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First of all, happy new year to all of you! And of course, as always, thank you very much for your support, i truly appreciate every one who is kind enough to stick around with me! With that said, i'd like to point out what upcoming drawings or things will be done for next year, after i share them, i invite to leave your input and opinion about them, alongside what YOU would like to see more of next year as well! Every comment counts and i take them greatly into consideration.

-January: I will resume on a more heavy focused mindset to continue the Tiki Tak Incident Comic, as we're almost done with it, only a few gals to go before that one wraps up. I "hope" it doesn't take the entire month to complete it but it shall remain a good focus of the month! I will throw in some random gals and hypno themed along the way so don't you worry.

-February: Im hoping that by the time we reach February i have my mainline comic done and would start a new one during this month, the current idea would be either of these (please vote on which you'd prefer!)

Option A: To continue Soro's Story where it left off with Miley, Melissa and Kelly Adopting Him.

Option B: Another Mainline Hypnosis Story: A Fairy Type Conversion of the Gals under the excuse of a SPA

Option C: Continue the "Masks" Hypnosis Story. (Or rather re-introduce it in a more story like manner, hot bikinis included).

Option D:  Continue "Disc Fiasco" Mind Control Story. (This one is rather short however, as it's more of a little prank storyline).

Option E: An Origins Story of one of my Pokémon you would like to know about! How Soro met them, how he caught them and how they became friends! The length of the Comic would be in relation to the character in question.

Option F: A brand new Hypnosis-Themed Story not covered yet! 

March: To be determined.

Please do leave a comment in which option you're interested in!



D please Looking forward to next year!!!

The shadow demon

Happy New Year and I can say for certain I’m looking forward to all of your stories and drawings that you’re going to be making this year no matter what they are what you do with them I Will love them also B or F please


Happy New Year Soro! Either Option A or Option F with maybe someone using the Hypno Beam from Jimmy Neutron or something.


My vote goes to A. Mainly because I like the more wholesome stories you create that don't have much to do with hypnosis. Not that the hypnosis is bad of course, but it would be a welcomed change of pace.


My vote goes for B, E or F personally, I can't decide between them! Also, happy new year! Let's hope 2023's...at least better.

This Guy

I like the sound of B.


I like B and C myself


A or B as I like seeing Soro drive out the Tikis from their various hiding spots they used on the girls' bodies.