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bad move



The shadow demon

This hurts my heart so much to see this and to see him sad. I just want to hug him and give him ice cream so we can feel better and that bunny is Dad. He doesn’t know it yet but he’s a walking corpse

Goonsbury (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-05 18:59:02 I agree, that rabbit has a dinner date with God coming up.
2023-03-03 07:34:07 I agree, that rabbit has a dinner date with God coming up.

I agree, that rabbit has a dinner date with God coming up.

The shadow demon

He isn’t going to God when I’m done with him. Trust me he’s going to stay alive for awhile longer, but only for as long as I’m entertained once I’m no longer entertained are finally let him go to hell where he belongs until then I’m going to get him a feet much worse than what hell can even think of doing


Can I join you? I got a boat load of Molotov Coctails in my car.

The shadow demon

Of course you can the more the merrier and fire I like your style but what are you have planned for him? I can think of a lot of forest things that’s going to happen. Fire is the least of his worries.