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Hi everyone! :)

Here is a sneak-peek of my finished hairstyle studies! ☺️ I sketched these for this month’s bonus video, which will go up tomorrow for all Devoted Dragonfly patrons! 🥳 I had so much fun painting these:) I don’t normally work with a super golden color palette like this, but I wanted to try it and I like how it turned out 😍

In other news, our poll for this month’s tutorial video topic closed earlier today and we have our result!! The option that won the vote was… How to Capture Likeness in a Face ✏️✨

I can’t wait to film this tutorial because faces are my favorite (obviously hehe) but this video will be fun because we’ll be focusing specifically on how to draw real people (celebrities, movie characters, singers, etc.) and make them recognizable :) I’ll start filming the video this week and show you guys sneak-peeks soon! 👀

Ok that’s all for now 🥰 love you all:)

~Lydia ✏️




Looking forwared to you next video💜🙋‍♀️