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Metsaitti approached the end of the rot cap field with a cloth wrapped around his face. Besides him was a digging worker bee, currently dancing on the ground, and Noiggakuq, also wearing a cloth around her face. She was tense and puffing her cheeks slightly, likely upset that he had prevented her from fighting this time. But Metsaitti wanted to scout past the rot cap field today, and for that he needed Noiggakuq’s nose. They could not afford for her to be drenched with stink bug scents even if she could handle herself now.

But they had made it through the field, so Noiggakuq could now take a more active role. Metsaitti nodded at her and she pulled down her cloth, sniffing at the air. Her face immediately scrunched up.


She shook her head and spat out her words.

“Nothing. Just stink, stink, and more…”

She suddenly paused and then her eyes narrowed.

“There’s stink…coming from the tunnel.”

Metsaitti narrowed his eyes slightly. That could have indicated another field of rot cap…but then the mushrooms should have extended down into the tunnel. Meanwhile the digging worker flew back to his shoulder and began to tap out a dance.

“Something there. Seven, King-sized.”

Metsaitti held out his hand to Noiggakuq.

“Back up.”

Noiggakuq frowned but obeyed as she heard Metsaitti’s commanding tone. The other karnuq noticed and began to form up a bit behind Metsaitti, weapons at the ready. Metsaitti kept his eyes fixed on the dark tunnel.

And then, slowly, a shape began to emerge. A humanoid walking on two legs emerged from the darkness, wrapped from head to toe in black clothes that revealed only their eyes and with a large bulge on their back. They stepped out of the tunnel just far enough to enter the light of the karnuq’s light crystals and began to speak with a growling voice.

“Halt. You intrude upon the land of King Ratuatapi. Identify yourselves and state your intentions.”

 Metsaitti relaxed slightly, though he remained ready to move at a moment’s notice.

“I am Metsaitti, hunter of the karnuq and defender of the nearby Sacred Den.”

The figure’s eyes narrowed.

“Defender? And you have proof of this?”

Metsaitti thought of the bee clinging to his shoulder but shook his head.

“Not presently, but I can arrange for it.”

The figure and Metsaitti made eye contact in silence for a bit before the figure finally spoke again.

“You will return here tomorrow with proof of your claims. King Ratuatapi’s envoy shall discuss your encroachment upon on our lands…should you speak the truth.”

The figure then backed up and vanished into the dark of the tunnel. Metsaitti turned and let out a light sigh. Their first diplomatic contact as defenders of the Sacred Den had gone reasonably well, given that nothing was currently on fire. He wasn’t certain the Sacred Den Master was prepared for it, however, so could only hope the extra day he bought would be enough.


Belissar frowned as he stood before the Shrine of Bees in the battle meadow, as he had started to call the First Floor’s Flower Meadow in his mind. He was joined by Chief Rohsuak, the ever-present Niobee, and communers from the queens, having gathered them after hearing of the latest event from Metsaitti and the bee accompanying him. The queens had wanted to come in person but since it was the middle of the day Belissar insisted they continue with their own work for this meeting.

“So…what do we do?”

Chief Rohsuak looked him in the eye.

“That is up to you, Sacred Den Master.”

The bees all began to agree with “Whatever King chooses!” dances, causing Belissar to groan. Chief Rohsuak held her gaze.

“It is true, Sacred Den Master. My people and your bees both are sworn to your defense and service. We are both extensions of your will and shall be viewed that way outside. Even if you tell us to do as we please, all that we do will be presumed as your command by those who do not know you. Therefore, it is important that you express what you want us to do or not to do regarding this King Ratuatapi.”

Belissar heaved a sigh.

“Then…do I need to go speak with them?”

Chief Rohsuak shook her head.

“You need not do anything, Sacred Den Master, besides what your Sacred Den requires of you. And to be honest, I would not recommend that course of action. It is unusual for a Sacred Den Master to venture beyond their own domain. It would be an insult if they insisted upon meeting outside your den…at least after they have proof that we are sworn to you.”

Belissar crossed his arms.

“And what would work as proof for that?”

Chief Rohsuak smiled as she glanced towards the soldier bee army training in the field beyond.

“I believe a handful of your larger bees would do the trick. No one has ever tamed monster bees to my knowledge.”

Belissar rubbed his chin.

“And…what do you think these people want from us?”

Chief Rohsuak eyed him for a moment before starting to rub her own chin.

“Hm, it is good they have revealed themselves and spoken directly to us. They would not have done so if their current intentions were hostile. They opened by naming their king and calling us intruders, and did not ask to see the Sacred Den. That signals to me that they are more concerned with protecting themselves and their current possessions, and wish for us to acknowledge their authority, at least over their own lands. More than that I cannot say.”

Niobee buzzed her wings at that.

“If hurt King, will sting.”

The rest of the bees began buzzing as well. Chief Rohsuak chuckled and then nodded.

“Indeed. We, too, shall come to your defense should they have ill-intentions for you.”

She then looked him in the eye again.

“So, Sacred Den Master, how do you wish for us to respond?”

Belissar groaned. He glanced down and took a deep breath.

“…honestly, I don’t know. I don’t know the first thing about talking to people like this, or what I’m supposed to do…”

Indeed, this was the first time Belissar had to decide something like this…with time to think about it, at least. The karnuq had just sort of arrived, and Belissar had been distracted by the implications of the karnuq being people in the first place. This time, this time he had the time to think about it and realized once again how out of his depth he was. What did he know about negotiating with some king?

Chief Rohsuak’s face softened.

“There is no supposed to for you, Sacred Den Master. In my experience, Sacred Den Masters do as they please and then it is the duty of others to follow. You are the one who holds back the Hunger, after all. So, do not worry about what you are supposed to do. Ask yourself…what would you want from these people? Do you wish for friends and allies? To exchange goods with one another? Do you wish for us to conquer them in force, to take their lands and force them to bow to your authority? Do you wish for us to drive them away? Or do you wish to be left alone and interact with them as little as possible? That is a choice as well, and whatever you decide we will all do our best to see fulfilled.”

Belissar rubbed his chin once more. What did he want? Well, he ruled out conquering in force immediately. He had no wish to burn down anyone else’s village, that was for sure. And as he thought about it…he realized he didn’t want much at all. He was quite happy with his Tower and his bees and the karnuq, and as long as they kept growing strong enough to stop the shades he didn’t need or want much of anything else.

Though, at that moment, he glanced at his bees. He didn’t want much else…but his bees could always use more flowers.

Belissar took a deep breath and uncrossed his arms.

“Um, ok. I don’t want much of anything from them and, uh, definitely don’t want to conquer them or anything like that. But, um, if we can get more flowers and stuff from them, we should try. Oh, um, by trade, or something like that. Other than that…let’s leave each other alone?”

Chief Rohsuak bowed her head.

“As you wish, Sacred Den Master.”

The bees began their salute and “King best king” dances as well. Belissar grimaced a bit. They were all responding very seriously to his half-hearted and uncertain reply, but what else could he do? If Chief Rohsuak and the queens were all deferring to his lead, then who else could he turn to? He would just have to do his best to ensure that whatever happened was beneficial for his bees…and the karnuq as well now. He supposed…that is what it meant to be a king.

Well, he supposed they were soon to meet an actual king, and put that to the test…

Author’s Note:

Come on now, Belissar, it’s not that hard. They’re all just a bunch of non-bees, so just ignore them unless they bring flowers or try to steal honey. In the first case they shall be slightly tolerated, in the latter case they shall be stung. See, easy!


Shall Belissar figure out what he could possibly want from a bunch of non-bees? How will King Ratuatapi compare to best king? And will all of this benefit or detract from the bees? Tune in next time, to find out!




If Belissar is forced to grow like this each chapter he might eventually really become the best King xD


Rat people then? I'm surprised the karnuq didn't encounter them on the way through the first time.