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Hey y'all! Bit of an odd post that I decided to make late at night, half awake and delirious (not really, just being an over-dramatic bab): I've tried to make a text-based game multiple times. One time, I got far enough in that I wrote a decent amount of lewd content. I've since dropped said project for another one that I'm currently working on (information on that one will come with time), but I've decided to post the unfinished version for free here on my patreon as I really don't want all that writing to go to waste. 

Please do keep in mind that this is not a finished product. There are pages that are strictly just notes that I wrote that describe the scene rather than an actual scene. That being said, there is enough actual written content in it that I do think people will have some fun reading it and I did my best to edit and pull it together so that it at least makes sense when the content starts to get more sparse. If you decide to give it a look-see and like what ya see, please do let me know. 



This looked great! I was pretty drawn in, shame there wasn't much content. I hope you finish this someday.


The link/download isn't working


What exactly do you mean by it isn't working? Is it not downloading? Which browser are you using?