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Some historians have asserted that Odin needed to recharge by drinking the semen ejaculated by corpses of men hanged at the gallows. There is a peculiar phenomenon where men would often have erections or ejaculate during the process of hanging (caused by spinal damage). This could be a myth told to explain why this occurs.

In this often cited excerpt from David R. Greenberg's 2008 book, "The Construction of Homosexuality":

"It stands for the essence of the male individual. Special powers  are ingested by acquiring the semen of someone who already has these  powers. 

Because Odin was heterosexually active, he was in danger of  depleting his semen, the source of his powers, and therefore he had to  replenish his supply from time to time. The myths tell us that he did  this by visiting corpses hanging from gallows. On these visits Odin  drank the semen ejaculated by the hanged men. 

As an Aesir who could change his shape (usually into that of an  animal),” and who gained arcane knowledge by swallowing semen, there was  only a small step to changing sex and playing a female role in  homosexual encounters. Moreover though Odin was a war god he fought with  magic rather than physical prowess and thus had nothing to lose from  feminization. His followers, who fought with muscle and magic, did."

As you can imagine, this has been fiercely contested within the historical and Norse enthusiast community. Norse mythology often contains patriarchal elements which punish those who deviate from the norm. Online arguments have gotten particularly acidic as the Norse fandom has attracted, let's say, a "certain type" of group. Which is a shame because mythologies are interesting to study and it's a shame when they get co-opted into toxic political ideals.

Sorry if this one was not as titillating as usual, I just thought it was an idea worthy of investigating. I certainly couldn't find any other pictures, so I thought I should do one. I hope you at least learnt something interesting! Odin certainly is a mucky puppy. I think he got most of that load on his beard. On the whole I'd rather just have my morning coffee, thanks.

Thank you for your generous donation. I hope you're doing alright during this crazy time of year. I was pleasantly surprised to see the leather bar was selected for the POTM, and I've started some nice looking pictures. Can't wait to share them at the end of the month! Good luck with your celebrations and I hope you have fun whatever you're up to! 🎉🍻🎆




Pah, I'm here waiting to see how Odin "sacrificed" his eye., to whose dong 😈

Mr Gruts

"I totally sacrificed it to this fella for divine knowledge. I so didn't lose it by sucking off hanging victims who shot it out with their meaty cocks" 😅


I also love that he did "feminine" magic, just a pass around bottom to get some magic. And he's out here drinking and sucking off men...he really was a Pig (used endearingly)

Mr Gruts

Lol too right. A lot of time they seem to use magic metaphor for characters transgressing imposed gender roles. Definately prefer tasting my magic from a live person! 🐷