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Details coming soon guys! You want to try this version. It's the most alive, fluid, yet also balanced version yet.

See if you can spot some of the improvements!

Note: A large majority of what you see is CPU - but some is user as well - showing you that the user experience is also dramatically improved!


Anth James' EAFC24 Simulation Gameplay Mod: V14: BEST YET!

Join and download now: https://www.patreon.com/anthjamesfc24gameplaylab Note: A large majority of what you see is CPU - but some is user as well - showing you that the user experience is also dramatically improved! ////////////////////////////////////////// This is the most comprehensive, realistic and complete EAFC24 gameplay mod yet. This isn't for the FUT crowd - this is for those wanting a realistic, modern football game. If you have doubts about this game I understand you, but you haven't played this version of it yet! More details about what is specific to V14 in the download but - #If you're new to my gameplay mod entirely, this is some of what you can expect in general:  - Player and team individuality. STATS MATTER! You'll know if you're going up against a big team with great players - on both end of the pitch. This goes for strong players, technical players, lethal finishers, players with good balance, great defenders - and much, much more. You will see this reflected in CPU behaviour as well as your own. - CPU variety has been dramatically increased. You will see crosses, long shots, tackles, through balls, long balls. Don't judge on one game alone, play with a variety of teams with different abilities and personalities and you will see it come through. - Realistic Movement - of course the animation system isn't perfect, but players speed of movement is considerably slowed down from the default game and animations behave much better than before. Game tempo is greatly considered in this as well. Trust me guys, this is far more than slowing down some turning circles and speed and acceleration, there's been a huge number of changes and it has been extensively balanced and tested.   - Passing, shooting speeds have been balanced a lot to create a much more natural and realistic experience. The ball no longer shoots out of the foot like a rocket.   - Big changes to ball physics. It behaves more naturally, deflecting and bouncing around like it should. - The ball is no longer 'stuck' to the players feet and the ball feels like a separate entity. You will see heavier touches, so more care is needed. You will see more natural and realistic deflections, traps, errors and trajectories. - First touch has been made more realistic - stats matter in this as well! - EXTREMELY IMPORTANT - Positional changes to create more realistic patterns and behaviour. The reduction of a reliance on cutback goals for example. - A more difficult avenue to goal - the midfield battle is much improved due to a number of purposeful tweaks and adjustments. This is not some end to end experience where you end up with 6-5 scorelines anymore. The positioning, behaviour and movement has been massively adjusted for both attacking and defending.   - The CPU actually play football against you. None of this 3 passes to the striker, turn and shoot. There's some really nice buildup play, passing backwards, sideways etc.   - Players physical interactions mean a lot more now. There's no more sliding off each other and bursting beyond anyone you want now. Your approach to goal needs to be far more considered than before. It's not just about speed!   - Big increase in the 'scope for fouls' (more on what this means in the notes section). The CPU will tackle more, fight for the ball and you will generally see a lot more organic clashes between players - often resulting in more fouls. - Lots of little realistic additions. For example, you can't play laser guided passes behind you anymore. You have to think a lot more about body positioning. - Crazy boosts removed! - Plus lots of other little other tweaks and adjustments that are made to account for various gameplay elements.



Hi Anth James great work you are doing here! I am playing only in Manager mode watching only the game, 10 min halftimes , what are your observations with the final score results? How many goals in total are scored in a first league match? Like average...


Hey Vas, thanks! I couldn't give you averages etc, but from the tests I've done in CPU v CPU and also in general play, you will see a significant improvement in terms of variety in your matches - and stats mattering more will really help in your CPU v CPU matches. I did a Burnley v Liverpool CPU match the other day and Liverpool dominated and won 4-1. Saying this, you won't be getting crazy high 6-5 type scoring matches. A big focus of mine with this gameplay mod is to have realistic scorelines and this should translate to CPU v CPU as well. Hope this helps!


Sounds great! many thanks for your fast reply! I will try it out :)