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In a cruel desert , two Barbarians hit their limit when facing a fortress of the undead.

Good day dear Grutling.

This short (and abruptly ending) comic went through a few teething issues. I decided to do it the analog way (aside from the color images and greyscale effects). I discovered half way through inking that the paper I was using was pretty awful and subsequently discovered the miracle of Bristol Paper/Bristol Board (no wonder all the professional comic people use it). Also, the colour images were originally ink washes, but I discovered with the final image that my watercolour paper had expired. This means the sizing (gelatin coating) had broken down. This culminated in the effect that lots of dots appeared when applying the wash 😑 So, this required a lot of digital revision.

So, please accept my apologies for the short nature of this comic and it's varying quality. It certainly was a good learning experience.

I hope you're doing well and I'd like to give you my heartfelt thanks for supporting me. It's because of grutlings like you that I'm able to afford buying proper comic paper and not slave away on inferior crap paper. It really helps, so thank you 🙏🙏🙏




two hunks making love after hard times together and doing some serious bonding <3 I love it! Thanks so much for all your hard work!!!

Mr Gruts

Thanks Zealman! There's nothing like a barbarian sexfest, especially when it's well earnt 😋 A pleasure to have your support. I'm slowly improving my skills 😅


The dream 🥹