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Happy Monday everyone! 🥰 I hope you all enjoyed your weekend :)

Over the weekend I worked on my webtoon a LOT and I also painted this screencap study of Howl from Howl’s Moving Castle! 💗 Portraits like this are such a cozy comfort zone for me and I loved painting him :) he’s such a beautiful character 👁️👄👁️

This week I’m going to start working on another step-by-step tutorial for you that covers the process of how I painted his portrait! 🥳 Usually I only post one step-by-step each month but I love giving you guys extra things hehe 💕 So stay tuned for it! You can check out the other step-by-step I posted here — it covers how to create a colorful lighting effect :)

This week I’ll also be posting the August tutorial video poll, so be sure to leave a suggestion for the video if you haven‘t yet!! I’ll be going through all your comments and put the most popular requests into the poll for you to vote 📮

The other thing I’ll be doing this week is traveling up to the mountains for a few days to get a change of scenery 🥰 We’ll be staying in an adorable treehouse and I’ll show you photos soon! ✨ 

Alrighty I hope you’re all having a lovely start to your week :) remember to drink water and feel the sun if you can and have a wonderful day!! 


Lydia 💌




He came out beautiful! 🥰 so since you mentioned webtoon, from being new did you you write out your story first and script? Or do you do it as you draw ? I’m just curious to see what other webtooners do! Because I’m in the middle of my fourth episode script then I figured I’d start the drawing process


If pretty sure in her webtoon tutorial she said she writes a script