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NOTE: This is a simple RE-EXPORT and RE-POST for #TU14

V19 has arrived!!!!

This version sees the refinement of many key areas of the gameplay! For a run down of the mod in general, or for settings/installation help please see the read me files in the download.

What’s new in V19:

- Goalkeepers have been dramatically improved from V18. They are especially much better at covering their near post now.

- Positioning, behaviour and team shape has been another a big focus in this version - as this is an area I'm always working on. A number of very important advancements have been made here, to both balance the pitch even more, tighten up the midfield and create a more natural, dynamic and realistic. experience. These particular changes are complex and difficult to explain, but if anyone is interested I'm happy to go into more detail about them!

- Important changes have been made to the base of movement to 'tighten' up and improve the feel of the game. This impacts dribbling, reaction times and overall fluidity and smoothness. It also impacts the CPU's ability to not be stripped of the ball as easily when being pressed.

- There have been a number of areas to improve the dribbling experience. The result is a much smoother experience when dribbling (don't expect default lightning speeds though - I've never been about that).

- Passing speeds have been slightly slowed down.

- Some more refinement in fouls and tackling.

- A shooting error system OPTION has been developed to create a deeper and more varied shooting experience for both user and the CPU (Full Gameplay Package only).

- A new 'Subtle Passing Error System' OPTION has been added (Full Gameplay Package only).

- Those in the 'Full Gameplay Package' will have more options than EVER, with some nice new additions included this version on top of the ones already listed (plus more coming soon - including a 'shooting variety option'


Remember guys - the mod is very stat based. You will see different behaviour, touches, dribbling, pressing, positioning etc based on WHO you are playing with or against. The learning curve is steeper than what you might be used to - stick with it and enjoy!

EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: Those who missed my last Patreon post - PLEASE read the .txt file regarding MOD ORDER INSTALLATION. This crucial to ensuring you have the options working properly!


As of 26/04/24 the 'Full Gameplay Package' includes the following:


- V19
- V19 - MEDIUM
- V19 - SLOW
- V19 - Default Movement and Animations
Popular Old Versions:
- V14 - Popular Old Version - Base D (Slowest Overall Gameplay)
- Popular Old Version - Base C (v13.75)
- Popular Old Version - V17 - Difficult


- Shooting Errors Option

- Subtle Passing Error System

- Strong Passing Error System

- 'Pressing Variation' option
- V19 Goalkeeper Option

- V18 Dribble Errors Option
- Less Blocks Option

- More Blocks Option

 - Full Back Option

- V18 Positioning and Pressing Option

- 'Pressing Fatigue System' option (regular, strong and extreme)

- Attacking Adjustment 3 (lower overall attacking runs and movement)
- Positioning Alternative - Tight
- 'Less Aggressive Dribbling' option
- 'Difficult Goalkeeper' option
- Large ball size option
- Ball Physics Alternative Option- More Curve + larger ball size
- V18 Fouls Isolation
- 'Looser' First Touch and Dribbling Option
- 'Touch Control Option - Passing Error System Option
- Alternative Positioning Option
- Alternative Positioning Option 2 (V16 positioning, but with back 5 fix)
- Anth's Goalkeepers Isolation Option
- Attacking Adjustment Option
- Attacking Adjustment 2 (V15 and Prior)
- Default Pressing Option
- Default Ground Pass Distance Option (Slow, Medium and Regular)
- Less Blocks Option
- Passing Speed Isolation Options (only if you want to mix and match)
- Vanilla Goalkeepers Option
- Vanilla Referee Option
- Ball Physics Alternative Option- More Curve
- Increased Walk Speed Option - Regular Base Movement
- Increased Walk Speed Option - Medium Base Movement
- Increased Walk Speed Option - Slow Base Movement
- Slower Walk Speed Option - Slow Base Movement
- Slower Walk Speed Option - Medium Base Movement
- Slower Walk Speed Option - Regular Base Movement
- Increased Field Friction Option
- Width Option
- Heavy Switch Option

There are descriptions, instructions in each folder, so you're not going in blind with the options - it's super easy!

Thanks everyone for your support - we wouldn't be where we are now with the gameplay with it!

V20 is in the works, including some fixes, options and of course new developments ;) Stay tuned!

- Anth


Patrick Luiz

I need support, I've tried everything and it doesn't work, I've already installed the fc24 from scratch, clean install, I've tried several orders, but it doesn't work, I need help


Can I also have access to the Discord? thanks