Gameplay Mod - Installation Video Guide (Patreon)
Hey everyone!
This is just a quick installation video for those who have been asking for a guide on how to install my gameplay mod from scratch.
Please note that I first install the mod with the 'Huge Ball Test' which is included in your download. This is just to show you that the process has worked! You don't need to use this.
Make sure you follow the correct order of the mods when using options, as is shown in the video - with the base, AIO mod used as priority to the options. I know this is counter intuitive to the typical way mods are installed - but trust me, the gameplay mods work in the opposite way for some reason.
Also, it's fine to use my mod with any other type of mods - as long as they are NOT GAMEPLAY RELATED.
Finally, remember:
- NORMAL GAME SPEED. The Mod WILL NOT work properly if you play on Slow. NON-NEGOTIABLE
- 50/50 Sliders
Thanks everyone as well for all of your great feedback, V20 has been really well received!
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