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Daddie's boy is gunna dedicate himself to his community and also get that sweet sweet protein intake. No cock is refused when the local muscle boy becomes a weekly cumdump for the neighborhood daddies. You just never know who's going to turn up when word gets around!

Hey there,
Sorry I've been a bit incommunicado this month. I was working hard on this and another piece which should arrive soon. Rather than hurry things along and get a more average result for both, I delayed the one so that they both turn out better. I hope you like this POTM. I just liked the idea of an open trailer in a park where anyone could come and use the facility 😉

I wanted to give you a special thanks for the continued support this month. It's been made a bit more difficult because Twitter has "search banned" me because of the "Odin" picture I did. I understand it, but it's still not great. Although the subject isn't exactly friendly, I think the representation is more important. Norse mythology often attracts a "certain type of crowd", so depicting a mythological episode where homoerotic undertones are present is kinda pivotal. Heavens knows there is plenty of worse mythology about which is readily accepted and shown to all. But try explaining that nuance to a social media company 🙄

Anyway, I am really appreciative of your contribution and hope that you enjoy a lovely February.

Cheers heaps!




Hot 🔥 very nice. Great job on the setting/kinks and then the art as always is great and getting better all the time. That sucks about Twitter, didn't Elon buy it specifically because he was so triggered by being censored and wanted to preserve free speech? I'd be appealing that if there's a process to for it.

Mr Gruts

Thanks so much ravenzer0 😄 I'm glad you liked the art and the setting. Oh lord, don't get me started about boy genius and the twitter acquisition. I think we're all exhausted with the meaningless "free speech" rhetoric. I'll wait a while to see if anything dislodges, but Twitter was always a bit sensitive to certain activities, and they've been know to ignore appeals for adult-orientated accounts. Especially as they deny the practice of shadowbanning as a whole. But insta can be just as bad, I hear they shadowban body positivity accounts. Worst case scenario I'll just need to make a new twitter account. Bit annoying but won't deter me from my horny illustrations in the least 😎 👍👍


This is why I’m a Patron. Excellent!! 🔥🔥🔥

Mr Gruts

Thankyou so much Valis 🙏🙏🙏 I'm very lucky to have you as a patron 🥰