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It was early morning. A blue SUV was parked outside a suburban home. Inside the car was a woman and her child. They were Anna and Sadie Klein respectively. Anna was a CEO for an up and coming tech company. Their work was cutting edge but still off the mainstream radar due to their sudden ascent into the tech-world. Anna was the reason for their success. Her technical know-how and cunning took her to the top. A practical woman, she refused to be driven around. Hence her place in the driver's seat. 

"Mommy? Is the secretary bringing her kid too?" Sadie asked. She sat behind her mother atop a booster seat. It wasn't entirely necessary given her age, but Sadie had yet to complain about it and Anna didn't think to care. 

Anna huffed. She had agreed to participate in a Bring Your Child to Work Day and, as a kindness, decided to let her secretary carpool with them. Kindness was something Anna lacked. Her secretary, Michelle Lane, could hardly believe such a gesture but took her up on it nonetheless. "Yes, Sadie." Was her short response to her daughter. She then honked. Michelle had taken longer than Anna liked. "I never should have agreed to any of this. Do you know how bad it is for the CEO to not be on time? Ridiculous."

Sadie pretended not to hear her mother's comment. She was used to her workaholic mother's ranting. It seemed to only ever happen when Sadie asked a question, but Sadie was smart enough to know that it was probably a constant thing at her mother's work. "What's her name?"

"Don't know, Sadie."

"How old is she?"

Anna sighed loudly. "I don--oh thank god they finally decided to move."

Sadie looked out the window to see her mother's secretary and her daughter rush out to the car. 

"I'm so sorry, Ms. Klein. Katy couldn't find her left shoe!" Michelle's voice was chipper; as if the issue was no issue. Anna thought otherwise.

"I regret doing this and I'll never do it again so...don't ask." Anna put the car in drive and sped forward. Katy jerked forward. She had yet to put her seatbelt on. Having sensed the tension in the suddenly quiet car she decided not to react. 

"Hi." said Katy. She looked at Sadie, an uncomfortable smile on her face. "I'm Katy."

"I'm Sadie." 

The two hit it off as best they could. They spoke quietly to avoid anymore of Ms. Klein's anger and mostly talked about school and their hobbies. By the end of the car ride they were both happy to have met. Perhaps the day wouldn't be as dreadful as they thought.


Katy and Sadie followed their mothers into the building and into an elevator. They were both amazed when they saw Ms. Lane press their destination's button. Neither of them had ever seen an elevator go that high. After the ride they all stepped out and the two families split. Ms. Lane and her daughter went over to her desk while Ms. Klein escorted her daughter into her office. 

"Now, Sadie." Ms. Klein looked down at her daughter. I've got important things to do so just sit still until Michelle can come get you for the tour. 

Sadie groaned. "But mooooooom. The tour is gonna be boring. Can't I stay here with you?" She ran further into the room and pointed at a collection of monitors. "Like what do these do?"


"Come on! It's take your daughter to work day! Everyone's gonna be a little behind, right?"

Sadie's mother sighed. "Fine. If you must know, these are for testing our new implant systems. It isn't too necessary for me to have these but I don't like to be out of the loop. Our tech people set it up for me and gave me admin access to the system. Even some stuff no one else can access."

"Oh! Can I try?"

For once, Anna was bemused. It was the first time her daughter had ever shown any interest in technology. "Sure. I'll give you a test implant. It's intended for short term use so it'll merely sit in your ear rather than be surgically inserted."

Sadie smiled. She had no idea what her mother just said beyond that the device would go in her ear. "Okay!"

"Alright. Hold still." It took a few minutes for Anna to get her daughter hooked up with the implant but Sadie didn't seem to mind. She was too excited. 

"What does it even do?" Sadie asked.

"It's a chip that uses our five senses to create an augmented reality." 

Sadie looked confused. "What does that mean?"

"It means that the user, and anyone else with the chip installed, experiences what the user wants them to. The possible applications for it are endless and it's still being perfected. To help with testing every employee has the chip installed and the building is full of classrooms, nurseries, and other facilities that we can use to test marketable avenues of development."

Sadie had a blank expression on her face as she listened. She had a hard time fully grasping all the concepts. "Can I test it out? Could I make you see something?"

Anna smirked. "Alright, Sadie. If it'll get you to stop pestering me. What do you wanna see?"

"Could we switch bodies?" She asked, excited as could be.

"Not exactly…" Anna responded, "...but I could modify our perceptions so that it appeared that way." 

Sadie nodded. "Uh huh." She was still lost.

"Yes, Sadie. I can do that." Anna opened up her neural overlay and fiddled with the controls. She found their two implants and got to work. 

After a couple minutes of silence Sadie gasped. Her vision was blurred for a moment then became clear again. It was jarring for her. She saw a reflection of herself. Right in front of her. "D-Did it work?" Just by asking the question she had answered the question. Her voice sounded just like her mother's. She was far taller and dressed just like her. It had indeed worked.

Anna laughed. "Yeah, Sadie. It worked." She had grown used to the shifts in perception having done as much testing as she had in the several months prior. It did still feel slightly strange to her. It wasn't everyday that one looked and sounded like their own child. 

Sadie giggled with delight. "It's like we're playing house but I'm the mommy and you're the little girl!"

"Please Sadie. This technology is very important. It's not a toy."

Sadie hadn't listened. She was too busy marveling at her new body. "I have boobies now! And I'm so tall!"

"Sadie!" Anna said, louder than before. Only she didn't feel any louder. Just as Sadie looked and played around in her new body, Anna was forced to feel small and unimportant as most children did when around adults that didn't pay attention to them.

"I'm not Sadie! You are. You should be calling me mommy, young lady." Sadie practically jumped over the corner of Anna's desk and plopped down in her office chair. She lacked the poise and dignity that her mother had and sat with her legs spread. Anna's lacy black panties were on full display. "I'm the CEO now huh? Like if I called Katy's mommy in here she'd do whatever I wanted?"

Anna glared at her daughter. In Sadie's body the look was almost comical. "Enough Sadie. I'm switching us back."

"Scared I'll make her spank you for misbehaving? I bet she'd do it if I told her to. She's really scared of you." 

"I said eno--" The sound of Anna's call box suddenly clicking on cut her off and startled them both.

"Ms. Klein, i'll be in to grab Sadie for her tour in just one moment."

Both mother and daughter looked at the speaker. Eager to continue her role as her own mother, Sadie took the initiative to speak first. "Thank you...Ms. Secretary." The speaker clicked off and Sadie grinned from ear to ear. "She didn't even know it wasn't you!"

"I'm sure she thought something was off." Anna tried to look angry but it came off more as a pout. She took a deep breath. "Alright. I'm switching us back so you can have your tour and I can actually start being productive." Anna pulled up the implant's neural menu and attempted to undo the switch. She was met with a loud beep and a flashing message that informed her that she was not allowed to perform such a task. "W-What…? Sadie, try switching back with me. Just think about wanting to change your appearance and the menu should open. You should see your name appear up top." Sadie attempted to undo the switch and found that the system would let her. Before she could confirm the switch she noticed something odd about the overlay. Her name wasn't the one that was displayed. It was her mother's. The system had thought she was her mom and had given her full control of the system. She stifled the smile that pulled at her lips. "Sorry mom. It's not letting me do it either." Anna cursed. "Did you do something, Sadie? This isn't funny. This better just be a glit--"

"Ms. Klein?" Michelle stepped into the room and waited by the door. "Is everything alright?"

Anna started to speak, only to be cut off by her daughter. "Everything's fine." She then looked down at Anna and smiled. "Ready for your tour, Sadie?"

"My tour?" Anna scoffed. She turned around to see Michelle place a hand on her shoulder and start to push her toward the door. "I'm not Sadie! It's the implants! Tell her, Sadie!"

"I'm sorry, Michelle. She has a very active imagination today." Sadie replied. She tried her best to talk just as her mother would. Michelle seemed to buy it 

"Come on, Sadie. Let's get out of your mother's hair." Michelle put another hand on Anna's shoulders and pushed her to the exit. She tried to fight it but quickly found that her strength had been greatly reduced. Michelle could wrangle her with ease. Another effect of the implant. She had been made as weak as a child was.

"Michelle, listen to me. It's the implants! Just make us switch back and you'll see!"

Michelle sighed. "That's impossible Sadie. Your mother has full control over all implant related systems. If you were her you could just reverse the switch. But you aren't. So just behave yourself and come along please."

"B-Buh!" Anna couldn't manage much more of an argument as she was forced from the room. She kicked her legs and started to cry as her own secretary forcibly removed her from the office like a child. "Stoooooop!" Anna wailed. She tried to go for the doorknob but Michelle wouldn't have it. Out of view of who she believed was her boss, Michelle hardened her expression almost immediately and dragged Anna by the arm down the hall. 


Meanwhile, Sadie was perceived as the most important person of the company and had access to every bit of the company's implant and security systems. It took her a second to get used to the controls, but once she did she immediately pulled up the camera feed of Michelle and her mother. Both of their implants were picked up by the feed and displayed on the side of her neural overlay. Sadie giggled with delight as she watched her mother get dragged along like a child by her own secretary. She never thought being forced to go to her mom's job would be so much fun. "Mom keeps acting like she's still an adult...that's no fun…" Sadie looked to the overlay and expanded the options on her mother's implant. She was surprised to find that there were seemingly endless options with which she could control or alter her mother's experience while switched. "This should be fun!"


"Michelle!" Anna yelled for, what had to have been at least, the tenth time. 

"For the last time," replied Michelle, "you will call me Ms. Lane." 

Anna glared at her secretary. The woman had never had an inch of backbone when they spoke. Suddenly Michelle was all backbone. Anna hated it. "You're gonna regret this. Just you wait, Miche--" Anna's words stopped. She stared forward for a second, confused as to why her crotch suddenly felt so warm.

"Sadie?!" Michelle yelled. "Why are you just standing there wetting yourself. How old are you? Don't you know how to use a toilet?"

Anna's lip trembled. She was horrified. Why did she just wet herself like that? A quick look down showed her just how bad she had needed to go. The carpet beneath her was soaked. A large wet stain had formed and had grown in size as she continued to pee. By the time the flow had stopped, Anna was in tears again. She couldn't believe how humiliated she felt. As she was used to, Anna reacted with anger. "Dammit Michelle! Look what you made me do! I swear to go--" Michelle had grabbed her chin and stared her down. 

"Stop right there. I don't know who told you it was okay for a girl your age to talk like tha--"


Michelle pressed a finger to Anna's lips. "No ma'am." She opened a call channel with her implant and called Sadie's mother. "Anna? Sadie's had an accident…" Her eyes met Anna's for a moment. "And she's cursing up a storm. I can't do a tour like this. Should I bring her back?"

There was silence for a moment. Anna swallowed audibly, unsure of what might happen next. 

"Sadie! That is not how I taught you to behave!" 

Anna scowled. She should have known that her daughter would continue the charade. She couldn't wait to teach her a lesson when they finally swapped back.

"Michelle, Sadie clearly needs to be disciplined. You have my permission to give her a thorough spanking and whatever else you feel necessary to get her to behave herself."

Anna's mouth dropped open. "W-Wha…? No way!" She pleaded with Michelle. "I'm your boss! I'm Anna! Don't spank me...please!"

Michelle ignored her. "Right away ma'am. I'll set her straight."

"No!" Anna tried to run but tripped over her own feet and fell. She grimaced as she felt the wet carpet press into her shins. A firm hand grabbed her by the collar and lifted her up to her feet. Anna was helpless but to be guided back to a chair and bent across her secretary's lap. "No! Stop! Don't spank me! Please!"

"Maybe you'll think next time an adult tells you to behave." Michelle reached back under Anna's skirt and yanked her panties down to her ankles. Anna whimpered and kicked her legs. The wetness of her panties was a painful reminder of the embarrassment she had suffered mere minutes prior. Anna tried to push Michelle's hand away but the woman easily grabbed her wrists with one hand and pinned them against the small of her back. With her free hand she pulled back Anna's skirt and lightly slapped her rear.

"Apologize, Sadie."

Anna kicked and squirmed. She refused to do something so humiliating. "Nuh uh!"


The first slap to her rear was light and sharp. The pain was quick and painful but didn't linger. Anna didn't mind the pain too much but the humiliation was too much. Some of her employees walked by. She could see them stare. She knew they just saw her as a child being punished but that somehow made it worse. "Let me go!"

"Apologize for being a brat, Sadie."


The next one was harder. More blunt. Anna couldn't help but hiss in pain. She tried to free a hand but it was pointless. Michelle was far stronger.

"Promise me you'll be a good girl and behave yourself and I'll let you go."




Three more slaps to her rear in quick succession. Anna had entered full-blown tantrum mode. She didn't care who saw. She kicked and screamed and cried as loud as she could. At this, Michelle lost her last bit of patience. She started to spank Anna again and again and did not let up until Anna gave in. Twenty-five or thirty spanks later and Anna was left in tears. She sniffled and whimpered and massaged her sore butt. Michelle no longer restrained her, but Anna knew not to move. Her arrogance had been temporarily quelled while her ass throbbed in pain.

"You know what I want to hear, young lady."

Anna sniffled. "I'm sorry…"

Michelle raised her hand as if to spank again. "You're sorry for…?"

Anna gasped at the sight. "I'm sorry for being a brat! I'll b-be a good girl and behave myself. I promise!"

Michelle smiled. "There we go. That wasn't so hard, was it?" She then let Anna down and took her by the hand. Anna had to tug her panties up as she was quickly escorted down the hall to one of the many nurseries that dotted the building's halls.

"W-Wait? Mich--Ms. Lane! Why are we going in here?"

Michelle reached into the room and pulled some baby wipes and a pullup free of a stack near the door. She tugged Anna's panties back down and started to wipe her crotch. Anna was mortified. She yanked her skirt down and took a step back. "What do you think you're doing?!"

"Sadie, calm down." Michelle grabbed Anna's wrist and pulled her forward. "Would you rather I put you in a pullup while you're still gross from your little accident?" She locked eyes with Anna and stared her down until the CEO-turned-little-girl looked down at her feet.

"No...but I'm not a baby. I can do it myself."

"No you aren't a baby. At least not in age. But if you keep acting like one I'm going to treat you like one. Understand?"

Anna felt taken aback. She had never seen Michelle with so much confidence and spirit. It intimidated her. "I-I guess."

"Good. Now be a good girl and lift your skirt."

"Do I really have too?" Anna asked. 

Michelle sighed. "I don't have three hands, Sadie. Now lift your skirt or I'll be cleaning you up while you're across my lap with a red bottom."

"Fine…" Anna looked away, her face red from embarrassment. She raised her skirt with shaky hands. The wipes touched her skin again and she shivered. Employees passed by them. They avoided looking in Anna's direction. No doubt it was out of common courtesy, but Anna couldn't shake the fact that despite her appearance she felt very much like herself. She worried that the glitch might not have affected everyone. Could some of them see her? The sight she would have made. Their stern CEO being treated like a naughty child. Forced back into pullups after wetting herself. Anna cringed at the thought. 

"Alright, Sadie." Anna looked over to see Michelle crouched low, the pullup stretched open at Anna's feet. "Get into the pullup."

"M-Maybe we could find some big girl panties. I promise I won't wet again. Please…" Anna took a deep breath in. "...Ms. Lane."

Michelle shook her head. "Sorry, young lady. You clearly can't be trusted in big girl panties and I'm not letting you pee on the carpet again. Kick your panties off and let me put you in this pullup or I can spank you again and put you in a diaper. How does that sound?"

Anna started to cry again. How could this have happened to such an important and dignified woman such as herself? Completely distraught, she covered her face in shame and did as Michelle told her. 

"There we go." Michelle tugged the pullup up Anna's legs and adjusted it until the garment hugged her hips snugly. "Now that wasn't so bad, was it?"  

Anna hung her head in defeat. She whimpered. "N-No…"


Sadie watched as Michelle carried out her instructions. She had never felt so giddy. All her life her mother was stern and distant. Then suddenly her secretary saw her as a child. She wet herself like a toddler. Even got spanked. Then, in a wonderful twist of fate, she was forced into pullups. A fitting punishment after her little tantrum

"I had no idea these implant things could be so much fun!" Sadie bounced up and down in her mother's office chair. She couldn't help but be excited. "I wonder what else I could do…" 


Michelle stood and took Anna by the hand. "Alright, let's get go--"

"Michelle! Michelle!" The two turned back to see a male employee wave to them. "You're needed in the boardroom. Like right now."

"God dammit...er…" Michelle looked down at Anna. "I mean gosh darnit."

The correction annoyed Anna. Not even foul language was allowed near her. She couldn't help but feel small.

Michelle knelt down and looked into Anna's eyes. "I have to go so I'm going to leave you with Katy, okay?"

"What?" Anna glared at her. "I'm not being babysat by some teenager! Just let me go, I'll be fine. I learned my lesson."

"You're going to go with me to meet Katy and you're going to do as she says and behave yourself." Michelle grabbed Anna by the arm and pulled her along. 

Unable to fight the secretary's adult strength, Anna was forced to follow. She kicked and wriggled but nothing could free her. Eventually, they stopped in front of one of the many test classrooms. Katy sat at one of the desks inside. She was on her phone but looked up when she heard Anna's sobbing. 

"That is it, Sadie." Michelle dropped Anna's arm and lifted her skirt. She yanked her pullup down in one quick motion and administered several painful spankings to Anna's rear.

"No!" Anna wailed. Her bottom was still sore from her last punishment. It felt like her backside was on fire.


Katy watched in shock from inside the room. She could see the entire display only it looked a bit different for her. Since she hadn't been given an implant she didn't see Sadie being spanked as the scene seemed to suggest; instead, she saw her mother's boss being spanked. Katy covered her mouth. She had no idea what had caused the situation but she couldn't believe it. "Is Ms. Klein wearing pullups?!" Katy was baffled but she could surmise a few things. Her mother wasn't the type to do something out of the ordinary. With her vague knowledge of the implants she could only assume that something had gone haywire. A fiendish grin formed on her face as she remembered all the times Ms. Klein had stressed her mother to the point of tears. So she decided not to say anything. 

Suddenly, the door opened and her mother entered with Ms. Klein in tow. "I've got some important business to take care of Katy. Look after Sadie for a bit. I'll be right back." Michelle turned Ms. Klein's head until their eyes met. "And you're going to behave and do everything Katy says, aren't you?"

The CEO looked over at Katy. She rubbed her sore behind and sniffled. "Uh huh…"

"What was that?"

"I'm gonna behave and do what Katy says...I promise." The shame was plain on her face. Katy had to stifle a grin.

"Good girl." Katy's mother then looked over at her. "And keep a good eye on her, Katy. She's been a real handful today. Not acting her age. Cursing. Let me know if she acts up."

"Sure thing, mom."


The room was quiet for a moment. Michelle had just left and Anna was still too afraid to misbehave. Katy watched her, a curious look on her face. "Did my mom put you in pullups?"

Anna laughed nervously. "Uh...heh...yeah. Not cause I needed them. It was just for stuff with the implants."

"Uh huh…" Katy stood and approached Anna. "What kind of implant stuff?"


Katy's mouth opened wide. She had realized what had happened. Ms. Klein's sheepish response had told her much. Her mother had told her about the implants and how they changed one's perception. If Ms. Klein was next to her and perceived as Sadie then Sadie must have been somewhere disguised as Ms. Klein. Katy couldn't believe it but she decided to move forward as if it were true. When would she ever get another opportunity to humiliate Ms. Klein. "Oh my gosh, Sadie. Did you wet yourself?"


Katy crossed her arms. "Are you lying? 'Cause lying is definitely naughty behavior. Want me to tell my mom?"

"No! Don't. Please."

"Then tell me the truth."

Anna felt her eyes grow wet again. She felt so pathetic. "I...wet myself and had to wear pullups."

"You really aren't acting your age. Don't tell me you're going to go in your pullups again. If I have to clean up your mess you're going in diapers. Then my mom can change you."

"Diapers?! No way! I'm not gonna wet again."

Katy scoffed. "I'm having serious doubts. Oh my god. What if you pooped in your pullups? Diapers would definitely be in store for you then."

Anna didn't want to imagine it. "T-That's not gonna happen. I'm not a baby!"


Sadie giggled gleefully. She had never seen her mother so emotional and upset. "This really is just like house 'cept mom is more a baby than a little girl." Sadie then gasped. "What if…" She explored more and more of the menus until she found what she sought: mental and intelligent based recognition. "Sounds like something that might help mommy get used to her new body!" With a flourish she played with the controls as if what she did was as harmless as playing a video game. She couldn't wait to see what would happen once she was done.


Katy continued to tease Ms. Klein until it looked as if the woman might start crying again. It almost felt cruel until she remembered the countless times the woman had tormented her mother. "Are you gonna cry? You really are just a big baby, aren't you? That's why my mom left me in charge. You're too little to be on your own. I'm pretty much your babysitter now.

Anna started to whimper. She couldn't believe how quickly things had gone from bad to worse. Something in her threatened to snap. Since everyone saw her as a child it wouldn't be bad if she blew up on an older girl. Just as she thought to act on the impulse her mind felt incredibly foggy. The words she had on the tip of her tongue fell apart and she started to cry. Not so much because of Katy's teasing, but more so sue to the warmth that spread across the front of her pullup. She had wet her pullup and she couldn't stop it. It was as if she forgot how to stop. Helpless to her body's whims she could only stand there and soak her pullups. 

"Oh my gosh you really are a baby! You didn't even try to go to the bathroom."

Anna sobbed. She had become completely distraught and could no longer think straight. "I-I didn't mean tooooo…" She managed to say between her gasping breaths. Snot ran down her face and mixed with the tears and drool that covered her chin.

"Are you saying you had an accident, little girl? You didn't think to go potty?"

Without a second thought Anna admitted to it. "Uh-uh huh." She nodded and looked down at her feet, embarrassed.

"Don't tell me you can't control your bowels either? Should I put you in a diaper before you poop yourself, little baby?"

"I'm not gonna poop myself!" Anna tried to say it with confidence but she could hear the uncertainty in her voice. If she couldn't control her bladder then was it so far fetched for her to poop herself. She backed away from Katy. There was no way for her to know for sure. She had to run away and deal with the issue on her own. 

Katy noticed Anna's fear and didn't let the woman get away. "You are, aren't you? You're gonna do like those little toddlers do and hide so you can poop yourself."

"N-No! Let me go please!" Anna pleaded.

But Katy wouldn't relent. "You're not going anywhere. You're going to behave for your babysitter or else I'll have my mom come and spank you again. Do you want that?"

Anna sniffled. She then wiped her nose on her expensive blouse. "I don't want that…"

"Good. Then be a good little baby and follow me to the back so we can put you in a dia--"

Anna's eyes widened in horror. She farted loud and long. Her stomach suddenly felt very upset. She wanted to run for it but her legs felt heavy and her brain felt even foggier than before. "Buh...buh…" Anna bent at the waist and grunted. Positioned as she was, her soaked pullup had already sagged enough to be visible if she bent over. As she pushed her mushy mess into the pullup it sagged even further until it looked like it might burst.

Katy couldn't hold it back anymore. She laughed loud and long as Anna continued to noisily mess herself. "I knew you needed diapers. This is what happens when you don't listen to your babysitter."

With one last strained grunt Anna finished. Exhausted and confused she stumbled backward and fell on her butt. The mess in her pullup spread all over her backside and the adult-turned-toddler started to wail. Clearly influenced by her implant, she seemed to regress to the point where she sucked on her thumb for comfort. Anna looked up at Katy then and whimpered as if to beg for help.

"Awww are you a little thumb-sucker now too? Have you learned your lesson little girl? Are you gonna behave for your babysitter and let her put you in diapers?"

Anna could hardly pay attention. Unknown to her, Sadie had greatly drained her intelligence and mental fortitude the moment she pooped herself. Anna had her intelligence reduced to that of an elementary school with the self-control and willpower of a little girl still in daycare. Anna could only nod in response. She felt it only natural to do whatever Katy told her. The girl was her far older babysitter in her mind.

Katy patted Anna's head. "Good girl. Now lay on your back and I'll be right back with a nice clean diaper and some supplies. Maybe I'll even find you a paci since you seem to love sucking on your thumb so much."

Anna did as she was told almost immediately. Some part of her still felt horribly humiliated after what had happened but the thumb-sucking kept her calm and helped keep her adult thoughts at bay. So she laid there unsure of what to do. She knew she should try to stop what happened but figured it was no use. Like it or not her potty training had been stripped away. She'd need diapers to keep from having obvious accidents. As awful as it sounded to her, she would need to be put in diapers and she had no desire to do it herself.

The sound of a door opening threatened to pull her from her scattered thoughts but it wasn't until several children approached her that she realized other people were in the room. In such a vulnerable position as she was, Anna gasped and started to cry again. Could she sink any lower?

"Mrs. Harris there's a baby in here. She stinks!" said one child. He couldn't have been older than six but the clear lack of a diaper under his shorts made Anna feel that he was much older and mature than herself. The whole room was filled with big kids.

"I think she went potty in her diapers." 

"Ewww! She went poopy in her pullups!"

By the time the teacher had arrived Katy had already returned with a diaper and several other items. "I'm so sorry. This little girl I'm babysitting, Sadie, had an accident. She clearly wasn't ready for pullups yet."

The teacher, Mrs. Harris, didn't mind. "That's no worry. Come along children. Let's leave the baby and her sitter alone." She then moved toward the front of the class and out of Anna's view. Most of the children followed but a few stayed behind. One of them sucked her thumb like Anna. She even had the waistband of a pullup poke out of her pants. Anna almost felt less infantile when she saw her. Katy quickly dashed the thought. She replaced Anna's thumb with a pacifier and unfolded the diaper out next to Anna. Even a girl like the one standing next to her felt older then. 

Anna started to cry and the rest of the children left. She sniffled and whimpered around her pacifier until she was wiped clean, powdered and taped into a diaper that felt much thicker than it looked. Katy looked down at Ms. Klein and admired her handiwork. "There! Now you don't have to worry about making messes or dealing with potties ever again. Doesn't that sound great?" Katy tickled the woman's exposed stomach. Anna pouted and crossed her arms. Clearly some of her senses had returned now that she had been changed. Katy could only assume Sadie had something to do with it. 

Anna spat out her pacifier and frowned. "Tha's nah gweat! I'm nah a baby!" Her eyes opened wide as she heard her own voice. It should have been Sadie's voice, and it was, but she couldn't stop lisping. "Wahth wong wif me?! I don sound wike dis!"

Katy cackled. "Oh but you do little girl. You're clearly gonna need speech therapy when you're older, but for now it just makes you even more adorable!"

Anna wanted to strike the girl but couldn't bring herself to do it. As vulnerable as she was she still had her morals. Not to mention she was as weak as she looked. Katy could easily handle her if she wanted. "I'm nah adowa...adowa...bull?" 

"Awww! So cute!"

Anna fumed. Unable to take another second she sat up suddenly and bolted for the door. Katy simply let her toddle off. She could see her mother on the other side of the door and knew there was no need to chase.


"Oh my gosh!" I can't believe she just laid there and sucked on a pacifier!" Sadie laughed hysterically. "Now I've got her in diapers lisping like a little kid. She can't even walk without waddling." Sadie continued to mess with the controls. A good portion of the day had passed and Sadie knew her fun would have to come to an end soon. Which would mean she would be grounded for life or worse. In the interest of continuing her fun and to prevent any punishment, Sadie left her mother in the hands of Ms. Lane and Katy while she looked further into the implant systems. It had been a daunting task at first but her curiosity and the easy to use U.I. made it all too easy for her to get a handle on the system. "She can't punish me if she isn't the one with all the power anymore, now can she?"


"Sadie!" Ms. Lane exclaimed. 

Anna couldn't register the voice in time to prevent herself from slamming into her secretary. "Wuh?" She fell down on her butt, her legs spread, the thick diaper fully exposed.

"Why are you running around like this?" Ms. Lane looked over at her daughter. "She's been a handful hasn't she. Back in diapers, I see."

"Very much a handful. But I think she'll behave a bit more now that you're back. Won't you, Sadie?"

Anna looked from Katy to Ms. Lane. She couldn't just keep giving in. Where would it end she wondered. She wouldn't let herself sink any lower. "I'm nah Thadie! I'm Anna!"

Ms. Lane sighed. "Still on about this? Listen little girl, I don't want you to feel bad but your mommy doesn't need diapers and she doesn't lisp. Surprisingly, you're a seven year old girl that does both." Anna hung her head in defeat. She didn't fight as Ms. Lane dragged her up onto her feet. Ms. Lane and Katy then both apologized on Anna's behalf before they escorted her into and down the hallway. 

Anna had nearly lost all hope. If the glitch kept up then she'd be seen as the diaper wearing, pacifier sucking, little lisping toddler child of the CEO. How would she ever recover? That was when Ms. Lane turned down a hall and brought them both into a room full of desks and clear glass. Machinery and wires dangled from the ceiling and employees milled about the room. Anna recognized most of them, they were engineers she spoke to and interacted with daily. They could all see her waddling around in her diapers. It was incredibly humiliating but it gave her an idea. She knew it would be her only chance to free herself from her humiliation. If she could just convince them she would be free.

With surprise on her side, Anna broke free of Ms. Lane's grip and ran into the center of the workspace. "You gotta wisthen to me! The thystum gwitched! I'm nah Thadie! I'm mith kwein! Juth wook at my impwant pweath!" As she said it, she felt clarity for the first time in hours. Despite the lisp she knew she had convinced at least one of them. Surely.

Everyone in the room stared at her then. The room was silent. Then a single voice spoke up. "Oh my god is she wearing a diaper?" 

"I think she wet it! Look the crotch is all yellow."

"Oh god I can't believe she'd flaunt her fetish like that it's so embarrassing."

"She's the CEO what the hell is she doing dressed like that being paraded around by her secretary."

Anna looked down in horror to see that she could see her old body. The same glitch that had caused the switch had also reversed it. Her tight black skirt had been hiked up nearly to her hips and her diaper could be clearly seen by everyone. Just as the room said, she had clearly wet herself. It was only then that she noticed the sag and warmth of her diaper. She must have wet herself during her plea. "I-I...there was a glitch and everyone thought I was a little girl...b-but I wasn't...an-and…" Anna tried to explain it all away but it didn't work. Most went back to work. They pretended to not notice the embarrassing display before them. Others continued to mock her. Some even took pictures. For the first time in years, with her adulthood intact, Anna openly sobbed.

"Guess baby needs a diaper change!"

"Hey Ms. Lane your baby needs a diapie change!"

Anna ran from the room in tears. Her diaper crinkled loudly with each step.


A few days later and Anna had returned home from another hellish day at work. It had taken hours to convince H.R. of what had happened and that was only after she had gotten Sadie to admit her wrong-doing. Even then it was not enough to regain anyone's respect or to prevent the massive amount of mockery and humiliation she had to endure the past couple days. Not an hour would go by where someone didn't say something about smelling baby powder or hearing the crinkling of a diaper. Some of her more bold employees even asked if she needed to be changed. Anna could only grin and bear it all. Worst of all, Ms. Lane knew that Anna was vulnerable. She couldn't walk on the woman like she could before. Even the slightest bit of sass and Ms. Lane would threaten a spanking or putting her back in pullups. Anna's days as the hardass CEO were done thanks to her daughter. Sadie had been grounded and had everything fun taken from her for as long as her mother saw fit. Everyday Anna gave her an earful and she'd just grin. It made Anna furious. Just what did the girl have to smile about?

Anna opened the door and was shocked to find a woman standing in the foyer. She held a laptop in one hand and a thick diaper in the other. Anna immediately panicked. Terrified that someone had heard of what had happened and come to torment her. "W-What do you want?"

"Don't you recognize me mom?"

Anna's mouth opened in shock. "Sadie?"

"Bingo. I decided to sneak some of the tech home with me during your whole 'most humiliating day of your life' thing."

Anna was furious. "You're grounded and I told you that you weren't allowed to touch a single electronic device until I said so. You're in so much trouble, young lady!" She stepped forward into the house to snatch the laptop from her daughter.

"Ah ah ah! Naughty naughty."

Anna stopped in her tracks. She could hear it then. The familiar hissing noise that alerted her to the growing warmth in her panties. "Whath happenin?! No...No! Thadie pwease!"

"Sorry mom. You clearly aren't ready for big girl panties. Looks like it's back in diapers for you."

"I'm thowwy! You're nah gwounded. I'll wet you do whateva you wan!"

Sadie just laughed. "I'm gonna do whatever I want regardless, little baby Annie. As long as you're home, I'm the mommy and you're the baby." Sadie sat the laptop down and started to unfold the diaper. "You can kiss your freedom goodbye little girl. Consider yourself grounded. Not that a little baby like you has much to do anyway."

Anna tried to run but her legs wouldn't let her. She fell backwards in the center of the foyer as more and more pee soaked her panties. She felt as weak as a toddler again and was helpless as her adult daughter started to undress her. 

"Don't worry. You'll still get to be a big girl at work. Although you might still smell like baby powder when you get there in the morning. But when you're home…" Sadie stripped Anna of her panties and slid the thick diaper under her butt. "...you're gonna be my little pacifier sucking, diaper messing baby. And isn't that just great?"

Anna didn't think so but she had been rendered helpless. Like it or not, her daughter had complete control over her. She could do nothing but suck on the pacifier stuffed in her mouth as her daughter stripped her of the last of her adult clothing and dressed her in a bright pink onesie with 'Baby Girl' written on the chest.

"That's right, baby. Let mommy do all the work. No more big girl thoughts for you in this house. Oh! And I can't wait for you to see your new room...or should I say nursery. It's got a crib in it after all!"


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