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Gday there,

I'm currently busy working on the POTM which is a comic. I'm REALLY HAPPY with how it's going so far, so I'm knuckling down doing my best on it. It will be ready at the normal time at the end of the month. So in the meantime I thought I'd update you on the tools I use that you helped pay for. Haven't done one of these for ages.

The biggest upgrade was the Intel NUC WSHi5 computer. It was a huge upgrade and the first time I've bought a first-hand computer in years. I managed to get it for a steal and it cost less than a lot of popular phone models. Crazy times we live in.

I went ahead and purchased an Akasa Turing AC Pro case for the lil bugger cos it's little fan would go off all the time. I didn't think I'd mind, but it does grate after a while. The Turing AC Pro is basically a huge aluminum heat-sink which wicks away all the heat. It was a bit pricey, but thoroughly worth it for the silence and having the unit completely solid-state.

I had purchased the XP-Pen Artist 22 (2nd) model tablet screen quite a while ago but never completely got on with it. I think I just work better with the disconnect of having a separate tablet under the screen rather than having devices try and emulate pen & paper feel. Therefore it acts as a reference monitor.

I managed to get a Ye Olde Wacom Intuos 4 second hand for an absolute steal. I just love this thing. For some reason the Wacom drivers feel far snappier to me and the pressure more responsive.

The Hagarumado wooden grip for the Wacom Grip Pen was a must. For some reason manufacturers insist on using horrible silicon material which gradually absorbs sweat, swells up and falls off the device like an old used condom. This wooden grip was the only solution I could find and cost more than I'd like to have paid. However, it's for my job and ensures that I can draw cock for longer, so it was necessary.

Pencil-case wise, these are the tools I find myself working with most. I have a bit of a collection of mechanical pencils I've used over the years, but the Staedtler 925 line tends to work well with my big hands and feel solid. The Rotring Plastic 2mm is my favorite drafting pencil. The Tombow Mono Plastic Erasers are a must for line work. The pink-greyish blob is a kneaded eraser, which is also very important for gradual erasure and building back up.

And I think that's about it. I basically have all the tools I need and it's all thanks to you! So thank you from the bottom of my horny heart. Now it's just a matter of using this stuff to make juicy succulent work. Please let me know if you have any questions about ought below.

Thanks again for your kind support 🙏🙏🙏




It's always very fun to see another artists work station! Thanks for keeping well and thanks for sharing!

Mr Gruts

Cheers heaps Zealman! I know it's not what people are primarily here for, but I'm always keen to look at illustrator's workspace and tools. Glad you found it fun 😄