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V15 release is imminent guys! This will be a refinement of the very well received V14.

All of the features of V14 remain, with a few noticeable additions for V15!

The mod is in a really great place at the moment, both behaviourally and mechanically, so I don't want to make sweeping changes for the sake of it. All changes are purposeful!

V15 features a new base movement, which retains the fluidity and freedom of V14's base, but grounds the game a little more in realism and also provides a more varied game flow - one where the game tempo can be both faster and slower, depending on the game state or tactical approach.

V15 also includes the first improvements to goalkeepers in the mod, as well as improved lobbed through ball mechanics and trajectory.

The Full Gameplay Package tier introduces a whole new structure for the mod - with FOUR bases now to choose from, each with a regular, medium and slow version.

Each base is designed to suit a range of gameplay tastes.

There are also other options, pass speeds isolated for more variety and customisation, plus there is a bonus gameplay included.

More details coming shortly, but for now check out some of the moments I've experienced with this version.

Most of what you see in this video is CPU playing against me, and some is also me vs the CPU to show the freedom and variety now in the game!

Join and download the most complete, comprehensive and realistic EAFC24 gameplay mod!!


If you're completely new to my EAFC24 Realistic Gameplay Mod, then this is what you can expect in general:  

- Realistic Movement - of course the animation system isn't perfect, but players speed of movement is considerably slowed down from the default game and animations behave much better than before. Game tempo is greatly considered in this as well. Trust me guys, this is far more than slowing down some turning circles and speed and acceleration, there's been a huge number of changes and it has been extensively balanced and tested.    

- The game now has a strong sense of freedom and unpredictability, something which hasn't been present for a number of years.

- Important positional and behavioural changes - this is one of, if not the biggest change to the game. The result is a completely fresh feeling game flow - that isn't stuck to rigid patterns of play (the reduction of a reliance on cutback goals for example).The pitch is balanced and varied now and you will see this reflect in both how you play and how the CPU plays. I can't stress this enough - this is intricate work that has had hundreds of tests. Some of these changes have been four years in the making and have finally clicked.   

- Player and team individuality. STATS MATTER! You'll know if you're going up against a big team with great players - on both end of the pitch. This goes for how players move, feel and BEHAVE. Strong players, technical players, lethal finishers, players with good balance, great defenders - and much, much more. You will see this reflected in CPU behaviour as well as your own.  

- CPU variety has been dramatically increased. You will see crosses, long shots, tackles, through balls, long balls. Don't judge on one game alone, play with a variety of teams with different abilities and personalities and you will see it come through.  

- Passing, shooting speeds have been balanced a lot to create a much more natural and realistic experience. The ball no longer shoots out of the foot like a rocket.    

- Big changes to ball physics. It behaves more naturally, deflecting and bouncing around like it should.  - The ball is no longer 'stuck' to the players feet and the ball feels like a separate entity. You will see heavier touches, so more care is needed. You will see more natural and realistic deflections, traps, errors and trajectories.  

- First touch has been made more realistic - stats matter in this as well!  

- Improvements to passing mechanics. Through balls, lobs, lobbed through balls for example have all had significant upgrades to their trajectories, how they come off the boot, the input mechanics which open up the way you can build and create chances.   

- A more difficult avenue to goal - the midfield battle is much improved due to a number of purposeful tweaks and adjustments. This is not some end to end experience where you end up with 6-5 scorelines anymore. The positioning, behaviour and movement has been massively adjusted for both attacking and defending.    

- The CPU actually play football against you. None of this 3 passes to the striker, turn and shoot. There's some really nice buildup play, passing backwards, sideways etc.    

- Players physical interactions mean a lot more now. There's no more sliding off each other and bursting beyond anyone you want now. Your approach to goal needs to be far more considered than before. It's not just about speed! There is a genuine battle to win physical battles, and this leads to a large variety of outcomes and differences in each sequence of play. It also makes you have to think much more tactically about your approach.  

- Big increase in the 'scope for fouls'. The CPU will tackle more, fight for the ball and you will generally see a lot more organic clashes between players - often resulting in more fouls.  

- The game feels alive and much more intense now! There's a great fight to control and win the ball now.  

- Subtle, but impactful changes to goalkeeper behaviour - both improving them and making them less 'super human' depending on the context.  

- Lots of little realistic additions. For example, you can't play laser guided passes behind you anymore. You have to think a lot more about body positioning.   

- Crazy boosts removed!  

- Plus loads more


Anth James' Realistic EAFC24 Gameplay Mod - V15 + 'Full Gameplay Package' #TU9

Join and download the most complete, comprehensive and realistic EAFC24 gameplay mod here - https://www.patreon.com/anthjamesfc24gameplaylab Note: Most of what you see in this video is CPU playing against me, and some is also me vs the CPU to show the freedom and variety now in the game! ///////////// Those who join the 'Full Gameplay Package' will have access to a massive variety of gameplay options to choose from. There are now FOUR gameplay bases. Inside each 'base', there are also regular, medium and slow versions for each base, plus other variation options and pass speeds isolated as well. ////////////// If you're new to my EAFC24 Realistic Gameplay Mod, then this is what you can expect in general: - Realistic Movement - of course the animation system isn't perfect, but players speed of movement is considerably slowed down from the default game and animations behave much better than before. Game tempo is greatly considered in this as well. Trust me guys, this is far more than slowing down some turning circles and speed and acceleration, there's been a huge number of changes and it has been extensively balanced and tested. - The game now has a strong sense of freedom and unpredictability, something which hasn't been present for a number of years. - Important positional and behavioural changes - this is one of, if not the biggest change to the game. The result is a completely fresh feeling game flow - that isn't stuck to rigid patterns of play (the reduction of a reliance on cutback goals for example).The pitch is balanced and varied now and you will see this reflect in both how you play and how the CPU plays. I can't stress this enough - this is intricate work that has had hundreds of tests. Some of these changes have been four years in the making and have finally clicked. - Player and team individuality. STATS MATTER! You'll know if you're going up against a big team with great players - on both end of the pitch. This goes for how players move, feel and BEHAVE. Strong players, technical players, lethal finishers, players with good balance, great defenders - and much, much more. You will see this reflected in CPU behaviour as well as your own. - CPU variety has been dramatically increased. You will see crosses, long shots, tackles, through balls, long balls. Don't judge on one game alone, play with a variety of teams with different abilities and personalities and you will see it come through. - Passing, shooting speeds have been balanced a lot to create a much more natural and realistic experience. The ball no longer shoots out of the foot like a rocket. - Big changes to ball physics. It behaves more naturally, deflecting and bouncing around like it should. - The ball is no longer 'stuck' to the players feet and the ball feels like a separate entity. You will see heavier touches, so more care is needed. You will see more natural and realistic deflections, traps, errors and trajectories. - First touch has been made more realistic - stats matter in this as well! - Improvements to passing mechanics. Through balls, lobs, lobbed through balls for example have all had significant upgrades to their trajectories, how they come off the boot, the input mechanics which open up the way you can build and create chances. - A more difficult avenue to goal - the midfield battle is much improved due to a number of purposeful tweaks and adjustments. This is not some end to end experience where you end up with 6-5 scorelines anymore. The positioning, behaviour and movement has been massively adjusted for both attacking and defending. - The CPU actually play football against you. None of this 3 passes to the striker, turn and shoot. There's some really nice buildup play, passing backwards, sideways etc. - Players physical interactions mean a lot more now. There's no more sliding off each other and bursting beyond anyone you want now. Your approach to goal needs to be far more considered than before. It's not just about speed! There is a genuine battle to win physical battles, and this leads to a large variety of outcomes and differences in each sequence of play. It also makes you have to think much more tactically about your approach. - Big increase in the 'scope for fouls'. The CPU will tackle more, fight for the ball and you will generally see a lot more organic clashes between players - often resulting in more fouls. - The game feels alive and much more intense now! There's a great fight to control and win the ball now. - Subtle, but impactful changes to goalkeeper behaviour - both improving them and making them less 'super human' depending on the context. - Lots of little realistic additions. For example, you can't play laser guided passes behind you anymore. You have to think a lot more about body positioning. - Crazy boosts removed! - Plus loads more


Jake Maranto

Awesome mod! Thanks for all your hard work!


nice gamplay released date?

Andrew Lynch

Anth, I'd love for you to set up a discord where this community you're growing can discuss and feedback to each other with help. If would also offer you a place to upload outside of discord that's still secure?


EDIT: TU9 just dropped ARGH! - Same story as always with TUs, I have to wait until the software is updated before I can update to TU9. We know this now guys, it's out of my hands until I have the software. As soon as I have it - the TU9 release will be out within the hour!

Артур Мамчиць

i don't understand if this mod works... in the video, your gameplay looks smooth, realistically slow, the AI ​​is thinking. when I apply the mod it feels like I'm not applying it correctly. is there a specific instruction how to apply the mod? because I really want to enjoy your work and real football

Leonardo Exequiel Picone

Very good gameplay! Of the best I've ever had. Question: Any realism mods for career mode that you recommend? other than mck (not good).