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Helloooo everyone and welcome to a new month! 🧡

I can’t believe we’re already in March and Spring is almost here! 😍 I always feel so refreshed and inspired during this time of year, maybe it’s because the weather is getting warmer and the days are getting longer so it brings some energy back into my work 😌 Anywho, here is the rewards list for March to give you guys an idea of what the content will look like this month! 💌

Monthly Little Recap 🤍

Last month we did our very first drawing challenge as a community!! 😍 It was SO amazing to see all your beautiful entries for the prompt and all your unique styles! 🥰 Here are a few from the tag on instagram and you can find even more on our community discord! 💕

Seeing all your art is literally so cool to me, like I can’t believe these artists are a part of my Patreon 😭 You guys did amazing!! 🥳 If you want to do another challenge in the future, what are some challenge ideas you think would be fun to do together?💭

Last month I also explored adding more expressive poses/faces into my work, and I made my first two-part scene called “Hug” 🌧

It took a week to finish since they’re both fully rendered drawings, but I loved it!! I want to infuse more story elements like this into my art because I’m discovering that it’s something I’m really passionate about :) Later today I’ll post the steps for the first drawing and a new process video for both drawings later too 🤍

I’ve got some really fun things planned for the content this month and I can’t wait to share it with you guys 🥰 Thank you all so much for being here and supporting my work, it literally means the world 🧡 Let’s have a fun month together!!

What are your goals this month? :)

Love you all 🧡

~Lydia 💌




loved participating in the community drawing! ❤️