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Hello everyone.  I come with glad tidings.  As the Faceless Minion approaches the endgame, I have been considering what to write next.  I have a couple of options in the works but have decided which one will start first.

That's right, it's an NSLICE-00P spinoff!  Can't leave poor 00P Beta in limbo now, can we?

I may or may not eventually start a second, more serious and original novel as well but that one requires a bit more planning before I'm confident in starting it and Writeathon is just around the corner, so the comedic spinoff it is!  I'm aiming to start at the end of the month.

And rejoice, my loyal minions, for now you have a chance to make the author's decisions for him so he doesn't have to...err I mean a chance to let your voices be heard and make an impact on the next novel!  And since you all are the patrons, you get first crack at it!  As with previous polls, I shall count each of your votes as x10 if I end up also polling all those unpaid intern readers.

I've been playing around with AI art and came up with a couple options for a cover for the new novel.  I know, I know, you just can't live without the true genius of my personally designed cover, but you know the world can only handle so many masterpieces of that level.  And since this will be an NSLICE novel, it is only appropriate we let an AI contribute!

Since these are all NSLICE-00P, also serves as art for Elise so choose wisely!

Without further ado, here are the options:

Option 1 - Black bars on top and bottom are because I made this one before realizing I could adjust the output resolution LOL

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4

Option 5 

Option 6

Option 7

I tried to make some non-weeb options too but for some reason it's hard to get the AI to make non-weeb cyborgs, as it only gives me full on robots in that case.  So who am I to disagree with our robotic overlords?


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