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This is a re-export to work with the latest #TU15.1 (Euro 2024)

Note: This was originally made for #TU14, so there may be some differences in how it plays, depending on EA's changes for #TU15.


V20 has landed!!!

This version sees even more key areas improved from the already super popular V19!

For a general run down of what's included in the mod please read here - https://www.patreon.com/anthjamesfc24gameplaylab/about

The key features of V20 are as follows:


This has been revisited and improved on!! This is an extremely tricky and stubborn area - but there have been significant enhancements now regarding the way the CPU plays to open up more attacking and defensive variety.

The CPU will now play more crosses and long balls - and attack in different ways! The CPU will be less aggressive in it's dribbling - but the scope is there for them to dribble, creating a really nice balance.


On the defensive side, the CPU is also now much harder to press. You can still effectively press, but the CPU won't be as easy to press

as in previous versions (stat dependent of course). The CPU will also be less aggressive

in it's dribbling from the back.

Note: This area of CPU behaviour is very complex - it's not a matter of changing a couple of values and that's it. To bring out particular behaviours requires many areas of gameplay all working together to encourage particular behaviour.

The variety is there, but it doesn't mean every team or player will play the same way - you will see different things based on a number of factors - please remember this!


This is a big area of improvement that opens up so many more outcomes when fighting

for the ball. Defenders are no longer guaranteed to take the ball off the attacker and this leads to a far deeper experience, where you have to consider your defensive and offensive approach a lot more. Offensive players are much better at resisting tackles and holding their own now - which allows your and the CPU to play in tighter spaces and to craft intricate plays. You will see some really nice interactions and new animations from this!


There has been improvements made to ensure that even when playing with 1-3 star rated teams,

that players will perform their defensive duties better. This is still very much stat dependent, but changes have been made to make these lower league games much more interesting battles.


There have also been small, various changes to improve and refine various behaviours and mechanics across the pitch - all to improve the overall experience.


There are 13 BRAND NEW options to go with the huge amount that are already included!

These include the highly recommended 'CPU Alternative', which brings about a CPU that will play a little more direct and to make decisions faster.

Also included is the 'Physicality Option' which takes the new physicality features of V20 a little further - creating an even bigger scope of outcomes when trying to win the ball.

The are also a number of new options allowing you really refine pressing, marking and defensive reactions to your own personal tastes.

The NEW options are:

- CPU Alternative Option NEW

- Physicality Option NEW

- Marking Distance Option NEW

- Injury Option NEW

- Faster Marking Option NEW

- Slower Marking Option NEW

- Slower Defensive Reaction Times Option NEW

- V19 CPU Behaviour Option NEW

- V19 Positioning Option NEW

- Dribble Bounce Reduction Option NEW

- Default Pressing Option NEW

- Default Fatigue Option NEW

- Default Physics Option NEW


As of 17/05/24 the 'Full Gameplay Package' includes the following:


- V20
- V20 - MEDIUM
- V20 - SLOW
- V20 - Default Movement and Animations
Popular Older Versions:
- V14 - Popular Old Version - Base D (Slowest Overall Gameplay)
- Popular Old Version - Base C (v13.75)
- Popular Old Version - V17 - Difficult
- Popular Old Version - V19


- CPU Alternative Option NEW

- Physicality Option NEW

- Marking Distance Option NEW

- Injury Option NEW

- Faster Marking Option NEW

- Slower Marking Option NEW

- Slower Defensive Reaction Times Option NEW

- V19 CPU Behaviour Option NEW

- V19 Positioning Option NEW

- Dribble Bounce Reduction Option NEW

- Default Pressing Option NEW

- Default Fatigue Option NEW

- Default Physics Option NEW

- Shooting Errors Option

- Subtle Passing Error System

- Strong Passing Error System

- 'Pressing Variation' option
- V19 Goalkeeper Option

- V18 Dribble Errors Option
- Less Blocks Option

- More Blocks Option

 - Full Back Option

- V18 Positioning and Pressing Option

- 'Pressing Fatigue System' option (regular, strong and extreme)

- Attacking Adjustment 3 (lower overall attacking runs and movement)
- Positioning Alternative - Tight
- 'Less Aggressive Dribbling' option
- 'Difficult Goalkeeper' option
- Large ball size option
- Ball Physics Alternative Option- More Curve + larger ball size
- V20 Fouls Isolation
- 'Looser' First Touch and Dribbling Option
- 'Touch Control Option - Passing Error System Option
- Alternative Positioning Option
- Alternative Positioning Option 2 (V16 positioning, but with back 5 fix)
- Anth's Goalkeepers Isolation Option
- Attacking Adjustment Option
- Attacking Adjustment 2 (V15 and Prior)
- Default Pressing Option
- Default Ground Pass Distance Option (Slow, Medium and Regular)
- Less Blocks Option
- Passing Speed Isolation Options (only if you want to mix and match)
- Vanilla Goalkeepers Option
- Vanilla Referee Option
- Ball Physics Alternative Option- More Curve
- Increased Walk Speed Option - Regular Base Movement
- Increased Walk Speed Option - Medium Base Movement
- Increased Walk Speed Option - Slow Base Movement
- Slower Walk Speed Option - Slow Base Movement
- Slower Walk Speed Option - Medium Base Movement
- Slower Walk Speed Option - Regular Base Movement
- Increased Field Friction Option
- Width Option
- Heavy Switch Option

As always, there are explanations for each option in every folder, making the whole process super easy for you to pick and choose.


Please be sure to read everything in the files guys - I make it super easy but you must read it all!

Remember especially - Sliders 50/50, Normal IN-GAME pace and 'Very Lenient' referee in game.


PLEASE REMEMBER - every aspect of my mod is made with 'realism' in mind. Nothing is designed in this mod to be 'arcade'.

There are MANY interpretations about what realism is!

The options are here to you can refine the gameplay and customise it to your liking.

There is no 'BEST' combination for everyone that makes the gameplay the MOST realistic.

Realism is interpretive - use what works best for your needs!


To be very clear also - you don't need to stack every possible option in order to have a full experience, these options are here for you to add or change this from whichever core AIO Standalone version you are using.

Thanks so much for your support everyone!

- Anth


Jean Philipp

yeah some of the additional error options (e.g. subtle passing error, and the touch control or looser first touch and dribbling options) need some tweaking as they're terribly erratic now.

Jean Philipp

Also not sure if this is a result of the changes to the game moreso than the mod, but the AI presses like CRAZY.


The passing error is working fine. The touch error aspect is getting reworked for V21. The game seems to have settled a lot now is playing much better on 15.1 again. Regarding pressing, use the default pressing option if it's too much for you.


This is like disney on ice, they are litteraly sliding..... and the card system? most stupidest thing ive ever seen, a clean tackle = Red card, 3 cards in 15 ingame mins, and NONE of em is from behind or any advantage situation...


Have you read the instructions? It pretty clearly says to set your referee to ‘very lenient’. There’s also a vanilla ref option. Regarding animations, let me guess…you’re coming from PES 2021? Great turning circle on that one isn’t there ;) If the game isn't for you then no worries at all, but the movement is clearly better than the default game. You can see how the movement works from the videos.Of course I can't create perfect foot planting. I'm not doing motion capture from here man. It's a pretty big improvement from what it was, it's going to be improved again for the nearly ready V21, and quite clearly I state everywhere that of course it isn't perfect. We need EA to provide a different animation system for that.


hey boss i keep trying to use the big ball test bcuz i applied the mods and i dont think they are working and when i apply the ball it says everything is good but when i get into a game the ball is normal


Hey man, do you have it in the correct order as in the instructions? Reverse order for gameplay etc. Send me a pic of your mod list and I can have a look.


how can i send the ss?


I tried the TU15.1 V20 yesterday and I'm not sure why but it feels so off compared to TU14 V20, which I loved. The ball physics and touches are weird, I tried the TU14 V20 pass speed option but still feels weird, like the pass starts at high speed, then abruptly slows down and rolls slowly to the player's feet. Regarding the touches, players like Kroos and Modric can't walk with the ball without sending it like a meter away, just walking, no sprint or controlled sprint pressed. I don't know if I should roll back to TU14, try some other standalone or what..

Lukáš Hemerle

my game is much faster than on your videos, cpu is passing fast like crazy, it doesnt feel like vanilla gameplay but its not right, idk if there is problem with my pc or if there is some compatibility problem with other mods


Hi Anth. First of all thank you for your hard work. What are your recommendations for the best midfield pressing and positioning? I'm playing your mod but still find it realtively easy to cross the midfield. It feels like once I get a pass to a player in the midfield, CPU seems to fold back away from the ball and give me a lot of space so it's easy for me to keep advancing.


UPDATE. I played a friendly with Germany and Kroos doesn't do the weird touches, so maybe it's a bug of my save file or something else.. I don't know, I'll start another career mode then🙄


Hey. There’s been some fluctuation from EA’s end around 15/15.1 but it’s settled down back to normal for me and many others in the last few days. I would say this is what you’re experiencing and it will settle also. Just give it a little time, delete your %appdata% / Local / Temp / FC24 folder too. I’m convinced even when offline, the game has got the ability to go into some strange turbo mode for a while, but it will settle back again. It can also slow the other way at times. For example just yesterday I got a comment in the chat saying 15/15.1 was playing super slowly. It’s strange, but definitely a thing I’ve encountered time to time.


Hey. There’s been some fluctuation from EA’s end around 15/15.1 but it’s settled down back to normal for me and many others in the last few days. I would say this is what you’re experiencing and it will settle also. Just give it a little time, delete your %appdata% / Local / Temp / FC24 folder too. I’m convinced even when offline, the game has got the ability to go into some strange turbo mode for a while, but it will settle back again. It can also slow the other way at times. For example just yesterday I got a comment in the chat saying 15/15.1 was playing super slowly. It’s strange, but definitely a thing I’ve encountered time to time.


Attacking Adjustment 3 (significantly less overall runs and move 'Looser' first touch and dribbling option #TU15.1 Anth's Strong Passing Error System #TU15.1 Ball Physics Option - More Curve #TU15.1 Increased Field Friction Option #TU15.1 More Blocks Option #TU15.1 Physicality Option #TU15.1 Faster Marking Option #TU15.1 Width Option #TU15.1 Anth James' Realistic Gameplay Mod - V20 #TU15.1


can we get a bit more detail in the READ me documents for the options. You don't give any details on what effect adding the option to the gameplay specifically does. You do mention that the option is similar to an option from a previous version but that's not much use for those who haven't played that version before.


I’ve made a real effort to explain everything in an easily digestible way. Rather than just saying what values I’ve changed, I try and explain what actually will change in your experience. I’ve had lots of feedback from people who have found it very easy to follow too. There’s a couple of options that are only there for people who have specifically requested them, but aren’t designed everyone, which is why I have worded those like that (‘Touch’ option, for example). I’ve changed how I’ve structured those options in V21, so hopefully that will help.


Your gameplay are nice but can we get adaptive difficulty off and a reduction in the aggression etc , esp players colliding and tackles , I also feel like passes are limited too much, there should be fluidity in passing , it hardly happens in real life to be playing with an elite team and be averaging below 80% pass success, also some defenders act like super humans even in small teams and then if there are good chances it should count , the goal misses are bit overdone . Thanks .


you assume that modding is easy and it will some day be like real football, it will NEVER , however he can get as close as possible,