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We all know why fellas take on the Edward 40 Hands challenge : to have an excuse for some sweet drunken watersports fun! 😜

I came across the hazing tradition of "Edward 40 Hands" while I had a stint in Canada. Groups of primarily undergraduate-age men duct-taping large bottles of beer (40 ounces) to their hands. The challenge is to drink all the beer without pissing yourself. As you can imagine, interesting homoerotic situations unfold. As one entry in Urban Dictionary states:
"Dude Im not gay, he was Edward 40 hands and I had to help him piss"

I painted these fellas with some new paints. Still working out the kinks (so to speak), but I'm really digging how vibrant the colours are and the layering effects that are possible. They're called "Turner Acrylic Gouache". Pretty sweet 👍

Thanks as always for the kind support you've helped provide. It's because of patrons like you that I'm able to afford to experiment with paints like this. You have my utmost appreciation 🙏🙏🙏




It looks sooo good!!! I love the vibe of some "teasing homoeroticism" when it comes to drinking like that

Mr Gruts

Cheers so much Ludinstrom! 🥰 Me too mate. You gotta love it when fellas can drop the facade and just be cool with the homoerotic aspects of life🍺 😎🤙

Ace the Dawg

Can I say this is one of my favorites you've done! Always something good about boys at play all natural like... and the guy with his tongue and cock dangling out casually pissing in the background, he's my favorite