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Hey guys, here's a slightly updated version for you all to test. 

As I've mentioned - the focus now is ONLY on movement / ball. Don't worry about difficulty, defenders, cpu behaviour, player individuality etc yet - all that is to come.

One step at a time remember!

I've been focusing on reducing some of that additional slide that happens when changing directions etc. It'll never be quite what we want, but I think it's improving from the last version even. You should find passing, shooting and trapping animations a little more realistic in speeds, as well as turning and overall dribbling.

I've also removed the pre game boosts to try and prevent the game from speeding up etc randomly. There's also a couple of other little additions in here.

Let me know what you guys think, I'm particularly interested in seeing if you find the game fluid still. I don't want that feeling of running through mud and being slow and sluggish, so feedback in this area is welcomed. I feel like it's feeling quite good personally! 

Lots of work still to do!

Oh and I just updated the FMT and tweaked a couple of values in case and I haven't experienced any crashing yet. If you do, let me know!



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