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How?!? Oh right he never made sure they got back home-




Mimi, you CLEVER girl~ In...some places, of course. But OH NO. Also, what DID happen to Riley's other bodies? Also also, some outfit inconsistencies! Not that big a deal but it still gives a case of OCD to see. Freya had the same issue earlier but I didn't mind it as much as it seemed feasible she'd have been changed.


i guess soro has to face round 2 against the other girls


Can lydia specifically be fucked first before the fight

Icky the Magical Mimikyu

I wonder if this will have 2 different endings. 1. Where Soro saves everyone and 2. Where Soro joins Mimi and rules the island.


A 1v6… well good luck Soro. Don’t die


WTF NO Release Bonnie at once, you witch! She was already on her way home safe and sound. ;-;


Most of them were damaged, and replaced by a more uniform-like one by Mimi.


Ahh, makes sense then. Since most of them after Glaze and Riley (the ones that could be found anyway) were all shattered...save for maybe Miley's. But still, makes sense. Again, not a big deal, juuust was weird. I still have questions but I'm going to shut it now.


Hmm? Is that a click near Freya's neck? Are the gals by chance wearing mind control collars?


Hmm, I was wondering that, but I DON'T think the collars have anything to do with it.

Goonsbury (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-23 02:16:49 I agree, let's rush em and get them back to normal.
2023-01-23 02:16:49 I agree, let's rush em and get them back to normal.
2023-01-18 23:36:19 I agree, let's rush em and get them back to normal.

I agree, let's rush em and get them back to normal.