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V21 'RELOADED' IS HERE!!!!!!!!!! This new release BUILDS on the initial V21 in a HUGE way!


The 'Full Gameplay Package' now features over 150 OPTIONS IN TOTAL + 15 STANDALONE VERSIONS!!!!


One thing I've learnt is that everyone has a different interpretation about what 'realism' looks like.

I'm mindful of this and have carefully created and balanced a staggering amount of standalone versions and gameplay options, ALL with the purpose of allowing you to fine-tune your own realistic gameplay experience like never before!

Every standalone version features a full fleshed out gameplay. The options then allow you to refine, adjust and fine-tune your gameplay even further.

These new options are some of the most IMPACTFUL yet!

Details below.


For those brand new to my mod in general, start by reading what my mod is all about here:


For those who have played previous versions of my mod, but are new to V21, have a read about the initial release of V21 here:


This new V21 'Re-loaded' version BUILDS on the initial V21 in a big way! More information below.



2 NEW and EXCLUSIVE Standalone Versions for the 'Full Gameplay Package' only (15 in total):

- V21 Extra Slow Standalone NEW

- V21 Fast Standalone NEW


60+ BRAND NEW OPTIONS (150 in total):

- Attacking Adjustment 4 NEW

- Attacking Adjustment 5 NEW

- Attacking Difficulty Boost Option NEW

- Ball Physics Alternative Series - Option 1 NEW

- Ball Physics Alternative Series - Option 2 NEW

- Ball Physics Alternative Series - Option 3 NEW

- Ball Physics Alternative Series - Option 4 NEW

- CPU Alternative 2 NEW

- CPU Default Option NEW

- Default Blocks and Interceptions Option NEW

- Default Ground Pass and Through Ball Distance Option (for every pass speed isolation) NEW

- Default Nets Option NEW 

- Default Positioning Option NEW

- Default Shooting Errors Option NEW

- Defensive Difficulty Boost Option NEW
Defensive Interval Option NEW

- Defensive Line Drop Option NEW

- Easier Legendary Option NEW

- Extra Slow Pass Speed Isolation Option NEW

- Faster Turning Intensity and Acceleration Build Option NEW

- Goalkeeper Boost Option NEW

- Increased Walking Speed - Extra Slow Movement Base Option NEW

- Increased Walking Speed - Fast Movement Base Option NEW

- Injury Option UPDATED NEW

- Physicality V2 Option NEW

- Defensive Line Drop Option (+ALL positioning combination variants) NEW

- V21 Positioning - Easier Option (+ALL positioning combination variants) NEW

- Positioning Alternative - Ball Side Option (+ALL positioning combination variants) NEW

- Positioning Alternative - Space Option (+ALL positioning combination variants) NEW

- Reduced Field Friction Option NEW

- Slower Jockey Option NEW

- Slower Walk Speed - Extra Slow Movement Base Option NEW

- Slower Walk Speed - Fast Movement Base Option NEW

- Sprint Risk Option NEW

- Trajectory Option NEW

- Trap Option NEW 

- V21 Jockey Speed Isolation Option NEW


More Detail on what's new:


V21 EXTRA SLOW: This exclusive standalone tweaks and balances very key areas of the V21 Slow Version to create an even slower, but still smooth and fluid V21. Animations play out that little bit slower, turning circles, specific dribbling speeds, thresholds etc have all been very carefully balanced out to provide a great experience for those who love slow gameplay.

Everything is of course scaled to stats.

This version also features a brand new extra slow passing speed which makes building up play even more important than on any other version.

Importantly, this version doesn't make the game feel sluggish and it doesn't 'break' the gameplay.

Tip: I recommend pairing this with the 'Heavy Switch' option also for those who want to add that EXTRA bit of friction and heaviness.

 This is another exclusive standalone version that increases the speed of movement in a number of key ways from V21 regular version.

It's important to note that this still remains etched in realism, but is perfect for those who want a more intense and responsive experience.

This version does NOT play like default FC24 - it is just a more intense version of the regular V21 standalone.

Tip: For those who want even faster passing, pair this with the 'Faster Passing Isolation' option.

Tip 2: If you want more attacking movement for a fast and open game (or you play shorter halves), also pair this with the 'Attacking Adjustment 5' and 'Positioning Alternative - Space' options.


Here's a brief overview for just SOME of the key NEW options:

This is a unique positioning option that results in the

defensive team moving more contextually to cover space on the ball side of the pitch.

This creates a more compact midfield game with some very interesting and fresh dynamics.

For those who want a dense midfield experience and who play with longer halves - you'll want to explore this option!

ATTACKING ADJUSTMENT 4: This adjustment will ensure that your defenders hold their position more and don't leave their post, providing more defensive stability in attack and defence.

ATTACKING DIFFICULTY BOOST OPTION: Increase the attacking difficulty for lower difficult levels (works best with World Class).

DEFENSIVE DIFFICULTY BOOST OPTION: Increase the defensive difficulty for lower difficulty levels (works best with World Class).

SPRINT RISK OPTION: This is a mechanic that I first introduced in my FIFA 23 gameplay mod.

It's an option that brings a risk/reward element to sprinting. When using this option, there's now a far greater chance of losing control of the ball when you decide to sprint, making you have to pick and choose your moments a lot more carefully than ever before. This is scaled based on stats, but it will still impact all players - bringing a whole new element to the gameplay.

DEFENSIVE LINE DROP: This option increases when and why the defence line will drop back. It's perfect for those wanting the defence to drop a little further back and not keep such a high line. I have also created a variation of this for ALL positioning options.

 This option opens up more space to play in so that defensive formations aren't so close together. There are specific changes here relating to midfield spacing and also the way teams will compress/decompress from their formation.

 I've listened to feedback and I've refined this option!

It's now much more stable and realistic.

 You now have 4 brand new ball physics options to choose from.

There's an option here for example that makes the ball lighter, more bouncy and travels higher.

 Increases the difficulty of trapping and controlling the ball - all based on a number of factors such as stats, balance, pressure, ball speed etc. This leads to more unpredictable moments.

TRAJECTORY OPTION: Use this option if you want to create some really unpredictable battles and outcomes in aerial duals. It brings a whole new dimension to the fight in the air.

A version of this is already included inside V21, but this option takes it a step further.

This is of course scaled based on stats, but every player is impacted.

 A nice option that takes the edge off the shooting speeds and helps to create some added variety to shooting.

 The Physicality options are designed to create more potential outcomes in the dual.

This option can lead to more fouls and lots of nice battles all around the pitch - but importantly this is a LESS EXTREME version of the original 'Physicality Option', providing more consistency and stability.

 This option builds on the initial 'CPU Alternative' and has the CPU make decisions even faster again.

This doesn't necessarily mean everything is always quicker, but the CPU will release the ball faster and this can lead to different patterns and behaviours throughout a match. It can increase difficulty too.

 This takes the edge off Legendary in a number of ways, creating a less difficult version of Legendary than what you will find in V21.

 Increase the goalkeeper ability in the game just that little bit extra.

 Slow down the jockey speeds specifically, letting you refine your speed of movement to your liking even more.

 This lets you tweak your movement base just that little bit extra. Say you're playing on V21 Slow standalone and you feel the movement is just a touch sluggish for your tastes, but you don't want to move up to the V21 Medium standalone, then use this option to get that little bit of extra responsiveness. You can use this for any movement base.

'EASIER' V21 POSITIONING OPTION: There are certain values within the positioning files that impact particular types of marking and reactions. The 'Easier' variant of positioning is a reduction of these values compared to what you will find in the V21 positioning.

Using this 'Easier' option makes it slightly easier to beat a defender.

This is a great option if you feel like the CPU is a little too fast at reacting and/or you want a bit more freedom to play.

 - as I said there's a breakdown of EVERY option in all folders, as well as suggested combinations to try for specific experiences, making the entire process super easy to customise your own realistic gameplay experience.


Don't get overwhelmed by the amount of detail and choice in this mod - I've made the process of finding and understanding options easier than ever before.

Each and every single standalone version and option features it's own 'Read Me' file explaining exactly the impact of that particular mod will have on your gameplay experience. These options can be stacked as much as you like.

I've refined and updated many of these explanations for the V21 'Re-loaded' release.

I've also added in an important 'Options Guide' which answers many FAQs and points you in the right direction based on what gameplay experience you want to achieve. There's examples of combinations etc as well.

V21: 'Re-loaded' sees the introduction of a massive amount of positional tweaks and adjustments. To make this process very easy to understand I have also written up an all new
'Positional Bases Guide' which talks you through the process of how to fine-tune this very important aspect of the mod.

Finally, when you join, message me to gain access to my exclusive discord server where you can talk to myself and many others to help you fine tune your combinations etc.

My discord is a no drama space where you can feel free to ask and discuss things at a much deeper level.



As of 19/07/24 the 'Full Gameplay Package' includes the following:

Standalone Verions:


- V21 (Regular and Recommended version)

- V21 - MEDIUM

- V21 - SLOW


- V21 - Default Movement and Animations

- Popular Old Version- V14

- Popular Old Version - Base D (Slowest Overall Gameplay)

- Popular Old Version - Base C (v13.75)

- Popular Old Version - V17 - Difficult

-Popular Old Version - V19

- Popular Old Version - V20 (all versions of V20)


- Attacking Adjustment 4 NEW 

- Attacking Adjustment 5 NEW 

- Attacking Difficulty Boost Option NEW 

- Ball Physics Alternative Series - Option 1 NEW 

- Ball Physics Alternative Series - Option 2 NEW 

- Ball Physics Alternative Series - Option 3 NEW 

- Ball Physics Alternative Series - Option 4 NEW 

- Defensive Line Drop Option (+ALL positioning combination variants) NEW 

- V21 Positioning - Easier Option (+ALL positioning combination variants) NEW  

- Positioning Alternative - Ball Side Option (+ALL positioning combination variants) NEW  

- Positioning Alternative - Space Option (+ALL positioning combination variants) NEW 

- CPU Alternative 2 NEW 

- CPU Default Option NEW 

- Defensive Difficulty Boost Option NEW 

- Defensive Line Drop Option NEW 

- Easier Legendary Option NEW 

- Extra Slow Pass Speed Isolation Option NEW 

- Faster Turning Intensity and Acceleration Build Option NEW 

- Goalkeeper Boost Option NEW 

- Sprint Risk Option NEW 

- Trajectory Option NEW 

- Trap OptionNEW 

- Default Blocks and Interceptions Option NEW 

- Default Ground Pass and Through Ball Distance Option (for every pass speed isolation) NEW 

- Default Nets Option NEW 

- Default Positioning Option NEW 

- Default Shooting Errors Option NEW 

- Defensive Interval Option NEW 

- Increased Walking Speed - Extra Slow Movement Base Option NEW 

- Increased Walking Speed - Fast Movement Base Option NEW 

- Injury Option UPDATEDNEW 

- Physicality V2 OptionNEW 

- Reduced Field Friction Option NEW 

- Slower Jockey Option NEW 

- Slower Walk Speed - Extra Slow Movement Base OptionNEW 

- Slower Walk Speed - Fast Movement Base Option NEW 

- V21 Jockey Speed Isolation Option NEW 

- Alternate Referee Option

- Positioning Tweak - Midfielders (+ALL positioning combination variants)

- Tighter Positioning Option (+ALL positioning combination variants)

- Even Tighter Positioning Option (+ALL positioning combination variants)

-Positioning Alternative - Centre Compact Option (+ALL positioning combination variants)

-Positioning Alternative - Centre Compact Option + Positioning Tweak - Midfielders Combined Option (+ALL positioning combination variants)- V20 Defence Option (+ALL positioning combination variants)

- Attacking Adjustment

- Attacking Adjustment 2

- Attacking Adjustment 3 (lower overall attacking runs and movement)

- More Pressing Option

- Contain - More Intense Option

- Contain - Less Intense Option

- Contain - Default Option

- Contain - V21 Isolation Option

- Tackling Alternative Option

- Tackling Default Option

- Width V2 Option

- Narrow Option

- Increased Field Friction V2 Option

- Varied Defensive Reactions Option

- Faster Defensive Reactions Option

- Slower Defensive Reactions Option

- Extra Slow Defensive Reactions Option

- Touch Error Alternative - Default

- Touch Error Alternative - Subtle

- Touch Error Alternative - Mid Subtle

- Touch Error Alternative - Mid Strong

- Touch Error Alternative - Strong

- Touch Error Alternative - Swing

- CPU Alternative Option

- Physicality Option

- Marking Distance Option

- Faster Marking Option

- Slower Marking Option

- V19 CPU Behaviour Option

- V19 Positioning Option

- Dribble Bounce Reduction Option

-Subtle Passing Errors Option

-Strong Passing Errors Option

- 'Pressing Variation' option

- 'Pressing Fatigue System' option (regular, strong and extreme)

- Shooting Errors option

- V18 Positioning and Pressing option

-V18 Dribble Errors option

- V21 Goalkeepers Isolation option

-V18 Goalkeepers option

- Default Pressing Option

- Default Fatigue Option

- Default Physics Option

- Large ball size option

- Ball Physics Alternative Option- More Curve + larger ball size

-V17 Fouls option

- V20 Fouls Isolation

- 'Looser' First Touch and Dribbling Option

- 'Touch Control Option

- Passing Error System Option

- Alternative Positioning Option

- Alternative Positioning Option 2 (V16 positioning, but with back 5 fix)

- Default Pressing Option

- Default Ground Pass Distance Option (Slow, Medium and Regular)

- Less Blocks Option

-More Blocks Option

- Passing Speed Isolation Options (only if you want to mix and match)

- Vanilla Goalkeepers Option

- 'Vanilla Referee' Option

- Full-back Option

- Ball Physics Alternative Option - More Curve

- Increased Walk Speed Option - Regular Base Movement

- Increased Walk Speed Option - Medium Base Movement

- Increased Walk Speed Option - Slow Base Movement

- Slower Walk Speed Option - Slow Base Movement

- Slower Walk Speed Option - Medium Base Movement

- Slower Walk Speed Option - Regular Base Movement

- Increased Field Friction Option

- Width Option

- Heavy Switch Option



EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: PLEASE read the ALL of the .txt files regarding settings, MOD ORDER INSTALLATION for FMM etc. This crucial to ensuring you have the mod and options working properly!

For example:

- Your in-game ref needs to be set to 'Very Lenient' for V21 (unless you're using different referee options of course).

- 50/50 sliders and NORMAL in game pace.

Remember - the mod is very stat based. You will see different behaviour, touches, dribbling, pressing, positioning etc based on WHO you are playing with or against. The learning curve is steeper than what you might be used to - stick with it and enjoy!

NOTE: V21 Standalone is designed to be a balanced experience to cater for various game styles and levels. It doesn’t come as THE most difficult it can possibly be. There’s a load of options that will increase the difficult substantially. It’s very important to have a read through the ‘Options Guide’ and then start exploring the folders for more information. For example the ‘Tackle Alternative Option’ is HIGHLY recommended to make it more difficult to steal the ball.


Thanks everyone for your support, the mod simply wouldn't exist without it!

- Anth


Marco Maglione

hi today the update came out on fc24...we have to wait for it to update the mod right?


Andrew Firmin if you can't see the difference with vanilla and neither see the work done nore take 5 minutes to add options, you are a lost soul :)