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Hello everyone! I hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend 🥰

I wanted to start off the new week with a tutorial suggestions post! 💕 Last month you guys voted for a full walkthrough of my process which I had so much fun filming for you guys! 😍 

What topic should the video be about this month? Feel free to comment any ideas/suggestions on your mind, even if it’s a very simple idea about something you’d like to practice! I write down all your ideas in my notes so I can keep creating helpful & relevant content for you all :) 🫶🏻

You can view last month‘s poll options here! 

I’ll put the most popular requests in a poll for you guys to vote this week!! And then I’ll get started on filming:) 💘 Stay tuned for a new bonus vid going up this week too, I’ll be showing you guys how I draw three fantasy characters on one canvas! 🥰

Love you all:)

~Lydia 💕




Hi ! I will not give up ! I suggest how to draw people from different ages (with toddler, babies and newborn pleeease), how to draw animals and how to draw romantic interactions. Rien que ça ! 😂😂


Please do an updated version on how to draw men!!! Your style has changed so much since that tutorial. I'd LOVE to see you do an updated version 😭❤️❤️❤️

King Mochi

Please, please an expressions practice and I'm all down for learning how to draw different ages too!! 😭🙏🏽


👗Colouring Clothing 2 (iridescent/holo🌈 "fabric", sequined/glittery fabric✨️, wet fabric💧, armor, fur coat, that rich ruby-red Victorian gown from October, etc)


✨️🎞 Cinematic studies 🎞✨️ , goddangit! lol Like your Elizabeth Swann or Jo&Laurie pieces!😍 how to paint dark mood lightning (without it looking... dirt-y), interesting composition, choosing captivating colours/palette, etc.


Lightning 2 (maybe, backlit golden hour, cellphone light on face📱, window rainbow🌈 streaks across face, cloudy , lantern or campire?🔥)


I’d love to see a tutorial about characters interacting with each other! But I agree about perhaps teaching us more about how to draw different ages ♥️ Those are the two I’m the most interested in but I love whatever you decide! 🥰


Im gonna keep asking for cinematic studies until it makes it to a tutorial😂✨💖


Character interactions tutorial


this isn't art related, but I would love to see a video on your journey! How you became an artist full time, what steps did you take to get here and how long did it take🥰 and if you have any tips for anyone doing the same✨


Since it's valentines Day's month I think my usual proposition would fit perfectly - interaction between people or cinematic studies 🥰


Whatever it is - can you keep rocking the pattern with male subjects? It’s been great since you picked it up! Maybe a guy version of the fantasy/book clothing tutorial?


Im really want to see your style in this tutorial (How to Draw Fantasy Outfits ) because I’m starting to my comic but I’m really stuck in clothes drawing for fantasy and middle era


Yes! Also learning to properly shade and paint men. there’s a lot of muscle on a shirtless dude and shading abs or triceps can just look so weird if you don’t do it right! Would be so helpful, and in different skintones!


Anything on how to create simple but nice backgrounds to make even simple sketch pop 🥲🥲🥲


Hiii Lydia, i love your way of teaching! Your videos help me so much. Here are my suggestions, please see if you could consider any of these: Updated version of how to draw men, a study of any of the BTS members (like that of hyunjin), Younjun study (he is a TXT member), old age people maybe, a studio ghibli study with the backgrounds and all. ❤️


Backgrounds and how they affect your character. Simple background and more elaborated one


- How to draw the same character at different ages (I'd like to see how you think and how you draw the same character at different ages. Mine always seem to look the same age, even when I change some aspects. So, I'd love to see how you do it!) - Character interactions.


I would love to see a tutorial on character interactions or emotions😍. I feel that many tutorials for drawing emotions are either too anime-like or realistic but I want something in between 🥺. A tutorial about different lineart-styles or about drawing comic scenes would also be cool 🥰. I know you've already made a video on how to draw a Webcomic but I also refer to tiny comics for instagram. How do I know how to organise something like this and how can I vastly get better at drawing objects, rooms, plants or nature.


I would love to see a tutorial on how to draw and render clothing on males! Including an in-depth look at where to place folds and add shadows depending on the angle and movement of the body.


Background and its interaction with the character!


i would looove some environment help!! or if not, then character interactions and different ages in the same character!! 💕✨


Curly/ wavy hair for men! There are not many tutorials on drawing and rendering curly hair for guys.


It is an easy way to have a background interaction with the character. Sometimes, we don't have any idea to put in the background. So, maybe there are five ways to do a background that doesn't have much work but also a faster way. Do you know what I mean? I do apologize if it is confusing. Have a good one.