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NSLICE-00P went ahead and summoned a pack of five monster rats, and a group of three spiderlings, one for each of her subordinates.  She then went ahead and briefed them, largely repeating the same mission parameters she was currently following before deploying the bunch.

She wasn’t entirely certain she had briefed them correctly.  The only units NSLICE-00P had commanded before were autonomous warbots that networked with her directly.  She was fairly certain that experience did not apply to organizing organics, but it was the only one she had to work with, so she based her mission briefing on the commands that would be issued to such units.

Well, she would see how the day went and then evaluate the monster intelligence network plan. For now, she would take a look at her own capabilities.


  • [New Implant]
  • [Upgrade Implants]
    • [Bionic Prosthetics +3]
    • [Armor Plating +2]
    • [Bonded AI]
    • [Techno-Organic Interface]
    • [Advanced Sensors +2]
    • [Internal Weapon Bays]
    • [Internal Capacitors]
    • [Repulsors +1]
    • [Energy Channels]
    • [Dungeon Field Generator]
      • [Dungeon Field Generator +1: Expands the area of effect of the Dungeon Field.  Additional upgrades increase available dungeon functions in the area of effect.  Cost: 5 points.  Increases mana upkeep by 5.]
    • [Monster Hangar (Small)]
    • [Item Foundry]

She thought about upgrading her sensors again but they seemed more than capable in their role at the moment.  Her sensors were already excellent at short range, additional upgrades simply wouldn’t change much in an urban setting.  The Dungeon Field Generator, on the other hand, provided her a near-comprehensive mana-based sensor within its area of effect.  Equally importantly, she realized after deploying her subordinates that she could identify the exact location of any subordinate within the Dungeon Field, as well as their current status.  And without any sort of electromagnetic technology, that was something she could not replicate with her sensors at the moment.

There was another benefit as well.  Her dungeon xp was steadily increasing while she was in a settlement, which she and the two former dungeon masters had determined was due to the Dungeon Field Generator.  So investing points in the Dungeon Field Generator would also increase the rate at which she gained new points, at least while she was inside population centers.

[Dungeon Field Generator +1 is now available!]

[27 Dungeon Perk Points remaining.]

NSLICE-00P once again logged her perception expanding greatly.  It was at a point where she was struggling to log all the information coming in, forcing her to automatically filter and archive the majority of it.  She also logged an increase in the flow of mana to her core, her dungeon xp growing at an even faster rate than before.

But not every change was positive.

[Dungeon Management]


  • [Mana: 86/86 (115/115)]

[Personal Status]

[General Information]

  • [HP: 200/200]
  • [MP: 99/99]

The Dungeon Field Generator was now pulling twice as much mana as before.  Likewise, she was now spending a bit of mana on each of her new subordinates.  As a result, her overall dungeon mana had decreased…and her personal mana reserve along with it.

That was a problem.

Her recent tactical victories had resulted from her magical capabilities.  Both the number and power of spells she could perform were directly tied to the amount of mana she had available.  And she had already set magical firepower as the primary combat means moving forward.  So it was imperative she maintain a large bank of mana.  In fact, it would be preferable to have more mana, if anything.

Fortunately, she had already identified a solution.


  • [New Implant]
    • [New Implant Slot: Adds additional slots for implants.  Grants +5 HP, +5 Dungeon MP.  Costs 3 points.]
    • (…)
    • [Mana Capacitor: Boosts maximum mana by 10.  Costs 2 points.  Mana Upkeep: 0]

[You have unlocked an additional Implant Slot!  Max HP and Mana increased!]

[You have unlocked the Mana Capacitor implant!]

[22 Dungeon Perk Points remaining]

[Dungeon Management]


  • [Mana: 101/101 (130/130)]

[Personal Status]

[General Information]

  • [HP: 205/205]
  • [MP: 114/114]

With the new implant, her maximum mana had not only been restored, but slightly improved.  A slight boost to her HP as well, increasing her survivability just that little bit more.  NSLICE-00P was satisfied with this round of upgrades, and decided to put them to the test.  As her subordinates spread out and began their work, she stepped out into the street.  She started to ask random people for intel on the persons of interest, all the while searching the information from the Dungeon Field Generator for anything that might be relevant…


NSLICE-00P was talking with another passerby, who glared at her and tightened his cloak.  The inhabitants of the town had proven most uncooperative, muttering something about the rain rather than offering her intel.  NSLICE-00P identified rain as a potential source of discomfort for the organics, though she wasn’t sure if there were any cultural factors also coming into play.

Suddenly one of her subordinate links began to waver, growing extremely weak.

NSLICE-00P immediately began running in the direction of the link, subtly boosting with her thrusters under her cloak to increase her speed.  It was not long before the subordinates in question came into range, allowing her to check their status more directly.

Rattingtale’s group was under attack, one of the monster rat’s health dropping to critical levels even as she checked.

NSLICE-00P rushed as quickly as she could without flying.  She turned one final corner to find Rattingtale and his group in an alley.

Rattingtale was huddled in a corner, paws on his head.  Meanwhile, the other monster rats were engaged in combat with their deadly foe.

A cat had one of the rats in its mouth.

“Hostile intent towards friendlies detected from non-humanoid source.  Engaging termination protocols.  Adjusting for risk of friendly fire.”

The hostile still had a friendly in its mouth, so NSLICE-00P fired her stun ray first at low power.  The bolt struck the cat on the nose, causing it to cry out and drop the rat in its mouth.  NSLICE-00P then raised her hand, about to fire a mana beam when the cat scurried off, quickly rounding a corner.

NSLICE-00P rushed over and observed the monster rat.  The creature was mortally wounded, its HP steadily draining along with its blood.  She quickly began forming magic circles, flooding the monster with healing mana.

[The spell Heal (minor) is now level 5!]

Slowly but surely, the monster’s wounds began to close up, and its HP stopped dropping.  A few minutes more, and its HP began to rise once again.

Rattingtale just blinked as he watched NSLICE-00P trying to heal their subordinate.

“Status Report: Friendly unit stabilized.”

The monster rat stood back up, looking around at its body.  It turned back to NSLICE-00P, bowing its head with its ears pressed back against its body.

“T-Thank you, boss-queen.  T-That foe was most fearsome-ferocious, yes yes.  I am sorry-ashamed of my weakness, yes yes.”

“Gratitude acknowledged.  Status Update: All friendlies in stable condition, hostile remains at large.  Activating search and destroy protocol.”

NSLICE-00P was just about to hunt down the cat when she stopped.

“Warning: Unaffiliated humanoid on approach.  All friendlies should engage covert operation protocols.”

With that, Rattingtale and the monster rats all scattered, hiding amongst debris or around corners.  As they did, a man stepped into the alley, wrapped in a cloak.

“Hi there, miss.”

“Query: Do you have business with this unit?”

The man grinned.

“No, but you might have business with me.”

“Requesting Elaboration.”

“Heard you’ve been looking for someone, asking around town?”


The man nodded.

“Ah, then I’m the guy you should speak with.  I happen to know a thing or two about how to find somebody.”

“Acknowledged.  This unit requests assistance and cooperation.”

He held his hands up.

“Ah, wait just one minute there.  You know, services like that aren’t free.  I can help you find who you’re looking for…but it will cost you.”

“Acknowledged.  Query: How much compensation will assistance require?”

The man grinned.

“Oh don’t worry, nothing too major.  Just a little favor or two, should be easy for a knight like yourself.”

“Requesting Detail: Please provide mission details and parameters.”

The man stopped.


“Repeated Request: Please provide mission details and parameters.”

The man tilted his head.

“Oh, um…”

“Statement: If mission details are not available, this unit cannot evaluate efficacy of requesting assistance.  Please allow this unit to continue with current mission.”

With that, NSLICE-00P turned to leave.  The man jumped a bit and waved his hands.

“Wait, wait!  Are you, um, asking what I want you to do?”


He heaved a sigh.

“Well then you should have just said so!”

“Observation: This unit repeatedly requested mission details and parameters.”

The man pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.

“Ok, look, we need someone to hunt some monsters for us, ok?  But I’d rather not talk in the rain, if you don’t mind.  So why don’t you follow me and we’ll discuss the details, alright?”

NSLICE-00P’s robotic eye spun slightly.

“Acknowledgement: That is acceptable.”

The man sighed once more.

“Ok, then follow me.”

With that, he turned and walked out of the alleyway, NSLICE-00P moving to follow.  As she did, she spoke to the rats hiding around her, as well as sending a remote command to Lilussees and the spiders.

“Command: Friendlies should covertly follow this unit.  Contact could be a potential source of intel.  This unit would like to investigate.”

Rattingtale popped his head out from his hiding place.

“I-If you say so, boss-queen.  This Great-High King supposes he can entertain your request.  Come, my servants-minions, we shall follow-escort the boss-queen, yes yes.”

And with that, NSLICE-00P and the monster rats followed after their new contact.

Author’s Note:

Well this isn’t at all sketch.  I’m sure it will be fine and will definitely not result in any sort of terminations.  Except for that furry hostile.  Better watch your step, cat, you’ve been scheduled for termination if you happen upon a certain killer cyborg!


Will NSLICE-00P terminate the cat?  Who is this mysterious man who contacted her?  What is NSLICE-00P getting involved with?  Tune in next time, to find out!



Someone's getting terminated next chap, I can feel it in mah bones


RL Update: Likely no chapters today or tomorrow (11/29 - 11/30), as I am moving.