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Hey everyone!

It's getting close to the end of April which means it's time to vote on the next art tutorial! :D Read below for information about the two options :)

Choosing A Color Palette: In this tutorial I will show you some tips and tricks when it comes to choosing a cohesive color scheme for your work. Color is such a broad topic so I can't cover everything in one tutorial, but I plan on covering other color topics in the future. This tutorial will focus on color schemes & combos that are unique and work well together. 

Facial Features: Placement & Proportion: In this tutorial I will show you how I use gesture drawing to figure out the placement and scale of facial features in my work. This will include some tips on how to make sure all your facial features are aligned and make sense from different angles. The tips I give you in this tutorial will be drawn in my style of course, but can apply to any style as well!

Happy voting!! :)

Unrelated Note: I'm excited to say that I will be officially finished with college on April 30th!! I'm very excited about it because school has taken up so much of my time and I haven't been able to make art at the frequency that I would like. It means the world to me that you are all being patient with me <3 I have lots of things planned for you all and I cannot wait to finally have time for all of it. Thank you for your patience :)



I really really struggle with what colors to choose so that would really be a dream tutorial!!! And aaaaah I’m so happy for you to have finished college!!! Congrats!! 😍😍


Hehe I’d be happy to shed some light on colors from what I’ve learned! 💖 and thank you so much!! I’m so happy to be almost done 😭😭💖


Thanks you!!! It would be great if you could do both tutorials! I struggle a lot trying to combine colors in my illustration but I’m also starting to try facial expressions etc, so both of them would be awesome!!




Early congrats on wrapping up school!! 🎉 I remember how stoked I was 😂


Congrats on finishing College!!!


Haha I do plan to do both eventually so no worries!! 💖 Whichever one wins I’ll work on first 😊 I’m excited to share what I know with you guys! 💖


COngrats for school! You will soon join my clan! haha I wish to see more about color palette, yours are always awesome!


Haha thanks!! I’m super excited ☺️ and I’d love to make a tutorial on colors!!


Hello~ I'm new here. Congrats on finishing college. 😊 Just curious what you were studying if you don't mind? Like are you pursuing something else besides art?


I hope the color one wins though T^T both tutorials would be useful but the color concept would be nice. I would like to further improve my coloring skills haha


Congrats on finishing college!! 🎉


Thanks so much and welcome to the community!! 💖 I studied Art Education in pursuit of becoming an art teacher, as I result I got to take a ton of fine art classes but I don’t really like the idea of teaching in a public school. I’d much rather have a job as a character designer for a game or animation studio!