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Helloooo everyone! :)

Here’s an early look at some pose studies I’ve been working on! I wanted to draw some interesting perspectives to work on getting more comfortable with them and I had sooo much fun with these 😍 Which one is your fav?

I recorded the full painting process of these poses for another real-time process video! 🫶🏻 So you guys will get to see the painting process from start to finish at a nice slow pace to help you understand the process 🥰 

You can watch the other real-time video I posted here — it shows my mini comic process :)

In other news, I decided it’s time to do some summer cleaning and refresh my patreon page with new tier images! 🧺🫧 I’ve had my current tier images for a long time and they don’t really fit my vibe anymore, so time for a change :)

This will be the image for Caring Caterpillar patrons! 🐛 I want to have a magical theme for all the tiers with blues and pinks in the color palette :) I’ll start working on the other 3 tiers next and show you more sneak-peeks soon! 💕 I wanna make each image look super cute to make you all feel special in each of your tiers hehe :)

I hope you’re all having a happy week so far!! Stay safe and cozy everyone 🥰


Lydia 💌






Ohhh that caterpillar is so cute 🐛