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Hi everyone! 🥰 I hope you’re all having a lovely day:)

Now that things are finally slowing down from the holidays, I can sit down and write this newsletter for you 💌 So let’s talk about what’s happening this month!

Decorating my studio space:

In 2023 I started reading books again and now it’s become one of my absolute favorite hobbies! ☺️ Bookstores and Barnes & Nobles are my happy places right now haha 🙊 And after months and months of reading and getting new books, it was finally time give all my books a home and get a bookshelf — so I got one from Ikea to put in my studio space! 😍

The bottom shelf is for all my art books I’ve collected over the years and the rest are novels:) The top two shelves aren’t full yet so I’ll fill those over the course of this year as I read new books ☺️

I also built a book nook to put on the bookshelf, and it’s like an adorable tiny greenhouse that looks like a mini world and I love it 🥲 I have another one I’m going to build soon too! I’ve been having so much fun redecorating, I really wanted to start off the year with a refreshed workspace and now it feels extra cozy for drawing and filming 😍


Currently I’m sketching a book character from a fantasy book called Heavenly Bodies! The character’s name is Enzo and he’s a prince with fire abilities 👀🔥 It’s such a magical book and I totally recommend it if you enjoy stories with a mix of astrology, magic, witty banter and star-crossed love 😊

I’ll be screen-recording the full real-time coloring process of him, so stay tuned for that video coming soon! 🤍

New year plans:

Towards the end of last year I think I entered my fantasy era; I just love drawing magical characters, princesses & princes and other fantasy-themed content ☺️ This month I want to continue exploring drawing magical things, book characters, and more movie scenes too :) I just love creating art that feels like it has a story attached to it 💘

I’m excited to start a new month with you guys and dive into all the new content! 😍 What kinds of things are you guys working on this month? 💭

Have a lovely day everyone!! :)

~Lydia 💌




Your bookshelf looks great!! Currently I'm working on two kpop fan art drawings and this month I want to continue working on my webtoon 😊


Omg that sounds amazing!! Super exciting that you’re working on a webtoon too! 👀💕 best of luck to you! 🥰


bookstores are the greatest, i totally feel you! absolutely love decorating my bookshelves and am now adding heavenly bodies to my list :) i’m trying to really move out of my comfort zone and practice more dynamic full body poses and expressions. working on a couple of character sheets right now of OCs, it’s tough but definitely getting good practice 😭