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Author’s Note:

Ah sorry I totally forgot to post this after the last interlude.  Character Glossary as of the end of volume 3!


Arranged by affiliation, by order of first appearance within each category


-Character Name (First Appearance : Latest Appearance): Description

Bob and Friends

-Bob (Prologue : Whatever the latest is): the Faceless Minion himself.  Never looks forward to the next volume.  But hey, everything seems to be wrapped up here so maybe the next volume won’t be so bad?  Maybe we’re a slice of life romcom now?  …given the current potential love interests that might not be any better for Bob.

-Lady Anita (Chapter 1 : Chapter 44): Once the daughter of a Duke of Coflar, she was stripped of her title and exiled to the countryside.  She has since made a life for herself as a prolific author, a wife, and a mother.  She is also a highly successful investor and one of the richest people on the planet, despite the fact that she never appears in public or at any negotiations…also used to be Bob’s boss.

-Miguel (Chapter 2 : Chapter 51): Cartel Boss and a friend of Bob.  Bob’s main contact for drug cartels and smuggling.  Hasn’t appeared since start of Concordat arc, was in a gang war with Concordat assets at the time so could even have died, idk.  Are drug cartels still a thing?  I mean, they’re probably always a thing but does anyone care about them when we got kaiju stepping on cities now?

-Xiong Huang (Chapter 3 : Interlude 137.1): The current leader of the Eternal Night Sect, and an immortal cultivator of the Ninth Realm.  Also, an expert recruiter/trainer who has trained hundreds of disciples.  Revealed herself to the League to try and push Bob away, was forced to confront her grief and loneliness afterwards accepting his friendship.  Currently on a journey of self-discovery and closed-door cultivation as her previously hate and rage-based cultivation is a mess as a result…that has so far lasted an entire volume full of threats she could have instakilled.  How convenient.  Also has gained the power of….tsundere….

-Ivan (Chapter 4 : Interlude 137.1): Ex-KGB and minion with common sense.  Baba Yaga’s grandson.  Currently working as Markus’s bodyguard/analyst/acting CEO.

-Markus Herring (Chapter 5: Chapter 83): Young heir of the Herring Megacorp, rich playboy, and Bob’s college buddy.  Founder and CEO of EL Bank.  Has since taken over Herring Megacorp after getting his father arrested in the Concordat arc.

-Tanifuji Kanna (Chapter 45 : Chapter 116): Founder, CEO, and lead inventor of Tanifuji Inc, a partner corporation of EL Bank.  Focuses on the development of…’special’ weapons and technologies for…’special’ clients.  Bob’s go to when he needs a supergenius.

-Klara Wojnicz (Chapter 43 : Chapter 116 but she didn’t say anything lol): A young genius inventor scouted by Bob for Tanifuji Inc.  Specializes in robotics, AI, and drone technology.  Huh, I thought she was gonna be a bigger part of the story or something, ah well.

-The Minions (previously team leaders at Midnight staffing, now working at Nemesis HQ):

     -Chris (Chapter 20 : Chapter 124): Construction

     -George (Chapter 42 : Chapter 124): HR

     -Minh (Chapter 42 : Chapter 124): Acquisitions and sales

     -Tina (Chapter 42 : Chapter 124): Finance

     -Cikizwa Mzolisa (Chapter 42 : Chapter 124): Intelligence/tac ops, team handler for Nemesis

     -Sergei (Chapter 42 : Chapter 124): Engineering

     -Linda (Chapter 50 : mentioned Chapter 137): Previously Londyn’s assistant and Bob’s main source of intel in the ILS.  Was exposed by Roxanne and incarcerated by Londyn.  Freed in transit by Nemesis, has since gone on to work at Nemesis HQ.

-Nemesis: Bob’s adopted family ‘efficient strike team’ of teenage WMDs

     -Elise/NSLICE-000P (Chapter 59 : Nana Arc 3): A girl transformed into a killer cyborg by the Concordat.  She has lost her memories and had her mind bonded with a powerful AI.  Cybernetic components grant her strength and durability similar to other supers, as well as a powerful array of weaponry.  Mass Manipulator Array has been upgraded with Iesnorium to a Mass-Energy Manipulator Array, which can replicate any energy type and therefore power Elise has sufficient data on.  Has developed into a full person and united her organic and cybernetic sides into one being, mostly thanks to Bob.  Big gamer, enjoys handing Chronolock losing streaks.

     -Amano Kiyosuke (Chapter 63 : Chapter 136): No one wants to be a Sasuke Genius ninja trainee from the hidden ninja village.  His parents were killed by his older brother and he was hell-bent on revenge, but has since admitted that was a cover to avoid processing his grief.  Has started to come to terms with his losses and let people into his life again, mostly via mutual trolling and rivalry.  In addition to general ninja training has developed a sword technique known as the Phantom Slash, which he has since upgraded to cut through space, allowing him to teleport.

     -Ueno Nana / Hirose Emao (Chapter 64: Nana Arc End): A mediocre ninja trainee from the hidden ninja village.  The daughter of poor subsistence farmers who joined the academy after developing her own chakra.  General ninja training along with a talent for sharpshooting nurtured by Bob.  Extremely loyal to Bob as a result.  Extremely.  But has since started to feel a bit of loyalty to some other folks?  Other folks who should probably run…

     -Saydaa Abdulzaid (Chapter 65 : Chapter 136): A half-genie who grew up on the streets of Marrakech.  Her heritage grants her innate magical powers.  Her current talents are illusion, shapeshifting, wind manipulation, and minor hypnosis.  Has undergone some teaching by Baba Yaga.  Made a terrible mistake, but fixed it after being empowered by a cult ritual involving a dragon heart.  Has started to let people into her life thanks to Nemesis, reunited with her father and learned the truth about her abandoned childhood.

     -Arvid Hellquist (Chapter 68 : Arvid Arc End): A young man from Sweden who ran from home.  Was chosen as the most worthy of his line and imbued with the strength and knowledge of his forefathers, and gifted with a powerful sword.  Was living as he pleased in Vienna before being scouted by Bob.  Has tossed aside his sword and given up his destiny as a hero, recently spoke with Icy Rose over their shared traumatic first missions as heroes.  Now he’s…

-Lady Diamond Hornet (Chapter 76 : Chapter 94): Super guard employed by EL Bank.  Hornet characteristics plus diamond skin make her a powerful and well-rounded combatant.  Is like, so demanding a raise after her workload increased dramatically with all these new villains.

-Sadid the Harmonious (Chapter 116 : Chapter 122): Genie in the lamp and Saydaa's dad.  Married Samima Abdulzaid after she wished for a child.  Was forced by Samima's wish to take Saydaa away when genie-seekers found them.  Cast a spell to protect her...that ended up isolating her for most of her life and then was stuck in the lamp ever since.  Found by Bob and reconciled with Saydaa after telling her the truth.  Currently staying at Nemesis HQ.  Bob is holding onto that last wish for a rainy day though.  Was single for countless years until he met Samima.

Association of Villains and Superbeings

-Arachnalich (Chapter 101 : Chapter 125): Founding member of the AVS.  Necromancer granted spider form and powers by the super serum and cybernetic implants by Bob.  Manipulated and assassinated the founding members of the AVS but was trapped by Bob and became his subordinate.  Runs the AVS on behalf of Bob.  Is trying to find a way out of his control.  Might have Stockholm Syndrome.

-Cerberus (Chapter 101 : Chapter 109): Founding member of the AVS.  Best boy, because what else do you call THREE good boys in one?  Unintelligent monster tamed by Elise after Bob installed NSLICE implants into him.  Elise's best friend.  Oh, also big monster that infiltrated the AVS and helped trap Arachnalich at the end.  Currently guarding Nemesis HQ and being best boy.

Living Former Members:

-Dr. Iwalani (Chapter 101 : Chapter 126): Founding member of the AVS.  Hawaiian 'evil' genius and chosen by the ocean.  In charge of R&D / product development for the AVS.  Planned to melt the polar ice caps to raise the sea level and bring the ocean to everyone, nearly killed when Arachnalich sabotaged her doomsday weapon but was barely saved by Aqua Mage.  Currently in therapy with Dr. Ueda, friends with Vaidehi Daiyal.  She means well but is perhaps a little too excited about the ocean.  Also has the best accent in the author's opinion, who is completely objective and has no bias whatsoever.

International League of Superheroes

-Icy Falcon (Chapter 2 : Chapter 137): The hero of Mexico, who battled the cartels and supervillains with his powers to create ice and cold winds, as well as his impressive muscles.  Crossed the line into killing his foes after his battles with El Capa.  Mentor of Icy Swallow.  Currently incarcerated by ILS after a killing spree against the cartels and corrupt Mexican officials ended with him attacking Icy Swallow.  Was rehabilitated by Dr. Ueda and repaired his relationship with Icy Rose.  Has since rejoined the ILS as an Academy teacher and emergency hero.  Helped bring Londyn back from the deep end.

-Tesla Titan (Chapter 4 : Chapter 62): A Soviet/Russian Hero, channels electricity which can power his mighty Tesla suit.  Has retired after his loss to Elise.

-Director’s Assistant Wilson (Chapter 4): Former CIA agent who transferred over to BSI.  Helped track down Icy Falcon when he went rogue, helped expose Concordat agents in the ILS.  Transferred over to the ILS around the time Saydaa unleashed the super serum.  Promoted to Acting Director during the Mind Control incident, kept on as Director’s Assistant to replace Linda.

-Londyn Green (Chapter 5 : Chapter 137): Former head minion of Dr. Kayserling, Founder and Director of the International League of Superheroes.  Psionic influence by a villain, long-term stress and paranoia due to Xiong Huang and the monster situation, and discovery of Bob and Linda working behind her back led her to try and mind control the villains.  Roxanne freed her from the villain's control, meanwhile Captain Hot Devil, Aurora Legion, and Icy Falcon helped her recover emotionally.  Is currently reflecting and recovering.

-Captain Hot Devil (Chapter 6 : Chapter 137): American hero with the ability to create fire.  Was well known as a highly experienced and successful hero until his battle with Dr. Kayserling caused unacceptable collateral damage.  Has since been reformed under ILS leadership.  Has decided to transition to teaching new heroes after being defeated by Xiong Huang.  Has a wife and two kids: Samantha and Timothy.  Now a member of the ILS Council overseeing Director Green.

-Aurora Legion: A team of teenage heroes trained by Londyn Green.  Successful members of the ILS

     -Wonder Knight (Chapter 7 : Nana Arc End): Has superstrength and super durability.  De-facto leader of the team.  Trying to learn how to fight and use his strength more efficiently.

     -Voidspeaker (Chapter 7 : Nana Arc End): Eldritch rituals allow him to manipulate the void and nothingness.  Generally that means draining energy-based powers or putting people to sleep.  Dating Chronolock.  His grades keep Aurora Legion permanently in high school.  With ‘Emao’s tutoring might just pass freshman math?  Maybe?

     -Chronolock (Chapter 7: Nana Arc End): Has control over time.  Currently can lock objects in time, move through stopped time, and selectively slow time.  Dating Voidspeaker.  Currently malding over Elise absolutely tanking her online rank in practically every game she plays.

     -Pink Star / Amy Moss (Chapter 7 : Nana Arc End): Can summon and control constructs of light.  Originally limited to animals but has since branched into extinct animals and a dragon.  Currently learning to control multiple constructs simultaneously.  Was forced to hide her powers in the past due to social ostracization, was inspired to become a hero after being protected by Wonder Knight and fell in love with him.  Has finally accepted Wonder Knight’s rejection once and for all and is ready to grieve and move on.  Still plans to inflict violence on the author if he doesn’t provide a love interest by the end of the series…wait what?

     -Constanza Rubio/Icy Swallow/Icy Rose (Chapter 29 : Arvid Arc End): Young girl granted ice powers by Bob.  Was mentored by Icy Falcon until his fall and incarceration.  Joined Aurora Legion to gain experience and to keep distance from the cartels.  Dr. Ueda helped her process her guilt over Icy Falcon’s incarceration and ultimately repair her relationship with him.  Subsequently spoke with Arvid on some of his doubts and traumas.

-Vaidehi Dayal (Chapter 16 : Nana Arc 3): Incarcerated former villain.  Has nature-based powers, is said to be in tune with the Earth itself.  Started as a well-intentioned extremist trying to stop the fossil fuel industry by force, the deaths of her followers and civilians in her way took a toll on her heart and mind.  Has since surrendered to the ILS, and aided them against the Necrosaurus.  Cooperated with Londyn during the fight with the Eternal Night Sect and during the Kaiju attacks, has since been effectively pardoned and works with the ILS as a hero, Academy ethics teacher, and a member of the ILS Council overseeing Director Green.

-The Gentle Gloom (mentioned Chapter 17, appeared 21 : Chapter 86): Hero active in E. Asia region, has ghost powers, participated in fight against Necrosaurus and Xiong Huang.

-Dragontooth (mentioned Chapter 17, appeared 21 : Chapter 86): Hero active in E. Asia region, has dragon powers, participated in fights against Necrosaurus and Xiong Huang.  Huh, I wonder if she noticed that whole massive magic surge fueled by a dragon heart.

-Agent Steve (Interlude 19.5 : Chapter 96): Former FBI agent who was Agent Wilson’s partner in the BSI.  Swapped over to the ILS after being granted super strength by the super serum.

-The Gray Slayer (Necrosaurus arc at some point, I forget : Chapter 113): Hero, uses a powerful magnum, participated in fight against Necrosaurus and Xiong Huang

-Aqua Mage (Chapter 20 : Chapter 104): Hero, talented at water magic, participated in fight against Necrosaurus and Xiong Huang.  Apprehended Dr. Iwalani and saved her life when the sabotaged Mega Sunray exploded.

-Majestic Moth (Chapter 22 : Chapter 86): Hero, can fly and some light manipulation powers, participated in fight against Necrosaurus and Xiong Huang

-Master Mammoth Owl (Necrosaurus arc at some point, I forget : Chapter 113): Hero, giant Owl-person, participated in fight against Necrosaurus

-Master Elegant Katana (Necrosaurus arc at some point, I forget : Chapter 116): Hero, master of the blade, participated in fight against Necrosaurus and Xiong Huang, in intense training since his loss to Xiong Huang

-Dr. Ueda / Therapy No Chiyeko (Side Story 65.5 : Nana Arc 3): Shinobi from the hidden village who trained in the secret art of therapy.  Was forced to remain in regular society to pay off accumulated debt and ended up staying there.  Recruited by Londyn to help seal the Dragon Fang…and stayed for the therapy.  Now a member of the ILS Council overseeing Director Green.

-Wu Zhengkang (Chapter 20 : Nana Arc 2): A Core Disciple of the Eternal Night Sect after Xiong Huang rebuilt…aided Bob during the Necrosaurus arc and received a Thousand Star Ice Heart as a result.  Was sent by Xiong Huang to attack the ILS and lost most of his cultivation when fighting Vaidehi Dayal.  Kicked out of the Eternal Night Sect and incarcerated by the ILS.  Rehabilitated by Dr. Ueda and developed a new cultivation with Vaidehi Dayal.  Now works as an Academy torturer...ahem, 'trainer'.

-Nova Guardians: A new up and coming team of teenage superheroes, recently approved for active duty by the Academy

     -Antonio Miralles / Dark Rose (Chapter 30 : Nana Arc End): Constanza’s childhood friend who pushed her to become a hero.  Was unwittingly recruited by a villain’s organization, Constanza was injured protecting him from Icy Falcon.  Worked as an ILS intern until the founding of the Academy, has since joined the Academy and is in training as a hero.  No powers but combat trained and armed with gadgets.  Has experience analyzing supers from his time at the ILS.  Team Leader of the Nova Guardians.

      -Roxanne Rousseau / Little PSI / PSI Omega (Chapter 90 : Nana Arc End): Extraordinarily gifted psychic tormented by her involuntary reading of everyone's mind.  Incredibly grateful to Londyn after Londyn had the Otter King partially seal her powers, ending the involuntary reading and giving Roxanne a chance to actually master her abilities, moved to attend the Academy and work as a hero as a response.  Tried to help Londyn mind control the villains, only to find out Londyn was being manipulated without her knowledge by a fellow psychic.  Has been humbled and is trying to learn how to interact with people as a result.  Part of new hero team the Nova Guardians.

     -Crystal Guardian 90 : Nana Arc End Mutated by a meteor, grows crystals from his body.  Was captured and experimented on by an evil organization, rescued by Captain Hot Devil.  Enrolled at the Academy, a member of the Nova Guardians.

     -Edmundo / El Mantis 90 : Nana Arc End Turned into a Mantis Shrimp hybrid after taking one of the last remaining power granting Adranis bulbs, disowned by his family by a result.  Was about to embark on villainy when he met Dr. Ueda, who instead recruited him for the ILS Academy.  A member of the Nova Guardians.

     -Lida Valerianovna / Teslida 94 : Nana Arc End Russian girl granted lightning powers by the super serum.  Enrolled at the ILS Academy where she is being trained as Telsa Titan's successor.  Part of the Nova Guardians.

-Won Chi-Yong (Chapter 96 only): Korean martial artist granted super strength by the serum.  No further appearances but it was implied she applied for ILS membership.

-Misty Guardian (Chapter 96 only): Super who gained a mist-form and mist powers from the serum.  Defeated some villain with fire powers.  No further appearances but implied to have applied for ILS membership.

-Dr. Maximilian Fraser (Chapter 101 : Chapter 136)  The ILS's top scientist / engineer / inventor / polymath / resident supergenius / smart guy who can conveniently do whatever science the heroes need.  Londyn had him build the Mental Unifier which he had great misgivings about.  Dismantled said superweapon, now part of the ILS Council overseeing Londyn Green.  Also, he's short and wears a monocle.  For...reasons.

-Stacie (Chapter 129 only): ILS receptionist at the mobile HQ.  Helps Captain Hot Devil track down Dr. Fraser and thus Director Green during the Mind Control arc.

Government-Affiliated Heroes

-Tina’s Titans: A squad of supers led by now Major General Tina and nominally working for the US Military

     -Major General Tina (Chapter 4 : Chapter 106): An American commando/mercenary/major general/ILS Hero.  No special powers but was the very best at her job.  Fond of pistols and C4.  Rival with Tesla Titan, has since retired from active duty.  Convinced to rejoin US military with substantial accommodations, leads her own team of supers known as Tina’s Titans.

     -Nitromaker (Chapter 106 only): Super who can create objects from her body.  For some reason, everything she makes also explodes.  A member of Tina's Titans.

     -Steel Bear (Chapter 106 only): Bear person super with incredible strength.  Wears massive armor and carries a shield and minigun into battle.  A member of Tina's Titans.

     -Starbright (Chapter 106 only): Super who empowers objects with some sort of vaguely cosmic/star-related energy, generally his bullets.  A member of Tina's Titans.

     -Eagle Smasher (Chapter 106 only): Eagle Person with a hammer.  A member of Tina's Titans.

     -Black Iris (Chapter 106 only): Super genius / super hacker type.  A member of Tina's Titans.

-The Shinobi: The shinobi of the hidden villages, since disbanded.  Stronger and older ones are employed directly by the Japanese government, younger ones reintegrated into society.  Have established some new schools to train new shinobi, though with heavy regulation to prevent trauma and bloodshed.

     -Souma Kiyotake (Chapter 63 : Chapter 84): Strongest shinobi and former leader of the Village Hidden Among the Trees.  Possess the Hanshagan Mirror Eyes, capable of creating mirrors that reflect enemy attacks.  And probably whatever other crap they need to do as per the story.  Magic ninja eyes!  Arranged for Kiyosuke and Nana to join Bob.  Is currently doing...something.  Probably in a government office somewhere or something.  Must protect the story from the magic eyes.

     -Otagi Takemoro (Chapter 83 : Chapter 115): Strongest shinobi and former leader of the Village Hidden in the Mountain.  Master of Earth-style ninjutsu, including an Earth Hydra technique.  Currently struggling to adapt after the shinobi villages were disbanded and he was pressed into service with the Japanese government.

     -Matsura Marishi / Scarlet Fox-Sensei (Chapter 83 : Chapter 115): Strongest shinobi and former leader of the Village Hidden by the Sea.  Has a kitsune sealed inside her, because of course.  Thriving as a ninja teacher/idol/battle streamer after the shinobi villages were disbanded and she was pressed into service with the Japanese government.  Japan is very proud of her, especially after she defeated an eight-headed snake kaiju off the coast of Yokohama.  Hm?  Did she have help?  Eh, who knows?

     -Political Process no Keizo / Miyabe Ieshige (Side Story 65.5 : Side Story 109.3 A hunter-nin sent after Chiyeko, therapied by her instead.  Went to school and discovered the idea that laws can be changed.  Eventually became governor of the province where the hidden villages were located and used said position to disband the shinobi villages, reintegrating them back into society.  And possibly handing Japan the most powerful force of supers under the employ of a nation-state.  Which I'm sure everyone is fine with and won't cause any problems whatsoever.  Wait a minute, aren't I supposed to make my own country the best country?

          -Hitarashi Hana (Chapter 109.3): Toast girl and Keizo's classmate.  They got married later, even though he dodged their initial greeting.  The power of the tropes cannot be undone.


-Duke Gaetan (Chapter 1 only): Former Duke of Coflar and Lady Anita’s father.  Planned to bomb the Coflar Royal Family with a conveniently abandoned missile silo, but was foiled by Prince Lionel and Mr. Dapper Tiger.  Left behind substantial financial assets for his daughter.  Incarcerated or something, idk.

-Hungry Smasher (Chapter 7): An American villain with super strength and durability.  Massive appetite.  You won’t like him when he’s hangry.  Defeated by Aurora Legion, currently incarcerated.

-Dazzling Vulture (Chapter 8): American villain who could control light.  Defeated by Aurora legion, currently incarcerated.

-Electron Pirate (Chapter 11): European villain who could control electricity by moving electrons.  Defeated by Aurora Legion, currently incarcerated

-The Order of Harmony (Chapter 16): Vaidehi Dayal’s followers and disciples.  Followed her in her quest to rid Earth of pollution.  Largely disbanded after taking heavy casualties in Venezuela and losing their leader.  But perhaps their ideals live on in a more refined form now that Vaidehi has been fully redeemed and found a new follower in Wu Zhengkang?

-Dr. Delfino (Chapter 20): Villain active in the Indian Ocean.  Developed the SLICK, a device that can suck up, condense, and store vast quantities of liquid.  Defeated by Aqua Mage after Chris stole the SLICK, currently incarcerated

-The Corrupted Claw (Chapter 20): Villain active in America.  Caught and incarcerated at the Freeport Strategic Oil reserve.

-Gabriel Le Blank (Chapter 42): Actress.  Model.  Supervillain.  Contender for most beautiful woman in the world.  Wanted to rid the world of everything ugly, which in her mind, meant everything but her.  Had the power to control light, but refused to become a hero to spite her father.  Hired Bob and the minions to build a flying castle that would amplify her powers and devastated the US and Chinese fleets, but was defeated by Aurora Legion.  Currently incarcerated.

-Glad Costiniu / The Violet Spy (Chapter 79 : Chapter 109): small time villain information broker with delusions of grandeur.  Subordinated to Bob's org after being rescued from Aurora Legion by Nemesis.  They use him to feed leads to the ILS, especially after Bob's relationship with Londyn changed

-Atomic Disciple (Chapter 91 only): Villain trying to access US nuclear arsenal by posing as a defense contractor developing AI.  Defeated by Nemesis.

-Professor Scary Illusionist (mentioned in Chapter 92 only): Villain developing stealth technology.  Defeated offscreen by ILS.

-Rufus / Dynamic Cricket (Chapter 95 only): British thief granted cricket characteristics by the super serum.  Tried to rob the British Museum of a map to a magic lamp on behalf of the Lizardmen cult.  Succeeded but got robbed by Bob and Chris.  Friend of Chris.

-Evelyn (Chapter 95 only): leader of a British gang, gained some sort of power from the super serum that involves making objects in her hand glow.  I don't know, she only appeared once!

Miscellaneous/No Affiliation:

-Prince Lionel of Coflar (Chapter 1): Now King of Coflar.  Helped Mr. Dapper Tiger defeat Duke Gaetan

-GNN team

     -Brendan Baird (GNN host)

     -Lacey Cook (Analyst: focus on supers)

     -Liam Reynolds (Analyst: focus on supers)

     *Honestly I forget when they all first appear by name but whatever they always introduce themselves again when you need to know anyways.

-Admiral Faulkner (Chapter 47 : Chapter 112): American Navy Admiral who lost a supercarrier to Gabriel Le Blank.  Joined an international fleet to stop her and then chewed out the US Government, has been isolated to desk work ever since.  Reinstated to active command because kaiju were coming and no one wanted any of that.  But hey!  Didn’t lose a supercarrier this time!

-Baba Yaga (Chapter 76 : Interlude 137.1) - Legendary witch, Ivan's grandmother and basically the only person with authority over Bob.  Helped torture...ahem, 'train' Saydaa.  Bob owes her a favor that the author totally has a plan to deliver on at some point.  Totally.

-The Otter King (Interlude 79.5 : Interlude 137.1): Mythical being of Scottish/Irish legend.  Invincible pelt...except for?  Also a master of rune magic and defender of the world.  Gave the ILS the Mester Stoor Worm Fang for safe keeping, partially sealed Roxanne's powers, and solo-ed a kaiju.

-Jeremy (Chapter 89 : Interlude 109.1) Random normal American teenager.  Pink Star's latest crush.  Discovered his sexuality on a date with her.  It wasn’t hetero.  Also...may have...broken her slightly.  B-But she got a new power out of it, s-so that's cool, right?

-President Davies (Side Story 93.5 only): The previous president when all this happened.  Did everything in his power not to get re-elected due to the horror of being the President of the United States in a superhero world.

-President Guerra Side Story (Side Story 93.5 : Chapter 96): The new president.  Made the horrible mistake of getting elected in a superhero world.

-Dr. Strasburger Side Story (Side Story 93.6 only): Previously the world's foremost psychiatric therapist.  Ultimately surrendered that title to Dr. Ueda after trying (and miserably failing) to therapy Nemesis.

-Edward Cole (Chapter 94 only): Random American student granted intangibility powers from the super serum.

-Zélia (Chapter 96 only): Brazilian child who gained control over animals (including monsters) from the serum and saved her school from a monster attack.  No further appearances.  Might join ILS in the future but hey we have to have some sort of age limit on the child soldiers you know?

-Farmer Joe (Chapter 96 only): Farmer granted laser eyes by the serum.  Continued farming.  Killed a giant crow monster, which given what we know of crows probably had no major consequences whatsoever.

-Dexter Read / Godly Lord 113 : 113 New super with delusions of grandeur.  Gave up and went back to being a normal civilian after seeing a kaiju.

Confirmed Deceased (if anyone is ever truly gone…)

-El Capa/Warped Warrior (Chapter 2): A sadistic Mexican cartel boss with a fondness for blades.  Was empowered with teleportation by the Atomic Herald after his first near-death at Icy Falcon’s hand.  Slain by Icy Falcon.

-Xiong Zhen (Chapter 3): The Ten Slaughters, Xiong Huang’s father, and the founder of the Eternal Night Sect.  Powerful and ancient cultivator of the Eighth Realm, on the verge of achieving immortality.  Slain by Cao Xinya after his cultivation was disrupted by Bob.  Training your daughter to be filled with hate and rage does not make her fond of you.

-Cao Xinya (Chapter 3): ‘good’ cultivator looking to end Xiong Zhen’s reign of terror and avenge his father.  Trained specifically to defeat Xiong Zhen.  Attacked and wiped out the Eternal Night Sect and killed Xiong Zhen.  Tried to ‘redeem’ Xiong Huang but was slain by her with Bob’s help.

-Old Wei (Chapter 3): Elder of the Eternal Night Sect.  Showed Xiong Huang fatherly affection in Xiong Zhen’s place, the person she was most attached to.  Slain by Cao Xinya.

-Red Colonel (Chapter 4): KGB officer who went rogue after discovering the Concordat’s infiltration.  Tried and failed to disrupt their plans when Bob disrupted his.  Incarcerated in Siberia, committed suicide with Bob’s assistance after telling Bob about the Concordat.

-Dr. Kayserling (Chapter 5): An American mad scientist who developed gravity/mass manipulating technologies.  Defeated by Captain Hot Devil.  Londyn’s old boss.  Given that Captain Hot Devil was willing to bomb a skyscraper in downtown New York at the time of their fight and Londyn has gone and had her personal arc without him around, I’m going to go ahead and confirm him as dead.

-Atomic Herald (Chapter 12): Micronesian villain who was empowered after getting caught in a US nuclear test.  Came to rever nuclear power and wanted to spread his experience across the globe.  Defeated by Aurora Legion, stopped by the ILS, and then was slain by Xiong Huang.

-The Necrosaurus (Chapter 21): Villain of uncertain origin but active in Central Asia.  A powerful necromancer who focused on dinosaurs.  Used Earth’s oil stockpiles to create a massive horde and threaten the world.  Defeated by the ILS, was slain when Bob destroyed the conduit of his dark powers

-Professor Mutant (Chapter 37): Villain active in Mexico, supergenius working on the evolution of humanity.  Developed a method of processing plants via radiation to cause rapid mutation.  Defeated and killed by Icy Falcon.  His data was destroyed by Icy Falcon but Bob preserved a copy.

-The Concordat of Sorrow (First action is chapter 49 but not specifically named until chapter 56): an ancient secret society dedicated to ‘protecting’ humanity from itself.  Has been quietly ruling from the shadows until an increase in supers started to disrupt their control.  Had a non-aggression pact with the Eternal Night Sect.

     -Mister Dapper Tiger / Solomon Cunnyngham (Chapter 1 : Chapter 57): A British explorer transformed into a tiger beastman after a tour in the jungles of Congo.  Worked for the Coflar Royal Family and then for the ILS.  Secretly a high-ranking member of the Concordat.  Was depowered by Bob.  Given he was depowered and present at Concordat HQ when Xiong Huang arrived, chances of survival are less than zero.  As of volume 3…said chances are still less than zero.

     -Famiano Impastato (Chapter 57): The Steward of the Concordat, its overall leader.  Killed by Xiong Huang after being tricked by Bob into breaking the non-aggression pact

     -Edward Carter (Chapter 51): Vice-Director of the ILS, secret member of the Concordat.  Attempted to take control of the ILS in Londyn’s absence.  He’s actually alive, living in witness protection with the ILS.

     -Director Ottosen (Chapter 59): Head of a major research cell of the Concordat.  Was focused on robotics and AI, as well as gravity technology stolen from the ILS.  Believed that cyborgs could be the counter to supers.  Promoted to cell director due to his progress with NSLICE-000P.  Slain by Bob.

     -Necro-Megalodon (Chapter 97 only):  granted the Dead-Fish Eyes by the serum, giving him ocean-themed necromancy powers.  Which is kinda bad when you realize that beach sand is basically powdered skeleton.  Defeated by Nemesis and killed by Arvid.

     -Amano Kiyoatsu (Chapter 97 : Chapter 100): Kiyosuke's brother.  Snapped and became a psychopathic murder due to being exposed to extreme battlefield trauma as a child.  Good job ninja villages.  Captured by Nemesis with Bob's help, killed by Kiyosuke.

Deceased AVS members:

     -Archwizard Magnus the Unfathomable (Chapter 101 : Chapter 102): Founding member of the AVS.  Master Wizard who was also evil and paranoid because reasons.  Tasked with developing a secure magical communication network for the AVS, killed when his ritual was hijacked by Arachnalich.

     -King Hippo (Chapter 101 : Chapter 103): Founding member of the AVS.  Hippo granted humanoid form and intelligence by the super serum.  Gathered the intelligent monsters to declare himself king through might, killed in ritual combat by Arachnalich after being betrayed by Cerberus.

     -Galactic Vortex (Chapter 101 : Chapter 106): Founding member of the AVS.  Survivor of a genocide granted vortex powers by the super serum.  Became a power-supremist and founded the Super Liberation Front to lead a super revolution.  Attacked the US Military at Fort Bragg to spark the revolution, killed when Arachnalich's poison disrupted his focus in front of the Army.

     -Candy Cane Man (Chapter 101 : Chapter 107): Founding member of the AVS.  Christmas / Candy Cane themed psychopath villain.  Master of quick getaways, in charge of developing extraction methods for the AVS.  Attacked by Arachnalich but managed to escape.  Ambushed and killed by Bob during his escape.

The Lizardmen and their cult:

     -Lizardman Cultist Leader (Chapter 95 : Chapter 118): Leader of a cult worshipping the lizardmen.  Originally planned to use the genie in the lamp to restore the lizardmen to prominance, switched targets to Saydaa after Bob stole the map to the lamp.  Unleashed a bunch of kaiju on the world.  Killed by Bob.

     -Lizardman Leader (Chapter 117 : Chapter 120): Lizardman who hibernated for millions of years.  Planned to use Saydaa and a dragon heart to wipe out humanity and restore his people's place as dominant species.  Master of magic.  Killed by Saydaa after Nemesis disrupted the ritual.

     -Lizardman Shaman (Chapter 117 : Chapter 119) Lizardman shaman who cast the ritual to empower Saydaa with a dragon heart and then use her to wipe out humanity.  Killed by Nana.

     -All hostile lizardmen were wiped out by Saydaa.  The race itself depends on if there were any non-hostile ones.

     -The kaiju were a part of this too and wiped out by Saydaa.  Well, any hostile ones, maybe there’s a friendly neighborhood kaiju that survived?

-Samima Abdulzaid (Chapter 121): Saydaa's deceased mom.  Divorced for being barren, she searched out the lamp in order to wish for a child.  Eventually married the genie, Sadid, and got her wish.  Sacrificed herself to hide Saydaa's parentage and protect her from genie-seekers.


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