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Dearest Patrons

I’ve had a good think about how to approach projects in the future. You may have noticed that the Picture of The Month scope has shifted from doing singular colour images in stages to doing multiple scenes. I’ve also dabbled in comics during this time too.

I’m finding when doing narrative pieces especially that I’m rushing the text through at the end.

I want to continue doing the colour one-shot scenes in multiple stages with an emphasis on overall quality. I also want to do comics as I love storytelling. So, I thought of a solution which I think will be better for you guys as you’ll get better quality images.

I think I will go back to the model of POTM being a highly rendered colour scene in stages that you will see at the end of the month that you guys get to vote on. PLUS I will develop a comic at the same time that will be developed over a longer time. I also plan to share exclusive voting power on certain aspects of the comic. I like having you guys involved in things and it makes it more fun for me when I get to see your input. And (naturally) you will receive a better conceived comic piece once it’s done.

All aspects of future projects will continue in the super-horny ethos of previous Gruts projects. I love making this artwork and want to get better!


POTM will focus on highly rendered colour scenes in multiple stages.

COMICS will be developed in the background over a longer time.

YOU will gain:

  • Higher quality COMIC imagery
  • Better COMIC writing, stories, pacing, structure
  • Exclusive voting power on aspects on the COMIC
  • Insight into comic development
  • A less stressed and more focused Mr Gruts

What you will lose:

  • Random-ass POTM that sometimes has comic parts which tend to degrade the overall quality
  • A stressed and poorly planning Mr Gruts

So what do you guys think? Please do let me know if there are any strong opinions.

Thank you 🙏




As long as it's what your comfortable doing, I think people will be excited for it! Plus, getting to see comics last longer/tell more story is always a plus and something exciting to hear!

Mr Gruts

Thanks heap Lundinstrom! 😄 I think it's the better decision eh? The comics up to now feel like they're over before they've begun 😅 Im glad you're excited about this too. Thank you for being so kind and understanding 🙏


Comics are always ambitious projects, so I do respect the fact you were able to pump them out as much as you did! This new plan sounds more sensible for sure though, and I'm sure the quality of your already great work will only benefit from it 😊

Mr Gruts

I totally agree Zollith! It was good dipping into them to learn stuff but frustrating to end them so abruptly. Really happy to hear you agree with the plan and I'm sure the work quality will improve too. Thank you for your kindness and understanding 🙏