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I'll be travelling to another state to solve some college issues im having next week, so there won't be anything posted until i return home, so i'll try my best to finish this month's monthly drawing/sketches before i leave on Tuesday.  If everything goes nicely i should be returning before May 7 hopefully, apologies and thank you for your patience!


Goonsbury (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-29 04:01:00 No worries, Soro, do what you gotta do. We'll be right here waiting for more of your fantastical escapades.
2023-04-29 01:55:49 No worries, Soro, do what you gotta do. We'll be right here waiting for more of your fantastical escapades.

No worries, Soro, do what you gotta do. We'll be right here waiting for more of your fantastical escapades.


Understood, Soro. Take care of what you need. Don't pressure yourself too hard to finish all the monthly sketches.