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Hey everyone, here's TEST v10 for Title Update #5.

This is an ongoing build and this version I've spent working mainly on the attacking CPU, bringing out more variety in their approach. Some of the changes are subtle, but important.

Each version builds on the one before it. There's still lots more to come and specific elements in which I'm yet to touch. Fouls have not been worked on yet for example, they are coming. 

There have been NO changes to speed of movement or passing speeds etc from previous Fast and Slow versions - the base remains solid!

Hope you enjoy guys, it's really taking shape now. 

I don't list all of the changes, but be assured that the mod is extensively tested and balanced as I'm building towards a much more sim oriented game! Please be sure to read all of the below.


- NORMAL GAME SPEED IS AN ABSOLUTE MUST. The Mod WILL NOT work properly if you play on Slow.

- Default sliders recommended (50/50). You can adjust as you like, but it's designed with 50/50 in mind.

- I have increased the difficulty of World Class and that's what I recommend to play on, but play whichever difficulty you like.

- The 'Ball Physics - No Curve' add on is OPTIONAL. The reason I have included it is that it provides some really nice behaviours, but unfortunately it removes the curve from the ball. If you prefer it, then you can add it by placing it as priority in your Mod Manager, under the gameplay mod.

- The 'Regular Ground Pass Distance' is just for those who had some issues with hitting their passing targets. If you have no problem, then there's no need for it at all!

- There are now THREE base versions - SLOW, MEDIUM and FAST. Each has different adjustements based on movement and passing speeds - but they all have the exact same base.

- The Attack Add On is now built into each version as it held up really well. 



- As an OPTION, I have provided all three passing speeds as an add-on if you want to mix and match. For example, you can play with the Fast version of the mod, but with Medium or Slow passing speed if you choose. 

- To do this, you just need to put the passing speed of your choice as priority in your Mod Manager. Priority means it goes under the base version. 

- If you don't want to mix and match, then just IGNORE these and simply bring in the version of the mod you like. There's NO NEED to play with the Fast version of the mod and also bring in the Fast passing speed for example.

- You CANNOT stack BOTH the passing speed options with the 'Regular Ground Pass Distance' add on - they will cancel each other out. You can however, use the 'Ball Physics - No Curve' with either.






How come the gameplay mod feels completely different in kick off mode than it does in Career mode for example? In kick off mode it feels awesome, and in career mode it feels clunky with slow animations. Thanks.