted nails, permanent eyelash extensions, and a frilly babydoll dress. Only when a fairy has had its fill of fun will they finally leave. 

Spirits - a rare undead creature that haunts the steps of the living. Despite the Dungeon's best efforts, death cannot be avoided. Whether by accident or unavoidable fate, death comes eventually. Those beings willful enough to leave behind a spirit will find their souls bent to the Dungeon's will. Spirits are intangible and typically remain unseen. They choose to possess their foes and lead them to their doom. Spirits prefer to possess members of a party as they get enjoyment from humiliating their victims in front of their friends. Those unfortunate enough to be possessed by a spirit will find themselves powerless but to watch their bodies move against their will. They cringe in disgust as they are forced to eagerly walk up to mommies, mess themselves, and beg for a thick diaper. Only once the adventurer's defeat is certain will the spirit then leave and find their next victim.


Every dungeon needs loot. Unfortunately for the monsters, loot makes heroes better and their jobs harder. Dungeon Infantile solved this problem by creating all of its own cursed loot. Some are found, others created through corruption; nearly all will lead their wearers to defeat.

Obedience Collar - obtained via corruption or as loot, this collar promises its wearer incredible power. Too bad they'll never get to use it; for their new found power comes at the cost of their freedom. Adventurers foolish enough to don the collar will find themselves struggling not to obey any command given to them. The more they resist, the more the collar corrupts their mind into submission. Before long, even the most willful hero will find themselves begging like a dog at the snap of their new owner's fingers. 

Silencing Pacifier - a humiliating and powerful cursed item obtained solely via corruption. Spellcasters beware any item corrupting traps you might encounter. The single utterance of a spell and you may find that your collar or bandana has snaked up your chin and transformed into an oversized pacifier that you have no hope of removing. Your tongue will work against you as it pulls the nipple into your mouth. You'll be completely unable to cast spells so long as you suck on it. Adventurers that spend too long with the pacifier in their mouth will begin to feel demotivated and docile. The calming sensation of the nipple in their mouth will make them wish for an end to the fighting and the helpless adventurer will soon find themselves all too eagerly awaiting their own defeat. 

Pacifist Mittens - a corrupted set of mittens that renders any warrior unable to wield their weapon. Who can call themselves an adventurer if they can't even wield a weapon? Many a hero has asked themselves that very question after their gauntlets were corrupted by a trap and twisted into an embarrassing pair of bright pink locking mitts. Unable to wield their weapons, the victim might flee only to realize that they can no longer open doors, climb ledges, or free themselves from any number of the Dungeon's traps. It's only a matter of time before the forced pacifist is cornered and easily dealt with by a dungeon monster. 

Diapers - the Dungeon's specialty. No matter how they are acquired, how thick they are, or how long they're worn before used; diapers are adventure ending in Dungeon Infantile. A diapered adventurer has very little hope of ever leaving the dungeon or keeping their sanity. No one but a monster or trap may remove a diaper within Dungeon Infantile. The need to use the diaper will increase with each passing second despite the lack of food, water, or corruption. Once the adventurer is forced to use the diaper, monsters will be able to track them with ease. Even if an adventurer can manage to fend off their foes, the need to use the diaper will continue to rise until they are left helplessly messing themselves for long periods at a time. The diaper, unable to leak, will continue to grow heavy and sag with each use until the adventurer is reduced to a crawl. Left with no energy or dignity, the hero will be unable to do anything but accept their fate as another hapless victim of the dungeon. 


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