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V21 is here - and it's MASSIVE!!!!!!!!!

This version sees not only huge behavioural advancements, but also some big mechanical changes. Details below.

Join to access the most complete and refined FC24 gameplay experience available.

Those with the 'Full Gameplay Package' - you have NEVER seen variety like this before - there are 28 brand new options just for V21, to go with the already 70+ options that are already included, bringing the total to well over 90!


If you're new around here you can find a general run down of what you can expect from my mod here - https://www.patreon.com/anthjamesfc24gameplaylab/about



Dribbling/touch has been completely re-worked. You can now play in much tighter spaces without giving up possession.

This has a big impact in the overall feel of the gameplay. Everything feels much more refined now.

This is of course scaled based on stats, but even lower rated players are more viable than before with their touch.

There's a new dribbler momentum that is apparent also. It's tough, but you can really get into stride with certain, skillful players and use the momentum to your advantage to travel through tight spaces.


Movement has undergone further and signficant refinements to increase balance, fluidity, responsiveness and also animations. The 'skating' feel is the most minimised it's ever been.

I have re-balanced many values that relate to how the dribbler and the defender interact with each other - the speeds, the advantages etc.

Dribblers no longer outpace defenders automatically anymore and you can use your advantages in speed, technique and strength to help you from both an attacking and defensive perspective. This has been a core FIFA/FC problem for a number of years, and I've worked on creating a much better balance in this regard.

It now takes longer for runners to reach their full sprint and when combined with the many other subtle tweaks and balances, it makes the interactions far more realistic.

The result is a deeper experience that feels nicer to play.

Other balances also further improve the 'feel' of the game. You now have more control over your players and they also look more natural in the process.


I've worked extensively in lots of very crucial and specific areas to increase the overall playability of the game. This impacts many areas, but in general it keeps the game challenging, but also makes it a lot more enjoyable!

This includes completely revising defensive reactions, marking, pressing, tackling etc - all scaled based on stats of course to create a more balanced game.

I've made a lot of adjustments regarding team shape and behaviour, to look and feel more natural. Formations will look less 'tied together', the spacing has been overhauled.

The result is a gameplay where you have a lot more variety in your own playing style and also the CPU's. Teams can get pulled out of position, and you can create some really nice goals through build up.


This is a big one. I have completely re-designed how the off ball mechanics work when pressing (and second man pressing) from V20 to V21.

You can no longer mindlessly just hound and harass the CPU to try and win the ball back without facing any negative consequences.

Your players will simply not be able to do this for as long and will need time to recover before they can chase again.

You now have to be much more selective in your defensive approach - and this is also scaled based on stats and ability.

Certain players can press tighter and for longer etc, while others can't and you will end very much out of position. This all combines to result in a deeper defensive experience.

You can further increase the impact of this and make defending feel even more 'manual', with the new 'Tackling Alternative Option' (more on that below).


I have further refined the CPU behaviour for the most varied experience you will find in FC24. You will see some things you haven't seen in any other version before. The CPU will perform some amazing long balls, switches, crosses. They will create some really wonderful goals also through passing sequences.

Defensively you need to be on your toes more than ever, as combined with the new spacing and defensive mechanics, you have to be a lot more aware of your defensive movement and decisions.


There have also been many small, various changes to improve and refine various behaviours and mechanics across the pitch - from attacking to defending. For example. positioning has been re-balanced, attackers will open up to space far better, lower rated players are still statistically balanced, but are more viable than before.


Those in the 'Full Gameplay Package' tier will also have access to a MASSIVE amount of new options.

There are 28 NEW OPTIONS just for V21 to go with the huge amount that are already included! This is the single largest increase in options from one version to another than ever before.

This brings the total amount of options to over 90!!!

The NEW options are:

- Positioning Alternative - Centre Compact Option

- Positioning Alternative - Centre Compact Option + Positioning Tweak - Midfielders Combined Option

- Alternate Referee Option

- Positioning Tweak - Midfielders

- Tighter Positioning Option

- Even Tighter Positioning Option

- More Pressing Option

- Contain - More Intense Option

- Contain - Less Intense Option

- Contain - Default Option

- Contain - V21 Isolation Option

- Tackling Alternative Option

- Tackling Default Option

- Width V2 Option

- Narrow Option

- Increased Field Friction V2 Option

- Injury V2 Option

- V20 Defence Option

- Varied Defensive Reactions Option

- Faster Defensive Reactions Option

- Slower Defensive Reactions Option

- Extra Slow Defensive Reactions Option

- Touch Error Alternative - Default

- Touch Error Alternative - Subtle

- Touch Error Alternative - Mid Subtle

- Touch Error Alternative - Mid Strong

- Touch Error Alternative - Strong

- Touch Error Alternative - Swing

Don't worry, I don't let you get overwhelmed with all of the options. EVERY option features a read me file in the folder that explains what impact using that option will have on the gameplay. Many of these have been refined for V21 also, to make it even easier to follow.

Here's a breakdown for just SOME of the new included options:

- Touch variety: There are now SIX different options for touch errors alone, not including the new one already inlucded in V21.

From 'Touch Error Alternative - Subtle' , scaled all the way through to 'Touch Error Alternative - Strong', you can refine exactly how you want to have the touch error in the game.

- Alternative Referee: Those struggling with the referee/fouls can now use this alernative referee option.

- Tackling Alternative Option: This will be a big one for some. This option reduces the amount of angles/variety at which players can tackle. Using this option makes it more difficult to steal the ball from the CPU and makes defending as a whole a lot more 'manual' and less automated.

-Contain 'More Intense', Contain 'Less Intense', Contain 'Default: These allow you to further customise some of the new defensive mechanics to your own liking. This can increase or decrease the difficulty in pressing and defending.

- Positioning Tweak - Midfielders: A nice option that maintains the new V21 positioning, but keeps midfielders a little lower and more stable in their positioning and behaviour.

- Tighter Positioning Option: Self explanatory, but an option for those wanting a tighter midfield experience. There's less space to operate in and the resistance is stronger.

- Even Tighter Positioning Option: An even more extreme version of the above, for those wanting a very dense and compact midfield, where space is hard to come by.

-Defensive Reaction Time Options: From slower to faster and also a unique 'varied' option which creates a much larger discrepancy between strong and weak off-ball players you can really lock in the reactions to suit your playing style.

- Increased Ball Freedom Option: This frees the ball up even more, making it more of a separate entity.

- Turn Intensity Options: This lets you refine movement even more.You now have multiple options that you can add into any movement base that will let you further customise the turning intensity of your players.

- Acceleration Build Options: You can also now refine how quickly your players will reach their peak acceleration levels. Again, letting you really customise how the game feels when you're playing.

+ many, many more!

As always, there are explanations for each option in every folder, making the whole process super easy for you to pick and choose.


What's Included?

As of 17/06/24 the 'Full Gameplay Package' includes the following:


- V21

- V21 - MEDIUM

- V21 - SLOW

- V21 - Default Movement and Animations

- Popular Old Version- V14

- Popular Old Version - Base D (Slowest Overall Gameplay)

- Popular Old Version - Base C (v13.75)

- Popular Old Version - V17 - Difficult

-Popular Old Version - V19

- Popular Old Version - V20 (all versions of V20)


- Alternate Referee Option NEW

- Positioning Tweak - Midfielders NEW

- Tighter Positioning Option NEW

- Even Tighter Positioning Option NEW

- More Pressing Option NEW

- Contain - More Intense Option NEW

- Contain - Less Intense Option NEW

- Contain - Default Option NEW

- Contain - V21 Isolation Option NEW

- Tackling Alternative Option NEW

- Tackling Default Option NEW

- Width V2 Option NEW

Positioning Alternative - Centre Compact Option NEW

-Positioning Alternative - Centre Compact Option + Positioning Tweak - Midfielders Combined Option NEW

- Narrow Option NEW

- Increased Field Friction V2 Option NEW

- Injury V2 Option NEW

- V20 Defence Option NEW

- Varied Defensive Reactions Option NEW

- Faster Defensive Reactions Option NEW

- Slower Defensive Reactions Option NEW

- Extra Slow Defensive Reactions Option NEW

- Touch Error Alternative - Default NEW

- Touch Error Alternative - Subtle NEW

- Touch Error Alternative - Mid Subtle NEW

- Touch Error Alternative - Mid Strong NEW

- Touch Error Alternative - Strong NEW

- Touch Error Alternative - Swing NEW

- CPU Alternative Option

- Physicality Option

- Marking Distance Option

- Injury Option

- Faster Marking Option

- Slower Marking Option

- V19 CPU Behaviour Option

- V19 Positioning Option

- Dribble Bounce Reduction Option

-Subtle Passing Errors Option

-Strong Passing Errors Option

- 'Pressing Variation' option

- 'Pressing Fatigue System' option (regular, strong and extreme)

- Shooting Errors option

- Attacking Adjustment 3 (lower overall attacking runs and movement)

- V18 Positioning and Pressing option

-V18 Dribble Errors option

- V21 Goalkeepers Isolation option

-V18 Goalkeepers option

- Default Pressing Option

- Default Fatigue Option

- Default Physics Option

- Large ball size option

- Ball Physics Alternative Option- More Curve + larger ball size

-V17 Fouls option

- V20 Fouls Isolation

- 'Looser' First Touch and Dribbling Option

- 'Touch Control Option

- Passing Error System Option

- Alternative Positioning Option

- Alternative Positioning Option 2 (V16 positioning, but with back 5 fix)

- Attacking Adjustment Option

- Attacking Adjustment 2 (V15 and Prior)

- Default Pressing Option

- Default Ground Pass Distance Option (Slow, Medium and Regular)

- Less Blocks Option

-More Blocks Option

- Passing Speed Isolation Options (only if you want to mix and match)

- Vanilla Goalkeepers Option

- 'Vanilla Referee' Option

- Full-back Option

- Ball Physics Alternative Option - More Curve

- Increased Walk Speed Option - Regular Base Movement

- Increased Walk Speed Option - Medium Base Movement

- Increased Walk Speed Option - Slow Base Movement

- Slower Walk Speed Option - Slow Base Movement

- Slower Walk Speed Option - Medium Base Movement

- Slower Walk Speed Option - Regular Base Movement

- Increased Field Friction Option

- Width Option

- Heavy Switch Option


Remember guys - the mod is very stat based. You will see different behaviour, touches, dribbling, pressing, positioning etc based on WHO you are playing with or against. The learning curve is steeper than what you might be used to - stick with it and enjoy!

EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: PLEASE read the .txt file regarding MOD ORDER INSTALLATION for FMM. This crucial to ensuring you have the options working properly!


DON'T FORGET TO READ THE SETTINGS READ ME FILES ETC. If you don't read these files then you will not get the mod set-up as intended and it won't work properly.

Just a couple of important ones to remember especially:

- Your in-game ref needs to be set to 'very lenient' for V21 (unless you're using different referee options of course).

- 50/50 sliders and NORMAL in game pace.

Thanks everyone for your support as always - the gameplay wouldn't be anywhere close to where it is now without you guys!





Edit: I really need to stress guys the importance of READING the information in the download. I have refined a lot of the explanations in the folders, so please make sure you go through and read. I've done my best to summarise and I'm happy to answer any questions regarding those also. I know some things are complex, but it's the nature of the game. I've put in a massive effort to make things as easy to follow as possible, but I'm finding too many aren't taking the time to look for solutions within the 'Options' folder. A few points I wanted to stress: - I CLEARLY state that you will get the best defensive awareness/intensity on using the Slow/Medium versions of the mod. Speed and behaviour are unfortunately somewhat linked. It's the nature of it. They are still more than viable, but it's just something to be aware of when using them. - When you using slower or increased walk speed options, they MUST MATCH your V21 base. If you're using V21 Medium, then you MUST pair it with a medium variety of those options, otherwise you're using the option base movement. - '1v1': 'm not sure how many are familiar with the '1v1' defensive core mechanic brought in by EA since FIFA 20, but it has a big impact on the defensive side of the gameplay. I've spent countless hours counteracting this with various solutions over the last FOUR YEARS to improve the situation and there's a load of improvements here. It's nowhere near as bad as it was, but it's important to understand that at it's core that's the system EA is using. If you're not sure what it is and you want a detailed breakdown, DM me and I'm happy to go into it.


Hi Anth, does the mod work just the same in Euro 2024 mode as on Classic mode ? Also, are there any differences in the mod in TU16 vs TU15 ? I haven't wanted to update my game


Could you fix bench sizes for next release?

哈啤 哈啤

Hi Anth, now there is a problem, I am using Leverkusen in 3421 formation Frimpen is in RM position but after the start of the game he automatically runs to the left side of the pitch to make a run in the LM area, I hope you can improve this problem. There is also the fact that V21 is really great, but it becomes hard to defend, the CPU is just too strong with their turns, fakes and crosses. The interactions between players without the ball are a bit exaggerated, there is a bit too much wrestling and tangling especially between players without the ball who often wrestle and trip and look funny。


does the alternate CPU affect the AI of teammates in Player Career at all because I'm using this in that mode, and it just makes the opposition virtually unplayable compared to my team.


Hi, there’s no issue with the mod regarding left and right mids? Also, I noticed you left this comment about 15 minutes after signing up. If you’re coming from no gameplay mods or others then you need to give yourself time to learn the mod. The physical interactions are a great feature of the mod but you have to retrain how you approach the game a little bit. The learning curve is steeper and there are many more simulation elements in the gameplay then you might be used to. My advice - stick with it, give yourself more time with mod and then use the options to help customise your experience.


Hi, the CPU alternative only impacts the decision making process but it isn’t something that creates a handicap in your own team. If you’re not familiar with the 1v1 mechanic from fifa/fc since fifa 20 that may help you..