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Don't worry she has a lisence for that thing


Freya keeps the wedges, soro keeps the robot after all of this

The shadow demon

Am I the only one that imagines that tiki symbol on the robot is giving us the fingers I know it’s just flames but it does also kind of look like that or am I just way too tired


That is one big giant robot


Never figured I'd end up seeing Freya have to pilot the Stompybot. Figured she could just do it on her own really. And it looks like they got the banana mush to be a bit less...everywhere this time around.


Oh God, I barely even noticed that. That's a good ass call, I can totally see it that way.

The shadow demon

Surviving hard, just imagining it well it’s good to know that I’m not the only one actually seeing that it was just so it’s apprising that I had to say something I know it’s supposed to be fire but just the way it’s positioned


A woman driving a giant robot? This can't end well.

Patreon Ced

Freya is Egg Robot Certified it seems