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Just All Around Amazing!



Kim Yoohtoni

There are lot of live band version of their songs that are pretty awesome. Or you might want to check Crossroads concert (Day 1- Utopia). All the songs performed were with live band and they have different arrangement of the songs. There is no choreo bcz vocals were the main focus on day 1. Day 2 has live band with choreo as well.

Leslie Stevens

Yes Handong had a part in their debut but her parts in chase me doesn't have her iconic sound and she keeps her face close to the mic here so it's hard to tell if you aren't watching her.


I'll second the Crossroads concerts. There's a Utopia version which is altered arrangements for a more chill listening experience and then Dystopia version which is the more traditional sound. Both with live bands, both amazing. Have you watched any of the teasers or are you waiting to see everything on the day of?'