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Hey all! A new build is now live! I call it the Fitness release as it contains a big rework on the Energy stat and focuses on a new Discipline (previously called Profession) named Fitness which encompases traits to enhance Max Energy and Energy consumption.

This is a big enhancement I had been wanting to make for a while and I'm excited it has finally happened, I hope you enjoy it!

Additionally, we have added a couple of new Patreon tiers: Harem Fanatic and Harem Master for those of you who've been dying to support us!

Alright, here are the full release notes:


+Renamed Professions to Disciplines.

+Added a brand new Discipline called Fitness.

+Added several Energy related traits for the Fitness discipline.

+Introduced new stat Max Energy.

+Introduced Trait Points.

+Discipline Traits are now unlocked using Trait Points.

+Introduced a Nourished status effect to increase Max Energy temporarily.

+Fitness can be increased by moving around in town or in dungeons, or by jogging and working out.

+Leveling up Lifestyle stats now provides 3 Trait Points.

+Leveling up Specialty stats now provides 3 Trait Points.

+Leveling up Combat Level now provides 1 Trait Point.

+Sleeping to fully recover energy now takes about 10 hours. Unless you unlock a perk to reduce the amount of sleep you require.

+"Sleeping well" may recover some of your health. Otherwise your Health may go down instead.


+Lifestyle stats level cap is now level 6.

+Specialty stats level cap is now level 6.

+Fainting in some dungeons may not take you back home, you will faint in place instead.

+Fainting in place makes you lose more money than normal.

+Intro bonus selection now provides a permanent starting bonus on Max Energy with one of the options.

+Farming now produces 20 units of the harvested item.

+Shower choices now specify the time to be spent and hygiene recovery per option just for awareness.

+Jobs salaries have been increased.

+Several food items have been updated in terms of price and Energy/Health effects.

+Selling items on the Cafe and Restaurant has been disabled (it wasn't supposed to be enabled in the first place).


+Added link to Newgrounds page on Main Menu.

+Stats UI now displays how many Ability Points you have in the Combat Stats tab.

+Trait Points are now displayed on the Disciplines UI.

+HUD Stats button now shows a bubble counter with the pending combat Ability Points.

+HUD Disciplines button now shows a bubble counter with the pending Trait Points.

+Added new icon for the new Nourished status effect.


+Updated Heart Attack event and its trigger criteria.

+Updated script on Energy Faint event.


+Fixed an issue where the system wasn't properly reseting after exiting to main menu and starting a new game causing it to crash.

+Fixed minor issue where sometimes chopping trees was dropping 0 Refined Wood and it was displayed in the UI causing confusion.

+Fixed issue with the Theme Park's Ferris Wheel location acting as an exterior location and displaying weather effects in the interior.

+Fixed issue where inviting a naked worker to your house was crashing the game.


+Backwards compatibility for v0.4.5 adjusting new max energy stat, adjusting cap level for lifestyle and specialty stats, trait points restored for each lifestyle, specialty and combat level earned before, adjusted Fitness stat initial value.

Have fun!




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