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Happy New Year everyone!! 🥳

Over the weekend I shared a new tutorial video with you guys about how I make my mini comics, and here is the other half of the comic! 🧡 I had so much fun filming the video and I hope you guys enjoyed it too 🥰 I’ll be sharing a new real-time process video with you guys that shows the coloring process of these other panels! Stay tuned for it 🫶🏻

A little ‘22 recap and what my plans are for 2023: 

Last year I took a lot of steps to challenge myself with my art. I tend to like sticking to my comfort zone with a lot of things, but I learned that it’s possible to create new comfort zones for yourself :) Male characters used to be completely out of my comfort zone, but I really pushed myself to study them last year and now I feel like they’re actually a new comfort zone for me ☺️ 

I also explored mini comics for the first time, which at first seemed disconnected from my style and I had doubts about it, but I discovered how fun it is to draw them for the purpose of practicing emotions and moods in scenes. This was really important since I had just started working on my own Webtoon comic, and I needed practice drawing characters interacting since I had only ever drawn solo characters in the past. 

I learned that adding story elements into my art is something I really love doing, so creating a Webtoon has felt like the next step in my art journey 🥰 I love imagining storylines and unique character dynamics, so drawing a comic of my own has been such a fun way to explore that area of my creativity :) 

Right now my biggest goal for 2023 is to officially start posting my Webtoon! It will be a big step for me but I am soooo excited to share my very first story with you guys 🥰🫶🏻 I feel like stories and comics are a way to invite others into your imagination and really bring your characters to life, so I can’t wait to show you :) 🧡

Anywho, I’m excited to dive into a new month and a new year with you all!! 😍 I’ll post a little January schedule for you guys this week:) Let’s have a fun month together 💌

Do you guys have any goals for yourself or your art this year? 


Lydia ✏️




I'm very excited for your webtoon! Also seeing you try out new things with your art such as drawing more male characters makes me really want to explore more with my art this year! ✨ I haven't drawn a lot the past year and I really miss it but also am a bit scared to start again. I guess I'm mainly scared of being unhappy with my art. This year I want to be less harsh to myself and give myself the freedom to explore 🥰


Hi. What do you write in Pinterest to find this kind of references? Thanks